foyer是什么意思 foyer的中文翻译、读音、例句

foyer是什么意思 foyer的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词义:Foyer是一个名词,指的是进入建筑物的大厅或门厅。这个词也可以指戏院、舞台或演唱会场所的大厅,通常用作观众休息或社交活动的场所。

2. 用法:Foyer通常用于正式场合,如剧院、音乐会、博物馆等,作为欢迎观众的场所,或者作为演出前或中的休息场所。在日常生活中,这个词可能不常用,人们更可能简单地说“entrance hall”或“lobby”。

3. 发音和拼写:Foyer的发音为/fɔɪˈeɪ/,注意不要把它发成“foy-er”。拼写时要注意i和e的顺序,不要写成“foyer”或“foyer”。


1. The guests were welcomed in the foyer of the theater before the show began.


2. The museum's foyer is a beautiful space where visitors can relax and enjoy the exhibits.


3. After the first act, the audience gathered in the foyer for drinks and conversation.


4. The hotel's elegant foyer is decorated with marble floors and crystal chandeliers.


5. The playbill listed the start time for the performance as well as the time that the foyer would open for pre-show drinks.




1. Le foyer était décoré avec des fleurs et des tableaux. (门厅装饰着花和画。)

2. Le spectacle commence dans le foyer. (演出在门厅开始。)

3. Les invités se rassemblaient dans le foyer avant le dîner. (宾客在晚宴前聚集在门厅。)

4. Nous avons attendu notre ami dans le foyer de l'hôtel. (我们在酒店的门厅等待我们的朋友。)

5. Le foyer était bondé de gens à la fin du concert. (演出结束后,门厅里挤满了人。)

6. Nous avons pris une photo de groupe dans le foyer. (我们在门厅里拍了一张合影。)

7. Le clochard dormait dans le foyer de la gare. (流浪汉在火车站的门厅里睡觉。)

8. Les annonces étaient diffusées dans le foyer du théâtre. (剧院的门厅里播放公告。)

9. Le foyer était entièrement rénové l'année dernière. (门厅去年进行了全面改造。)




1. The foyer of the hotel was decorated with beautiful flowers.


2. Please wait for me in the foyer, I'll be right there.


3. The foyer is the first impression people have of your home.





例句:A person can enroll in the enjoyment HKCC foyer until two subjects; (一人同时报读两科享受八折优惠; )


例句:- Ladies and gentlemen... in just a few moments, Mrs Annie Banks-MacKenzie will be tossing her bouquet in the foyer. (-女士们 先生们 一会之后 安妮·班克斯 -麦肯兹夫人)


例句:And then this kind of twist, with this balcony and the skirt, kind of like a ballerina lifting her skirt to let you into the foyer. (而这个曲面,设置了阳台和裙楼 像个芭蕾舞演员撩起她的裙子让我进到门厅里 )


例句:Let's meet in the foyer of the Bijou Theater. (翻译:让我们在珠宝戏院的休息室会面。)


foyer一般作为名词使用,如在main foyer(大堂)、foyer de danse(舞坊)等常见短语中出现较多。

main foyer大堂
foyer de danse舞坊


1. And then this kind of twist, with this balcony and the skirt, kind of like a ballerina lifting her skirt to let you into the foyer. (翻译:而这个曲面,设置了阳台和裙楼 像个芭蕾舞演员撩起她的裙子让我进到门厅里 )

2. Let's meet in the foyer of the Bijou Theater. (翻译:让我们在珠宝戏院的休息室会面。)

3. If you'd have confessed to your sins on camera when our paths crossed in the foyer, I'd have probably edited this bit out. (翻译:如果我们当初在大厅遇到时 你就在镜头前承认自己的罪孽 我可能还会把这部分剪辑掉)

4. And then this kind of twist, with this balcony and the skirt, kind of like a ballerina lifting her skirt to let you into the foyer. (翻译:而这个曲面,设置了阳台和裙楼 像个芭蕾舞演员撩起她的裙子让我进到门厅里)

5. And we would look at this instrument sitting in the front foyer. (翻译:我们默默的坐在大厅前注视着这个通话工具。)

6. You know, if that's what you're asking, well... aren't there enough counts and countesses in that stack of cartes de visite in the foyer, just the way that Nini taught you? (翻译:你知道,你一直在问我 我并不知道详细情况 根本没办法告诉你们)

7. Take a look on that news has seen Badier be broken when defending finally by the other party's upper part of a leg for meals, time of foyer has treated directly. (翻译:看新闻看到巴蒂尔在最后防守时头被对方肘子打破了,直接回休息室治疗。)

8. Or, maybe the light switch in your foyer is just stashed behind too many precariously placed coats, and so you don't even go for it. (翻译:或者,也许是你门厅的电灯开关 就藏在太多随意丢放的衣服后面, 以致你都不想去够它。)

9. And we would look at this instrument sitting in the front foyer. (翻译:我们默默的坐在大厅前注视着这个通话工具。)

10. The ample foyer leads to a loggia with views of the hall below. (翻译:宽敞的门厅引领人们进入拥有下方大厅视野的凉廊。)

11. I went and waited in the foyer. (翻译:我去了,在门厅里等着。)

12. In the foyer of the great temple, there's a mural depicting three of Cao Dai's patron saints. (翻译:在宏伟庙宇的大厅里, 有幅壁画,描绘了高台教三圣。)

13. She said to meet her in 15 minutes, or she would set up camp in the foyer. (翻译:她说15分钟后和你见面,或者她会在大厅等待 She said to meet her in 15 minutes, or she would set up camp in the foyer.)

14. Upon entry to the foyer, guests will be greeted with the grandeur of towering marble columns, mosaic floors and a stunning coffered ceiling. (翻译:一进入大厅,迎面而来的是高大壮观的大理石柱子,马赛克地板和令人惊叹的格子天花。)

15. Vielleicht wie im Louvre. Wir suchen uns ein paar nackte Griechen aus, und dann verteilen wir sie uber das Foyer. (翻译:说不定我会去卢浮宫取几座希腊雕像陈列在这里)



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