mis是什么意思 mis的中文翻译、读音、例句

mis是什么意思 mis的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:mis是一个英语词缀,通常表示错误或不正确的意思。

2. 词性:mis是一个前缀。

3. 常用场景:mis常用于形容词、动词、名词等词根前面,表示误解、错误、不适当、不准确等含义,常见的词有misunderstand(误解)、misuse(误用)、mislead(误导)、mistrust(不信任)、misfortune(不幸)等。

4. 词组搭配:有一些常用的词组搭配,如misconduct(不当行为)、miscommunication(误传)、mistreatment(虐待)、misalignment(错位)、misquote(误引)等。

5. 相关短语:一些和mis有关的短语包括:误解(misunderstanding)、错误的(misguided)、不准确的(misrepresented)、不恰当的(misplaced)等。

6. 发音拼写:mis的发音为/mɪs/,与“米斯”类似,在口语中很常见。拼写上注意不要把mis写成miss,因为miss是另一个单词的意思。



1. Misunderstanding led to a miscommunication between the two parties.(误解导致了双方之间的不良沟通。)

2. The misjudgment of the jury resulted in an innocent man being put behind bars.(陪审团的判断错误导致一名无辜者蒙受牢狱之灾。)

3. It was a misfortune that the wedding coincided with the funeral.(婚礼与葬礼撞了个正着,真是不幸。)

4. The company's mismanagement caused it to go bankrupt.(公司的经营不善导致了破产。)

5. The misalignment of the machine parts caused it to malfunction.(机器零件错位导致了故障。)

6. The misnomer of the product misled many customers.(产品名称不当导致很多顾客被误导。)

7. It's a mistake to think that success is only about hard work.(认为成功只与努力工作有关是一个错误。)

8. The misbehavior of the child was a result of neglect from their parents.(孩子的不良行为是由于父母的忽视。)

9. The misapplication of the law caused an innocent person to be punished.(法律的错误适用导致一名无辜者被惩罚。)



1. She made a mis take in her calculations.


2. I'm afraid I have mis sed the opportunity to buy that house.





例句:Hannah was the worst sister ever, and Ryan was about as bad as they come, okay, so Chet and the others, I didn't mean to ki... that was a mis... whatever. (汉娜是最坏的姐姐曾经, 和Ryan约 因为他们来那么糟糕,还好, 所以切特和其他人, 我不是故意的奇...)


例句:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Buenas noches, mis amigos. (晚上好,女士们,先生们。晚安,朋友们。)


例句:For all these reasons I believed - and I believe even more strongly today - in the unique and irreplaceable mis-sion of universities. (考虑到这些理由,我过去信仰,而今天甚至更加强烈地信仰大学独特的、无可取代的使命。)


例句:In total, 279 fatal and 374 nonfatal MIs occurred during the study period. (翻译:总计,研究期间出现了279次致死性和374次非致死性心肌梗死。)


mis一般作为名词使用,如在mis'(abbr. 管理资讯系统\nn. “mi”的复数\n[网络] 管理信息系统(Management information System);信息管理系统;企业管理信息系统)、mis administration(管理失当)、mis alignment(n. 不重合;未对准)等常见短语中出现较多。

mis'abbr. 管理资讯系统\nn. “mi”的复数\n[网络] 管理信息系统(Management information System);信息管理系统;企业管理信息系统
mis administration管理失当
mis alignmentn. 不重合;未对准
mis auditMiS稽核
mis capacitorsMiS 电容器
mis classificationn. [计] 误分类
mis knowledge[网络] 资管知识
mis transistor金属-绝缘物-半导体晶体管
Mis.abbr. 管理资讯系统\nn. “mi”的复数\n[网络] 管理信息系统;微创外科;桌面通讯显示


1. For all these reasons I believed - and I believe even more strongly today - in the unique and irreplaceable mis-sion of universities. (翻译:考虑到这些理由,我过去信仰,而今天甚至更加强烈地信仰大学独特的、无可取代的使命。)

2. In total, 279 fatal and 374 nonfatal MIs occurred during the study period. (翻译:总计,研究期间出现了279次致死性和374次非致死性心肌梗死。)

3. When the taxpayer is footing the bill for the mis-placed speculation of the bankers then suddenly instead of the economy serving the human being the human being is now in perpetual service to amoral financial organisations (翻译:当纳税人正在为银行家错误的投机付帐时 突然间 原本是经济服务人类 变成了人类为不道德的金融机构)

4. C'est pour ca que vous avez mis son nom sur le fronton. Alors que vous n'etiez pas obligee. (翻译:你在大门上放了他的名字,这个不会是被迫的)

5. I've heard that some robbers will rob our company through a mis connected line today (翻译:今天我修理电话,搭错了线 听到有贼要打劫公司)

6. Mis-givings gathered in his mind. (翻译:疑虑在他心中积聚。)

7. Godzilla, the A-bomb, Liz Taylor, Hitler, dead Indians, noisy washing machines, oil-slicks, but above all... (翻译:希特勒 战争 印第安人大屠杀 Hitler, la guerre, le massacre des Indiens, 洗衣机的噪音 le bruit des machines à lavée, 遇难的油轮 各种苦难 les pétroliers qui font naufrage, la misère!)

8. In the Frohlich illusion, the first position of a moving target is mis-localized in the direction of motion. (翻译:在里希幻想,第一位置的运动目标是错误的本地化的方向运动。)

9. NAC's UK bosses are no exception and have already mis-stepped at least once. (翻译:南汽英国公司的高管们也不例外,至少已经失足过一次。)

10. You put the kid in the hay? (翻译:你把那小孩藏在干草里 Tu as mis le gamin dans le foin?)

11. I'll stake my life, too. If you mis-predict another eclipse... (翻译:我也赌上吾之命 若是日蚀再次未被准确预测)

12. Not only that he failed to carry out all necessary tests prior to surgery, he mis-diagnosed pleurositis as pneumonia. (翻译:不仅是手术前不注意的义务怠慢 而且不顾及已引发癌性助膜炎 而误诊为肺炎)

13. And I think Andrew Lloyd Webber's a genius. (翻译:我不管你说什么. 我爱 Les Mis.)

14. And if you appreciate that number, you can easily see there is huge potential for mis-wiring of the brain. (翻译:如果你惊叹于这个数字 你不难看到 大脑中接错线的可能性极大 )

15. Is this just a form of mis-prediction that doesn't have consequences? (翻译:这只是一种 并不会有什么后果的错误的预测吗? )

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