satellites是什么意思 satellites的中文翻译、读音、例句

satellites是什么意思 satellites的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 意义: “Satellites”指的是人造卫星,它们被用于进行通讯、导航、天气预报、气候监测、地理测量等领域的研究和应用。


- Satellite technology has revolutionized the way we communicate around the world.


- The satellite images showed that the typhoon was heading towards the coast of Japan.


2. 缩写:在某些情况下,这个单词可以作为缩写使用,如参加SAT考试的学生经常使用的“SAT”(Scholastic Assessment Test)。


- She has been preparing for the SAT for months, hoping to get a high score.


- If you want to study at this university, you will need to submit your SAT scores along with your application.


3. 形容词:有时候,“satellite”这个单词也可以用作形容词,表示“卫星的”。


- The satellite dish on the roof of the house was used to receive TV signals.


- The astronauts installed a new satellite system on the space station.


4. 同义词:在某些情况下,“satellites”可以与其他单词互换,如“orbiters”(轨道器)或“spacecraft”(航天器)。


- The orbiter is scheduled to launch in two weeks and will map the surface of Mars.


- The spacecraft is equipped with a variety of sensors to gather data on the Earth's atmosphere.


5. 影响:卫星技术对于人类社会的发展产生了深远的影响,包括改变了通讯方式、提高了军事战略能力、促进了经济发展等等。


- The launch of the first satellite in 1957 marked the beginning of a new era in space exploration.


- Satellite imagery is now used to monitor environmental disasters and assess their impact.





1. The satellites orbiting the earth provide valuable information for weather forecasting.(环绕地球的卫星为天气预报提供宝贵的信息。)

2. GPS uses satellites to pinpoint your location with great accuracy.(GPS利用卫星精准定位您的位置。)

3. The country launched a new communication satellite into orbit last month.(该国上个月发射了一颗新的通信卫星进入轨道。)




例句:But these satellites were designed for weather, not climate. (但是这些卫星是为天气服务的, 而不是气候。)


例句:Zeus satellites 2, 3, 5, and 6 are locked on target. (﹝吹矫琍235㎝6 砆玛﹚ヘ夹猭瓣)


例句:The entire East coast.. the satellites are down. (整个东海岸 卫星都沦陷了 The entire East coast.. the satellites are down.)


例句:But these satellites that we rely on day in and day out have a finite life. (翻译:但是我们日夜依赖的 这些卫星, 它们的寿命是有限的。)


satellites一般作为名词使用,如在dynamics of satellites([航] 卫星动力学)、environmental satellites(环境卫星系列)、fixed satellites([网络] 地球同步卫星)等常见短语中出现较多。

dynamics of satellites[航] 卫星动力学
environmental satellites环境卫星系列
fixed satellites[网络] 地球同步卫星
Galilean satellites伽里略卫星
geodetic satellites测地卫星
jovian satellites木[星]卫[星]
mapping satellites测地卫星
meteorological satellites【航天工程技术】气象卫星 [亦作 weather satellite]
neptunian satellites海[王]卫


1. The entire East coast.. the satellites are down. (翻译:整个东海岸 卫星都沦陷了 The entire East coast.. the satellites are down.)

2. But these satellites that we rely on day in and day out have a finite life. (翻译:但是我们日夜依赖的 这些卫星, 它们的寿命是有限的。)

3. Most of the governments provide the data from the satellites for free online. (翻译:大部分政府都会将这些数据 免费公布在网上。)

4. That's equivalent to a constellation of 12 satellites at highest res capacity. (翻译:那相当于一个12个卫星的星座用最高清分辨率拍摄的数据量. )

5. None of the satellites appeared to be permanently damaged, says Mr Duhamel. (翻译:Duhamel先生称,并无卫星显示遭到永久损害。)

6. Satellites are a problem at both visible and invisible wavelengths. (翻译:卫星在可见光和不可见光的 波长范围中都是一个问题。)

7. Accessing satellites and plotting the last 12 months of thermo genic occurrences now. (翻译:现在开始访问卫星 Accessing satellites and plotting 绘制出过去12个月的热能事件 the last 12 months of thermogenic occurances now.)

8. The rocket launched two communications satellites. (翻译:火箭发射了两颗通信卫星。)

9. That's equivalent to a constellation of 12 satellites at highest res capacity. (翻译:那相当于一个12个卫星的星座用最高清分辨率拍摄的数据量.)

10. In February 2009 two satellites niskozemnata collide in orbit. (翻译:事实上 在xx年xx月 两颗低轨道卫星就发生了碰撞)

11. Do it from inside Operations, using Division's satellites. (翻译:- 什么 你必须用组织操作区的卫星信号 找到percy)

12. The satellites are to least two dozen ships. (翻译:浮标在我的右边在3点 卫星显示有24艘左右的飞船)

13. The EOS IDS Volcanology Team; EOS Satellites; Resources; Site Index (翻译:地球观测系统综合科学火山学小组;地球观测系统卫星;资源;站点索引)

14. satellites = vert /10 (翻译:satellites = vert / 10 )

15. Satellites even play a role in the operation of our financial and energy markets. (翻译:卫星甚至在我们的金融 与能源市场里也发挥着一定的作用。)



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