modality是什么意思 modality的中文翻译、读音、例句

modality是什么意思 modality的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:Modality是一个广泛的语言学术语,可以指语言中表达说话者態度、意向、可信度、建议等的方式,这通常通过动词、情态助动词和句子语气来表达。

例如:In English, modality can be expressed through modal verbs such as "should" and "could".

2. 情态动词:Modality通常表现为情态动词,这些动词用来表示可能性、必要性、能力、怀疑和其他態度。

例如:"Could you help me carry these boxes?" "I might go to the party tonight."

3. 句子语气:Modality还可以通过句子语气表达,包括疑问句、陈述句、祈使句和感叹句等不同的语气。

例如:Why don't we go to the movies tonight? I believe that he is telling the truth.

4. 句子结构:Modality也可以通过句子结构来表达,例如通过虚拟语气、条件句和从句等来表示態度。

例如:If I were you, I would take the job. She wishes she had studied harder for the exam.

5. 对比:Modality可以与其他语言学概念进行对比,例如时态、语态和语气。

例如:The modality of a sentence can change the meaning of the entire phrase. The passive voice can also change the modality of a sentence.


1. Modality can be expressed through a variety of linguistic forms, such as modal verbs and sentence structure.

2. In English, modality is an important aspect of expressing attitudes and intentions in language.

3. The use of modality in language can convey subtle differences in meaning and tone.

4. Some languages, such as Chinese, may express modality through tone and intonation rather than through grammar and syntax.

5. A detailed understanding of modality can help language learners develop more nuanced and effective communication skills.




1. There are different modalities of learning, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.


2. The modality of treatment depends on the diagnosis and the patient's individual needs.





例句:MPCNL to upper uropathy stones has advantages of minimal invasion, less complication, quickly recovery, which is a better modality . (结论MPCNL是一种创伤少、恢复快、并发症少的治疗上尿路结石的方法。)


例句:They are researching a different modality of treatment for the disease. (他们正在研究这种疾病的另一种疗法。)


例句:For this reason, this modality plays a vital role in obstetrical imaging. (出于这个原因,这种方式中起着至关重要的作用产科成像。)


例句:The sentence-completing element(SCE)is the modality attached to the proposition structure of a sentence in modern Chinese. (翻译:“完句成分”是现代汉语句子中依附于命题结构的情态。)


modality一般作为名词使用,如在gustatory modality([网络] 味觉模态)、imaging modality([医]显像模式)、logic of modality(模态逻辑)等常见短语中出现较多。

gustatory modality[网络] 味觉模态
imaging modality[医]显像模式
logic of modality模态逻辑
modality of sensation[生理] 感觉型
multi modalityn. [统计] 多峰性
olfactory modality[网络] 嗅觉模态
response modality回应型式
sense modality感觉道
sensory modality感官种类, 知觉程序


1. For this reason, this modality plays a vital role in obstetrical imaging. (翻译:出于这个原因,这种方式中起着至关重要的作用产科成像。)

2. The sentence-completing element(SCE)is the modality attached to the proposition structure of a sentence in modern Chinese. (翻译:“完句成分”是现代汉语句子中依附于命题结构的情态。)

3. Additional studies in a larger number of patients are needed to determine the predictability of the treatment modality in longevity. (翻译:未来还须要更大量的治疗病例以确定这种治疗方法的长期可预测性。)

4. Positive human clinical data using genetic vaccine has proved that gen etic vaccine immunization is an effective clinical vaccine modality. (翻译:基因疫苗积极的临床结果证明了,基因免疫是一种有效的临床免疫模式。)

5. But the modality of attention, or what is happening today, what's happening tomorrow. (翻译:但是注意力的情态 或者说今天发生了什么,明天将发生什么。)

6. Leibniz observed the similarity and interchange between deontic modality and traditional modality. (翻译:莱布尼茨注意到道义模态和传统的模态之间的类似和转换。)

7. Conclusions: ESWT is a feasible treatment modality for tibia nonunion. (翻译:结论:ESWT是治疗胫骨不愈合可行的方法。)

8. Had IHD been optimized from the onset, the trial might have reported better survival with this modality than with CRRT. (翻译:如果从试验一开始IHD组就被优化,其报道的生存率与CRRT组相比可能更高。)

9. Objective: To investigate the clinical efficacy of Prolepses of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc by using combining modality therapy. (翻译:目的:探讨综合疗法治疗腰间盘突出症的临床疗效。)

10. Chinese characters' forming and evolvement take a long period, and the form was keeping changing, to put up the profuse vision modality. (翻译:汉字的形成、演变经历了一个漫长的过程,其形态也随之发生着适应性的变化,表现出丰富的视觉样式。)

11. Oh, um, well, I'm the creator and inventor of a new modality for mental health. (翻译:哦,嗯,好了,我的创造者和发明家 对心理健康的新模式。)

12. Ultrasound is an established modality for the evaluation of neuromas, particularly Morton' s neuromas. (翻译:超声是既定的模式为评价神经瘤,特别是莫顿的神经。)

13. The co-occurrence restrictions between modality and aspect markers can be explained unitarily in terms of the concept distinction between static and dynamic, and that between realis and irrealis. (翻译:“应该”的两种情态与体标记的互动关系可以用“静态”与“动态”、“现实”与“非现实”的概念对立得到统一的解释。)

14. Results According to the study on 13 kinds of Nervilia Fordii different breeds were different in leaf type, nerve, size of leaves, weight of leaves and other 10 modality ingredient; (翻译:结果通过对13个青天葵样品的形态性状进行调查分析,发现不同品种的青天葵在叶型,叶脉,叶片大小,叶重等形态学数据上存在差异; )

15. Modality has long been a major focus of interest for logicians , philosophers and linguists. (翻译:情态是许多逻辑学家、哲学家和语言学家长期以来一直感兴趣的研究问题之一。)



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