infantile是什么意思 infantile的中文翻译、读音、例句

infantile是什么意思 infantile的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释


2. 近义词


3. 反义词


4. 用法注意



1. His infantile behavior in the office makes it difficult for others to take him seriously. (他在办公室的幼稚行为让其他人很难认真对待他。)

2. The politician's infantile ideas have caused widespread criticism. (那位政治家幼稚的想法引起了广泛的批评。)

3. The comedian's humor appealed to his infantile audience. (这位喜剧演员的幽默感受到了小观众的喜爱。)

4. The doctor diagnosed her with infantile paralysis. (医生诊断她患有婴儿麻痹症。)

5. The infantile behavior of the football fans led to a ban on alcohol in the stadium. (足球迷的幼稚行为导致体育场禁止饮酒。)



1. His infantile behavior caused a lot of problems in the workplace.(他的幼稚行为在工作场所造成了很多问题。)

2. She threw a temper tantrum like an infantile child.(她像一个婴儿一样发脾气。)

3. The politician's infantile ideas were quickly dismissed by the public.(那位政治家的幼稚思想很快就被公众抛弃了。)

4. He still has infantile tendencies, even though he's already an adult.(他虽然已经是成年人了,但还是有一些儿童般的倾向。)

5. The teacher had to deal with the infantile behavior of her students.(老师必须应对她学生们的幼稚行为。)

6. His infantile jokes were not appreciated by his colleagues.(他的幼稚笑话并不受同事们的欣赏。)

7. The film was criticized for its infantile plot and characters.(这部电影因剧情和角色幼稚而受到了批评。)

8. Her infantile reactions to criticism showed that she needed to mature emotionally.(她对批评的婴儿般反应表明她需要在情感上成熟起来。)

9. He regretted his infantile behavior and promised to act more maturely in the future.(他对自己的幼稚行为感到后悔,并承诺在未来更加成熟。)


读音:yōu fèn tī


1. His behavior was infantile and immature. (他的行为幼稚不成熟。)

2. The movie was full of infantile humor that only kids would find funny. (这部电影充斥着婴儿式的幽默,只有孩子才会觉得好笑。)




例句:But it inevitably finds expression either in dreams or fears or infantile fantasies. (但它却无可避免地出现在梦里或恐惧里 亦或是在幼时的幻想里)


例句:You destroy a genius book with that infantile adaptation. (你毁掉了本还在改编初期的天才之作 You destroy a genius book with that infantile adaptation.)


例句:With Ribavirune, 654-2, Persantin Treating Infantile Autum Diarrhea: on Contrast Study of 78 Cases. (病毒唑,654 - 2,潘生丁治疗婴幼儿秋季腹泻78例疗效对比观察。)

4.幼儿的 、初期的

例句:- If men weren't so infantile about their women's history, we wouldn't lie. (翻译:-如果人不如此婴儿 ... 关于他们的妇女的历史, 我们将不躺。)


infantile一般作为形容词使用,如在infantile amnesia([医] 幼儿期遗忘)、infantile ancylostomiasis(小儿钩虫病)、infantile arteriosclerosis([医] 婴儿动脉硬化)等常见短语中出现较多。

infantile amnesia[医] 幼儿期遗忘
infantile ancylostomiasis小儿钩虫病
infantile arteriosclerosis[医] 婴儿动脉硬化
infantile ascariasis小儿蛔虫病
infantile asthma小儿哮喘
infantile atrophy[医] 婴儿萎缩[症], 消瘦
infantile autismn. 自闭症
infantile autisms自闭症(精神病学)
infantile behavior【行为学】幼稚行为


1. With Ribavirune, 654-2, Persantin Treating Infantile Autum Diarrhea: on Contrast Study of 78 Cases. (翻译:病毒唑,654 - 2,潘生丁治疗婴幼儿秋季腹泻78例疗效对比观察。)

2. - If men weren't so infantile about their women's history, we wouldn't lie. (翻译:-如果人不如此婴儿 ... 关于他们的妇女的历史, 我们将不躺。)

3. You must promise to abandon this act of yours, it's really nothing it's really quite infantile. (翻译:你必须答应放弃你的行为 它真的一无是处... ...它真的非常幼稚)

4. Advance medicine technologies, such as vaccine, protect us from infantile paralysis, smallpox, and phthisis. (翻译:先进的医疗技术,如注射疫苗,使人们远离过去的绝症,如小儿麻痹症、天花和肺结核。)

5. Objective:To explore the effect of golden bifid combined with smecta on infantile diarrhea. (翻译:目的:探讨金双歧联合思密达治疗小儿腹泻病的效果。)

6. Pearl was a Born outcast of the infantile world. An imp of evil, emblem and product of sin, she had no right among christened infants. (翻译:珠儿生来便是那婴孩天地的弃儿。她是一个邪恶的小妖精,是罪孽的标志和产物,无权跻身于受洗的婴孩之列。)

7. Clinical study on yuzhang decoction in treating 36 cases of infantile chronic aplastic anemia (翻译:愈障汤治疗儿童慢性再生障碍性贫血36例临床研究)

8. These three explanations of infantile amnesia are not mutually exclusive; indeed, they support each other. (翻译:对婴儿健忘症的这三种解释并不相斥;事实上,他们互相支持。)

9. Types of esotropia include infantile esotropia, accommodative esotropia, and sixth nerve palsy. (翻译:内斜视的类型包括小儿内斜视、调节性内斜视和第六脑神经麻痹性斜视。)

10. Infantile spasms in children this young are very serious and this approval provides these patients and their parents a treatment option. (翻译:儿童期的婴儿痉挛严重,这一批准使这些患者和其父母有了治疗上的选择。)

11. Is it a place where you can express your infantile wishes? (翻译:它是不是一个你可以表达你孩子气的地方呢?)

12. Objective To investigate the effectiveness of cryotherapy for infantile hemangioma. (翻译:目的探讨冷冻治疗小儿血管瘤的有效性。)

13. It's a wonderful, liberating break from that infantile, stultifying convention. (翻译:从那幼稚和愚蠢的公约中解放是美妙的。)

14. Sabril was designated as an orphan drug by the FDA for use in treating infantile spasms. (翻译:喜保宁被FDA指定为用于治疗婴儿痉挛的稀少药品。)

15. Very often, we do not completely outgrow that infantile notion that our wishes cause things to happen. (翻译:我们的愿望导致事情发生这样幼稚的想法,我们很多时候并没有成熟到能够摆脱。)

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