arpanet是什么意思 arpanet的中文翻译、读音、例句

arpanet是什么意思 arpanet的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:Arpanet的完整形式是“Advanced Research Projects Agency Network”,它的标志性特征之一是采用分散式的通信方式。




1. Arpanet的推出标志着互联网的诞生。

The launch of Arpanet marked the birth of the internet.

2. Arpanet是一个分布式的网络,其发展形成了今天的互联网架构。

Arpanet was a decentralized network whose developments formed the architecture of the internet today.

3. Arpanet的技术创新彻底改变了我们的生活方式。

The technological innovation of Arpanet completely changed our way of life.

4. Arpanet最初是为科学和军事目的而设计,而今它已经成为我们日常生活的重要组成部分。

Originally designed for scientific and military purposes, Arpanet has become an integral part of our daily lives today.

5. Arpanet的发展表明创新是推动进步的重要动力。

The development of Arpanet shows that innovation is a key driving force for progress.





1. The development of arpanet marked the beginning of the internet era.


2. Many of the technologies developed for arpanet laid the foundation for today's internet.





例句:They came up with an idea about networking computers, which became something called the ARPANET. (他们想出了一个将电脑联网的主意,之后阿尔巴网应运而生。)


例句:The Internet had its origins in a 1969 U.S. Defense Department computer network called ARPAnet, which stood for Advanced Research Project Agency. (互联网最早起源于xx年美国国防部的电脑网络,被称为阿帕网,它代表高级研究项目管理局。)


例句:So actually, in the early days, back when it was the ARPANET, there were actually times -- there was a particular time it failed completely because one single message processor actually got a bug in it. (事实上,在早期, 在阿帕网年代, 事实上确实有发生过一次整个网络完全宕掉了一段时间的情况, 原因是某个单一信息处理器 有问题。)


例句:One crucial thing was still missing before ARPANET could become the internet as it is known today. (翻译:阿帕网要成为现今众所周知的互联网,尚缺关键一环。)


1. So actually, in the early days, back when it was the ARPANET, there were actually times -- there was a particular time it failed completely because one single message processor actually got a bug in it. (翻译:事实上,在早期, 在阿帕网年代, 事实上确实有发生过一次整个网络完全宕掉了一段时间的情况, 原因是某个单一信息处理器 有问题。)

2. One crucial thing was still missing before ARPANET could become the internet as it is known today. (翻译:阿帕网要成为现今众所周知的互联网,尚缺关键一环。)

3. Defense Department computer network called ARPAnet, which stood for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. (翻译:国防部的计算机网络叫做 ARPAnet,指代高级研究计划署网络。)

4. So actually, in the early days, back when it was the ARPANET, there were actually times -- there was a particular time it failed completely because one single message processor actually got a bug in it. (翻译:事实上,在早期, 在阿帕网年代, 事实上确实有发生过一次整个网络完全宕掉了一段时间的情况, 原因是某个单一信息处理器 有问题。)

5. The moon landing, Woodstock, the birth of ARPANET, that led to Internet. (翻译:登月成功,伍德斯托克音乐节, Internet的前身ARPANET诞生)

6. With its truncated missive 40 years ago today, ARPANET became the world's first operational packet-switching network. (翻译:从今天来看,通过xx年前的该条被删节的信息,ARPANET网成为世界个首个运行的打包交换网络。)

7. Before the Web was born, there was simply the Internet, and before the Internet came ARPAnet. (翻译:在万维网出现之前,只有简单的Internet,而在Internet之前则只有ARPAnet。)

8. The same year, Arpanet ceased to exist. (翻译:同年,阿帕网停止使用了。)

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