cyp是什么意思 cyp的中文翻译、读音、例句

cyp是什么意思 cyp的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义解析:'cyp'可以有不同的含义,比如:

- Cyproheptadine,一种抗组胺药物

- Cyprinidae,鲤科,一种淡水鱼类

- Cyprus,塞浦路斯,一个地区或国家的名称缩写

2. 读音解析:'cyp'的发音为/sɪp/或/saɪpiː/

3. 用法解析:'cyp'可以作为缩写词或缩略语使用,一般出现在科学、医学、地理等领域的文献或讨论中。

4. 例句:

- Cyproheptadine is commonly used to treat allergic reactions. (常用于治疗过敏反应的药物是Cyproheptadine。)

- Carp is a type of fish belonging to the family of Cyprinidae. (鲤鱼是属于鲤科的一种鱼。)

- The cypriot economy has been affected by the recent global pandemic. (近期的全球大流行病影响了塞浦路斯的经济。)

- CYP1A2 is an enzyme that is responsible for metabolizing various drugs in the liver. (CYP1A2是一种在肝脏中代谢多种药物的酶。)

- The Cypriot government has implemented new policies to attract foreign investment. (塞浦路斯政府已经实施了新的政策,以吸引外国投资。)

5. 补充说明:'cyp'这个缩写词或单词在根据具体的情境和语境来理解和使用。因此,在具体的学科领域中,可能会有不同的解释和含义。


读音:sài wài pèi qū


1. CYP酶在药物代谢中发挥着重要的作用。

2. 研究人员发现,CYP酶的功能异常可能与一些疾病的发生有关。


Chinese translation: CYP usually refers to cytochrome P450 enzymes, a class of enzymes involved in metabolism in living organisms.

Pronunciation: sài wài pèi qū

Example sentences:

1. CYP enzymes play an important role in drug metabolism.

2. Researchers have found that abnormalities in CYP enzyme function may be related to the development of some diseases.




例句:The results indicate that the activity of CYP2E1 is markedly inhibited by florfenicol. (提示,氟苯尼考对鲫鱼CYP2E1具有显著的抑制作用。)


例句:The Han nationality have the genotype polymorphism of cytochrome CYP2C19. (中国汉族人群细胞色素氧化酶CYP2C19表型存在多态性。)


例句:This study, for the first time, has investigated the effect of PXR haplotype on basal and St John's wort-induced CYP3A4 activity in humans. (本文首次研究了PXR单体型对人体基础的CYP3A4活性和贯叶连翘诱导的CYP3A4活性的影响。)


例句:For fluoxetine and paroxetine, dosage cutting is needed in case of coadministration with CYP2D6 substrates. (翻译:与治疗窗较窄的CYP2D 6底物合用时,应注意帕罗西汀和氟西汀的剂量调整。)





1. This study, for the first time, has investigated the effect of PXR haplotype on basal and St John's wort-induced CYP3A4 activity in humans. (翻译:本文首次研究了PXR单体型对人体基础的CYP3A4活性和贯叶连翘诱导的CYP3A4活性的影响。)

2. For fluoxetine and paroxetine, dosage cutting is needed in case of coadministration with CYP2D6 substrates. (翻译:与治疗窗较窄的CYP2D 6底物合用时,应注意帕罗西汀和氟西汀的剂量调整。)

3. CYP93G2 is related to the CYP93B subfamily, which consists of dicot flavone synthase II enzymes. (翻译:CYP93G2与CYP93B亚家族有亲缘关系,CYP93 B是由双子叶植物黄酮合酶ii组成的。)

4. A combined effect of polymorphism of CYP1A1 MspI and serum selenium level on the risk of lung cancer was suggested. (翻译:CYP1A1基因多态性与血清硒水平联合作用时明显提高肺癌发生的危险性,在肺癌发生中存在协同作用。)

5. Knocking CYP3A4 out of action means higher blood levels of these medications. (翻译:使CYP3A 4失效意味着这些药物更高的血液水平。)

6. Objective To investigate the genetic polymorphism of sartan drug metabolic enzyme CYP2C9 and angiotensin AT1 receptor in hypertensive patients. (翻译:目的本研究旨在观察沙坦类药物代谢酶CYP2C9和反应受体AT1的遗传多态性在高血压患者中的分布特征。)

7. Objective:To study the effect of cyproheptadine(CYP) on delayed neuronal death (DND)in hippocampus CA 1 sector neurons. (翻译:目的:赛庚啶对沙土鼠短暂性脑缺血后海马DND的影响。)

8. AIM to study the relation of CYP2C19 genotype to omeprazole metabolism in Chinese healthy subjects. (翻译:目的观察中国人CYP2C19基因型与奥美拉唑羟化代谢的关系。)

9. On the other hand, many commonly used drugs, including furafylline, fluvoxamine, quinolone antibacterial, agents verapamil, cimetidine and oral contraceptives, can inhibit CYP1A2 activity. (翻译:而许多临床常用的药物,如呋拉茶碱、氟伏沙明,喹诺酮类抗生素、维拉帕米、西米替丁和口服避孕药等,可抑制CYP1A2的活性。)

10. Oxidative stress after PH can not only impede hepatocellular proliferation, but also damage liver microsomal CYP450. (翻译:PH引起的氧化应激和炎症因子不仅阻碍肝细胞增殖,还可损伤肝微粒体CYP450酶。)

11. Knocking CYP3A4 out of action means higher blood levels of these medications. (翻译:使CYP3A4失效意味着这些药物更高的血液水平。)

12. This review is about the gene mutation and phenotype of CYP3A4. (翻译:本文对CYP3A4基因突变及其表型特征加以总结。)

13. CYP72A20 might be a pseudogene because we did not detect its transcript in all cases. (翻译:CYP72A20在所有的研究中都没有检测到,可能是一个假基因。)

14. Conclusion Sodium Ozagrel can induce the activity of CYP2D6. (翻译:结论奥扎格雷钠可诱导CYP2D6酶的活性。)

15. Fig. 3. Proposed sites of interaction between bergamottin and CYP3A4 (翻译:图.3。香柠檬素与细胞色素酶相互作用的活性部位。)

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