caterpillar是什么意思 caterpillar的中文翻译、读音、例句

caterpillar是什么意思 caterpillar的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:毛毛虫,是一种多足类的昆虫。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 词组搭配:

a. A caterpillar crawls slowly along the branch.(毛毛虫慢慢地沿着树枝爬)

b. The caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.(毛毛虫变成了蝴蝶)

4. 短语:

a. Caterpillar track(履带)

b. Caterpillar effect(战争中的履带车辆战斗效果)

5. 发音拼写:/ˈkætəpɪlər/


1. The caterpillar is slowly inching towards its destination.


2. The caterpillar has a voracious appetite and can devour an entire plant in a day.


3. The spines on the caterpillar's body are used to deter predators.


4. The construction site is full of caterpillar tracks as excavators move around.


5. The caterpillar effect played a crucial role in the outcome of the battle.




1. The children found a caterpillar crawling on the leaves.(孩子们发现一只毛毛虫在叶子上爬。)

2. The butterfly was once a caterpillar.(这只蝴蝶曾经是一只毛毛虫。)

3. The plant was infested with caterpillars.(这株植物被毛毛虫侵蚀了。)

4. The caterpillar is green with yellow spots.(这只毛毛虫是绿色的,有黄色的斑点。)

5. The caterpillar ate all the leaves of the plant.(这只毛毛虫吃光了这株植物的所有叶子。)

6. I found a cocoon on the tree, which means a caterpillar will soon turn into a butterfly.(我在树上发现了一个茧,这意味着一只毛毛虫马上就会变成蝴蝶。)

7. The caterpillar spun a silk thread to form a cocoon.(这只毛毛虫吐丝织成了一个茧。)

8. The caterpillar is an important part of the ecosystem.(毛毛虫是生态系统中重要的一部分。)

9. The caterpillar will eventually pupate and emerge as a butterfly.(毛毛虫最终会化蛹并变成蝴蝶。)

caterpillar 的中文翻译是毛虫,读音为/kætəˌpɪlər/。


1. The caterpillar will eventually turn into a butterfly.(毛虫最终会变成蝴蝶。)

2. The children were fascinated by the sight of the caterpillar crawling along the ground.(孩子们被毛虫沿着地面爬行的景象迷住了。)

3. The farmer sprayed pesticide on the plants to prevent caterpillars from eating the leaves.(农民在植物上喷洒杀虫剂以防止毛虫吃叶子。)




例句:We are to evaluate the readiness of the caterpillar drive. (我们测试履带式推进器 We are to evaluate the readiness of the caterpillar drive.)


例句:The green rice caterpillar(Naranga aenescens Moore)is one of the common rice pests. (双带夜蛾是水稻常见的害虫之一。)


caterpillar一般作为名词使用,如在fern caterpillar(蕨夜蛾幼虫)、lappet caterpillar([网络] 拉链毛毛虫)、pine caterpillar(松毛虫)等常见短语中出现较多。

fern caterpillar蕨夜蛾幼虫
lappet caterpillar[网络] 拉链毛毛虫
pine caterpillar松毛虫
processionary caterpillar列队毛虫
puss caterpillarun. 具盖绒蛾
saddleback caterpillar鞍背刺蛾毛虫
tea caterpillar茶毛虫
tent caterpillar天幕毛虫
tread caterpillarun. 履带;覆带


1. The entire staff of Caterpillar is coming at 11 :30, so excuse me for hesitating! (翻译:挖土机厂明早11,我出尔反尔)

2. Many time you do not have to inspect steeliness caterpillar band such likely, near distance inspection rubber caterpillar band's attrition. (翻译:很多时候你没有像检查钢制履带那样,近距离地检查橡胶履带的磨损。)

3. When the caterpillar dies, the virions are released to the outside, encased in a new protein globule synthesized from the caterpillar's tissues and ready to be picked up by other caterpillars. (翻译:当毛毛虫死亡时,病毒粒子被释放到外面,被包裹在由毛毛虫的组织合成的新的蛋白质小球中,并准备被其他毛毛虫吸收。)

4. Caterpillar, a maker of vehicles that dig, pull or plough, is shifting some of its excavator production from abroad to Texas. (翻译:生产挖掘、推拉机械的Caterpillar公司正把一些挖掘机从国外迁移到德克萨斯州。)

5. If he can get to the caterpillar, he can get to somewhere more vital. (翻译:弄坏履带的人 会做出更严重的破坏 If he can get to the caterpillar, he can get to somewhere more vital.)

6. Germans go on the road in convoy as soldiers like a caterpillar, we drag to the cemetery. (翻译:就像你告诉我的 丹尼尔 德国司机宁愿像士兵一样井然)

7. Once ingested by a caterpillar, the crystals dissolve, releasing the virus to infect the insect's cells. (翻译:一旦被毛虫摄入,晶体就会溶解,释放出病毒感染昆虫的细胞。)

8. "I don't see," said the Caterpillar. (翻译:“我不知道。”毛毛虫说。)

9. We will have to stop and repair the caterpillar unit. (翻译:舰长 我们必须停下来 修理履带系统 Captain, we will have to stop until we can repair the caterpillar unit.)

10. In India, Caterpillar is in fourth place in terms of the sales of diggers, loaders and other construction machines. (翻译:以挖掘机、装载机和其它工程机械的销量计算,卡特彼勒在印度市场排名第四。)

11. The caterpillar might well give you nightmares! (翻译:毛毛虫可能会引起你噩梦! )

12. Many time you do not have to inspect steeliness caterpillar band such likely, near distance inspection rubber caterpillar band's attrition. (翻译:很多时候你没有像检查钢制履带那样,近距离地检查橡胶履带的磨损。)

13. amebiasis cutis leishmaniasis cutis cysticercosis cutis serpigo stinging caterpillar (翻译:动物性皮肤病皮肤阿米巴病皮肤黑热病皮肤猪囊虫病)

14. She was cowering like a caterpillar waiting for the spring with every fiber of her body. (翻译:她就像蚕幼虫一样 卷缩着 只是全身心等待着春天来临)

15. Some of you might know his work "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." (翻译:在座的各位或许有听过 他的作品《饥饿的毛毛虫》, )

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