niche是什么意思 niche的中文翻译、读音、例句

niche是什么意思 niche的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:fit into a niche(适应某一个市场或领域)

短语:find a niche(找到一个适合自己的领域或市场)



1. As a small business owner, it's important to find your niche.


2. She found her niche in the fashion industry.


3. This company specializes in niche products for a specific market.


4. The species have found a niche in this environment.


5. The book explores the niche market of craft beer.






1. Le marché des produits biologiques est un niche en pleine croissance. (有机产品市场是一个增长迅速的小众市场。)

2. Les startups doivent trouver leur niche sur le marché. (创业公司需要找到自己在市场上的小众领域。)

3. Cette entreprise est spécialisée dans la création de niches publicitaires. (这家公司专门从事广告小众领域的创新。)

4. Les produits de beauté bios ont trouvé leur niche auprès des consommateurs écologiques. (生态消费者中,有机美容产品找到了自己的市场。)

5. L'entreprise cherche à se développer sur des niches de marché inexploitées. (公司正在寻找未被开发的小众市场,以发展自身。)

6. Les blogs de voyage sont de plus en plus nombreux à se spécialiser dans des niches de voyageurs, comme les routards ou les voyageurs en solo. (越来越多的旅行博客专注于旅行者的小众领域,比如背包客或独自旅行者。)

7. Cette galerie d'art est spécialisée dans les niches anciennes et les objets d'art rares. (这家艺术画廊专门拍卖古董和稀有艺术品。)

8. Les magasins de produits bio se sont taillés une niche dans le marché de l'alimentation. (有机产品商店在食品市场上占有一席之地。)

9. La musique classique est considérée comme un genre de niche pour les passionnés. (古典音乐被认为是狂热爱好者的一种小众类型。)




1. This store specializes in a niche market of organic foods. (这家商店专门经营有机食品的小众市场。)

2. She found her niche in the field of graphic design. (她在平面设计领域找到了自己的专业领域。)

3. The company's success can be attributed to its ability to identify and cater to a specific niche. (该公司的成功归功于其能够识别和迎合特定的利基市场。)




例句:Or have they established their own sort of evolutionary niche that is independent of technology? (还是他们已经建立了自己的 某种不依赖技术的 进化生态位呢? )


例句:Periodically submit your best blog posts to the appropriate carnivals for your niche. (定期地将你最好的博文推荐到博文互享上去。)


例句:Investors may be looking for niche plays in the small and midcap areas. (投资者可能正在中小型股中寻找利基角色。)


例句:But it's going to have a big impact because we're going to have niche drugs. (翻译:这将会产生巨大影响, 因为我们将会拥有针对性药品, )


niche一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在ecologic niche(生态小生境)、ecological niche([动]生态位)、environmental niche(环境小生境)等常见短语中出现较多。

ecologic niche生态小生境
ecological niche[动]生态位
environmental niche环境小生境
enamel niche[医] 釉隙
feeding niche取食生态席位
food niche食物地位, 摄食生态位, 摄食生态席位
functional niche功能生态位, 功能生态席位
fundamental niche基础生态位
habitat niche栖域, 栖地生态[区]位, 生境地位, 生态地位


1. Investors may be looking for niche plays in the small and midcap areas. (翻译:投资者可能正在中小型股中寻找利基角色。)

2. But it's going to have a big impact because we're going to have niche drugs. (翻译:这将会产生巨大影响, 因为我们将会拥有针对性药品, )

3. Valerius Herma stood in rich robes inside a broad niche to the right. (翻译:瓦列留厄斯•赫尔马身穿华丽的袍子,站在右首宽敞的壁龛里。)

4. With these materials and with the aid of my trowel, I began vigorously to wall up the entrance of the niche. (翻译:我便用这些材料,再靠那把泥刀,一个劲地在壁龛入口处砌起一堵墙来。)

5. there'sprobablyno niche for the smaller dogs. (翻译:小型狗几乎没有适合它们的生存环境 犬类非常好斗和具有竞争性)

6. In the niche market for Gear Measuring Machines, Wenzel is one of the leading suppliers worldwide. (翻译:在齿轮测量这个专业领域,温泽集团位居世界第二。)

7. Simon Lane quickly found his niche as a busy freelance model maker. (翻译:西蒙·莱恩很快找到了合适的工作,成为了一名忙碌的自由职业模型工。)

8. Home plate is dug up to find a niche... in the Baseball Hall of Fame at Cooperstown. (翻译:在Coopertown的棒球名人堂 本垒被挖出来用来寻找利基)

9. I can only surmise that JBoss is concerning itself with increasing its niche platform portfolio. (翻译:我只能猜测JBoss正在考虑增加它的台产品数量。)

10. There's hardly a niche on Earth that hasn't been colonised. (翻译:地球上几乎每一处都已经被生命所占据。)

11. Mr Ansip cites Estonia's niche in windpower technology. (翻译:Ansip先生例举了爱沙尼亚的风能技术市场。)

12. The niche breadth of the 6 dominant chigger species is different with a wide niche overlap. (翻译:优势恙螨的生态位宽度差异与生态位重叠均明显。)

13. He found a niche in the cosmetics market and was able to offer deep discounts to the customers. (翻译:他在化妆品市场中找到了市场空间,能为客户提供折扣优惠。)

14. "The technique fills a unique niche," Majidi said. (翻译:马吉德说:“这项技术填补了一项空缺。” )

15. It's a niche, I have to say. (翻译:我不得不说,我现在从事的这个职业 是个非常好的商机。)



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