mandy是什么意思 mandy的中文翻译、读音、例句

mandy是什么意思 mandy的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. Mandy的含义

- Mandy是女性名字,源自拉丁语的Amanda,意为“值得爱的人”。

- Mandy也可以是缩写词,比如“Messaging and Notification Delivery”(消息和通知传递)。


- Mandy is a popular name for girls born in the 1980s and 1990s.(Mandy是xx年代和xx年代出生的女孩常见的名字。)

- I think the abbreviation Mandy stands for something related to communication technology.(我认为Mandy这个缩写与通信技术有关。)

2. Mandy在流行文化中的形象

- Mandy在一些流行文化作品中是个流行的名字,比如电影《Mandy》(xx年)和歌曲《Mandy》(xx年)。

- Mandy Moore是一位美国女演员和歌手,也是一个广为人知的名字。她在电影《情书》(xx年)中饰演了一个角色。


- Have you watched the movie Mandy starring Nicolas Cage?(你看过尼古拉斯·凯奇主演的电影《Mandy》吗?)

- Mandy Moore has released a new album this year.(曼迪·摩尔今年发行了一张新专辑。)

3. Mandy在口语中的用法

- Mandy有时候也可以用来表示“周末”或者“放假”的意思,尤其在英式口语中经常使用。

- Mandy也可以用来表示“什么也不做”的状态。


- Are you free this Mandy? Let's go to the cinema.(你这周末有空吗?我们去看电影吧。)

- I just want to have a Mandy and relax at home.(我只想安安静静地在家休息一整天。)


1. He named his daughter Mandy after his favorite niece.(他以最喜欢的侄女为名给女儿取名叫Mandy。)

2. Please check your Mandy for any updates or messages.(请查看你的“消息和通知传递”系统是否有更新或消息。)

3. Mandy Patinkin is a renowned actor and singer on Broadway.(曼迪·帕廷金是百老汇上著名的演员和歌手。)

4. Let's have a Mandy and go hiking in the countryside.(让我们放假一天去乡下远足吧。)

5. She said she just wants to stay home and have a Mandy.(她说她只想呆在家里,什么也不做。)



例句:1. Mandy is my best friend, we have known each other since childhood. (曼迪是我最好的朋友,我们从小就认识。)

2. Mandy is a talented artist, she has won many awards for her paintings.(曼迪是一位有才华的艺术家,她的画作已经获得了许多奖项。)

3. I will always remember the day Mandy and I went on a road trip to the beach.(我会永远记得我和曼迪一起去海滩旅行的那天。)




例句:[ Mandy Narrating ] It was the most stimulating and reflective period... of our marriage. (布莱恩 为什么化这种妆 为什么 因为摇滚就是妓女)


例句:-Mandy's not here right now in case you... (- Mandy现在不在这儿 除非你...)


例句:That'll look great on my West Point application. Try Mandy's dad. (会让我的西点军校申请表有污点 你让Mandy爸帮忙吧)


例句:My name is mandy shultz.And i'll havyou know that my-- let me guess. (翻译:我叫Mandy Shultz 我想你应该还不知道 --)


mandy一般作为名词使用,如在mandy moore([人名]曼迪·摩尔)、mandy patinkin([人名]曼迪·帕廷金)、mandy's([网络] 曼迪斯;缦滴丝;妈咪于)等常见短语中出现较多。

mandy moore[人名]曼迪·摩尔
mandy patinkin[人名]曼迪·帕廷金
mandy's[网络] 曼迪斯;缦滴丝;妈咪于


1. That'll look great on my West Point application. Try Mandy's dad. (翻译:会让我的西点军校申请表有污点 你让Mandy爸帮忙吧)

2. My name is mandy shultz.And i'll havyou know that my-- let me guess. (翻译:我叫Mandy Shultz 我想你应该还不知道 --)

3. Why is Mandy Milkovich crying? (翻译:曼迪·米尔科威奇为什么哭了 {\3cH202020}Why is Mandy Milkovich crying?)

4. - You came with me to the banquet. (翻译:- What? - You came with me to the banquet. 曼迪 {\3cH202020}Mandy!)

5. Meatball sub's really their best thing. (翻译:你最好祈祷我不告诉Mandy 你又开怀大吃了)

6. So I get the fluff piece and Mandy Post gets the real story? (翻译:所以我得到没价值的信息 而曼蒂・珀斯特得到真的故事?)

7. Okay, Mandy, it's my pleasure... to introduce you to my brother, Danny. (翻译:好了 Mandy 很荣幸... 介绍你 我的弟弟 Danny)

8. Please turn on the computer, Mandy Image transmitting (翻译:Mandy, 请开电脑 我傅送画面给你看)

9. If you need help, ask Hung and Mandy for help. (翻译:如果有需要的话 可以叫阿红、Mandy帮手)

10. Mandy subtracted the date of birth from the date of death. (翻译:曼迪从死亡的日期减去了出生的日期。)

11. Seven more and I could move in with Mandy from Oxford. (翻译:再来七次我就可以搬去和牛津来的mandy一起住了。)

12. Mandy I know you were worried that your future life may be a little compromised. (翻译:Mandy 我知道你担心你未来的生活 会有一点妥协)

13. You are listening to University of Georgia oceanographer Mandy Joye. (翻译:您听到的是对乔治亚大学海洋学家曼迪•乔伊的采访。)

14. Do you say Mandy Gottlieb? (翻译:你是说曼迪戈说曼迪·戈特利布? )

15. Hold on! Mandy, ask all seniors to come up here. (翻译:男人婆,帮我叫所有 膊头上有花的立刻上来)

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