bonanza是什么意思 bonanza的中文翻译、读音、例句

bonanza是什么意思 bonanza的中文翻译、读音、例句

Bonanza 这个单词通常指的是意外的、意外的好运、意外的收获或意外的发现。此外,Bonanza 还可以指特别赚钱的事物或成功的时刻。以下是从四个方面更详细地解释 Bonanza 的含义。

1. 意外好运:Bonanza 可以用来描述一次大规模的、出乎意料的金矿、石油储量或其他资源的发现,给人们带来了意外的财富。


- The discovery of a new oil field is a real bonanza for the local economy.


- The gold rush of the 19th century was a bonanza for many prospectors.


2. 特别赚钱的事物:Bonanza 还可以形容某个特别赚钱的事物,比如一家公司的业务或一种投资。


- The new product line has been a real bonanza for the company, generating record profits.


- Investing in real estate can be a real bonanza if you know what you're doing.


3. 成功的时刻:Bonanza 也可以指在某个领域或某个时间内大获成功或大受欢迎的时刻。


- The 1980s were a bonanza for Hollywood movies, with countless classic films released during that decade.


- The opening ceremony of the Olympics was a bonanza of music, dance, and stunning visuals.


4. 意外的收获:Bonanza 也可以形容某个意想不到的收获或奖励。


- Winning the lottery was a real bonanza for John, who had been struggling to make ends meet.


- Discovering a rare book in the attic was a bonanza for the book collector, who had been searching for it for years.





1. The discovery of gold in the hills led to a bonanza for the miners.(在山区发现金矿,使矿工们获得了丰厚的财富。)

2. The oil bonanza gave rise to a rapid expansion of the local economy.(石油的大量开采促进了当地经济的迅速扩张。)

3. The city experienced a real estate bonanza in the 1990s.(这个城市在xx年代经历了房地产的繁荣期。)




例句:It's a Q-rating bonanza, as these two couldn't be more perfectly matched. (这是一起举世瞩目的大喜事 因为他们俩实在是天作之合)


例句:But in Caithness, local businesses are gearing up for a bonanza. (但是,凯斯内斯的当地企业已经做好了准备要抓住这次发财的机会。)


例句:It's called the Bonanza Adit. It's down in a canyon. (它叫Bonanza Adit,是在峡谷底下的)


例句:When he told me, I felt my heart cease, then begin again, The Bonanza was just a few miles from me and dead ahead. (翻译:当他告诉我时,我觉得我的心中止跳动了,然后又重新开始嘣嘣跳。博南扎飞机只距离我和死亡挑战地几英里远。)


bonanza一般作为名词使用,如在rich bonanza(富矿体)等常见短语中出现较多。

rich bonanza富矿体


1. It's called the Bonanza Adit. It's down in a canyon. (翻译:它叫Bonanza Adit,是在峡谷底下的)

2. When he told me, I felt my heart cease, then begin again, The Bonanza was just a few miles from me and dead ahead. (翻译:当他告诉我时,我觉得我的心中止跳动了,然后又重新开始嘣嘣跳。博南扎飞机只距离我和死亡挑战地几英里远。)

3. They believe themselves to have found a bonanza, and the historical figures confirm this. (翻译:他们认为自己已经找到了摇钱树,历史数字可证实这一点。)

4. Fallen fruit provides a bonanza for creatures on the ground. (翻译:落果对地面生物来说 有如天上掉下来的礼物)

5. So this is a great bonanza for them... the body of a dead whale. (翻译:这就成了他们的补给站 {\3cH202020}So this is a great bonanza for them - 一头鲸鱼的尸体 {\3cH202020}the body of a dead whale.)

6. Sedimentary bauxite bonanza was formed in stable sedimentary environment with unsolvable medium of sediments under acid condition. (翻译:沉积铝土富矿资源形成于酸度较强而沉积物又不被介质溶解的平静稳定的沉积环境。)

7. These crickets become cannibals. All too soon, the bonanza brought by the rain is over, and the quelea head off in search of the next rare downpour. (翻译:那些蟋蟀开始肢解自己的同类 {\3cH202020}These crickets become cannibals. 奎利亚雀们出发去寻找下一场罕见的大雨 {\3cH202020}and the quelea head off in search of the next rare downpour.)

8. We use the boulder and we turn it into an extreme sports bonanza. (翻译:我们利用大卵石并把它们变为一项搬运的极限运动。)

9. The royal wedding caps a year that has so far been a true bonanza for Anglophiles. (翻译:皇室婚礼给崇英派们带来的整整xx年的货真价实的财富。)

10. Say, man, this place looks like Bonanza. (翻译:我说 伙计 这地方看上去像个发财的好地方)

11. And break it out, and walk off with it for a hundred yards? " demanded Matthewson, a Bonanza king, he of the seven hundred vaunt. " (翻译:“能拉得动,并且走一百码吗?”吹说自己的狗能拉七百磅的家伙,博内扎的一个金矿大王,马修斯追问。)

12. (Or wherever the Bonanza happened to be. ) So I called the air traffic controller and asked where the Bonanza was. (翻译:于是我就给空中交通控制打了电话,问那驾Bonanza在什么地方。)

13. He said the changes risked creating a bonanza for common-law lawyers and a growth in US - style employment litigation. (翻译:他表示,这次改革会产生风险,使普通法律师大发横财,美国式的劳动诉讼可能会增加。)

14. It's called the Bonanza Adit. It's down in a canyon. (翻译:它叫Bonanza Adit,是在峡谷底下的 )

15. Down here in the darkness this meal is a rare bonanza. (翻译:Down here in the darkness, this meal is a rare bonanza. 在黑暗的深渊 这可是难得的大餐)

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