staunch是什么意思 staunch的中文翻译、读音、例句

staunch是什么意思 staunch的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:adj. 坚定的,忠诚的,可靠的;v. 止住(流血等),使坚定,支持,忠诚


词组搭配:staunch supporter(忠实支持者),staunch ally(坚定盟友)

短语:stand staunch(坚定立场)



1. He is a staunch believer in the power of education to effect social change.(他是教育为推动社会变革的坚定信仰者。)

2. She remained a staunch advocate for the environment throughout her career.(她在整个职业生涯中一直是环保的坚定倡导者。)

3. The company has a staunch commitment to quality control.(该公司一直致力于质量控制。)

4. His staunch defense of his friend earned him the admiration of many.(他对朋友的坚定支持使他受到许多人的钦佩。)

5. The doctor worked to staunch the bleeding while waiting for the ambulance to arrive.(医生在等待救护车到来的同时努力止住出血。)

6. The team's staunch determination to win the game paid off in the end.(团队坚定的决心最终得到了回报,赢得了比赛。)

7. Despite the criticism, she remained staunch in her beliefs.(尽管受到批评,她仍然坚定地相信自己的信仰。)





1. She has been a staunch supporter of the company since its inception.(她自公司成立以来一直是公司的忠实支持者。)

2. Despite facing many challenges, the team remained staunch in their pursuit of victory.(尽管面临许多挑战,该团队仍坚定地追求胜利。)

3. The politician's staunch conservative beliefs led him to oppose many progressive policies.(这位政治家的坚定保守信仰导致他反对许多进步政策。)




例句:With the publication of "Franny and Zooey, " even staunch Salinger admirers began to break ranks. (随着《弗兰妮和佐伊》的出版,甚至坚定的塞林格崇拜者也开始出现怀疑。)


例句:Given Mr. Ryder's staunch position on religion, don't you think he ought to know what he's getting into? (既然赖德先生的宗教立场如此坚定 不会不知道所处境况吧?)


例句:There's an evil on these seas that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear. (大海充满邪恶力量 就连最凶恶的海盗都会害怕)


例句:In fact, many people of Muslim heritage around the world are staunch opponents both of fundamentalism and of terrorism, and often for very good reason. (翻译:事实上,全世界许多穆斯林传统 的人们 都是原教旨主义和恐怖主义的 坚定反对者 并且有着非常好的理由 )


staunch一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在statutory staunch([网络] 法定的坚实)、staunch defender([网络] 拦路的强敌;坚定扞卫者)、staunch ship([网络] 坚固船)等常见短语中出现较多。

statutory staunch[网络] 法定的坚实
staunch defender[网络] 拦路的强敌;坚定扞卫者
staunch ship[网络] 坚固船


1. There's an evil on these seas that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear. (翻译:大海充满邪恶力量 就连最凶恶的海盗都会害怕)

2. In fact, many people of Muslim heritage around the world are staunch opponents both of fundamentalism and of terrorism, and often for very good reason. (翻译:事实上,全世界许多穆斯林传统 的人们 都是原教旨主义和恐怖主义的 坚定反对者 并且有着非常好的理由 )

3. A staunch conservative on monetary policy, Tiemeyer nonetheless has supported European integration. (翻译:提特迈尔在货币政策上是坚定的保守派,却支持欧洲统一。)

4. Both Mr. Aso and Ms. Koike are staunch Washington supporters. Last year, Ms. (翻译:麻生和小池都是华盛顿的坚定支持者。)

5. Being a staunch Federalist, he commenced to launch out against Jefferson and the policy of his administration. (翻译,他开始大肆谴责杰斐逊以及他执政时期的政策。)

6. Even Romania, once a staunch supporter of Nabucco, is wobbling. (翻译:即使是罗马尼亚这样过去Nabucco的坚实拥护者也开始动摇了。)

7. He's a staunch supporter of controls on government spending. (翻译:他是政府开支控制的坚定支持者。)

8. With the publication of "Franny and Zooey," even staunch Salinger admirers began to break ranks. (翻译:随着《弗兰妮和佐伊》的出版,甚至坚定的塞林格崇拜者也开始出现怀疑。)

9. The vice president will be joined by staunch supporters from virtually every corner of the defense establishment, including the Secretaries of Defense and State and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, longtime advisor Elizabeth Gaines. (翻译:副总统将会有坚定的支持者 来自国防领域的各个部门 包括国防部长和国务卿)

10. Hotaru, this beautiful name, this little light, this staunch girl, is resisting staunchly in the darkness. (翻译:萤,这个美丽的名字,这个微弱的亮光,这个坚强的女孩,在黑暗中顽强地抗争着。)

11. Qian was convinced that, as a staunch member of the CPC, his suggestions were all out of consideration for the party. (翻译:钱三强自认为自己就是一位忠诚的共产党员,是在为改进党风献计献策,纯属善意。)

12. The Hudood ordinance is a staunch reminder of the conditions of women rights in Pakistan. (翻译:乌度法坚定的提醒了妇女权益在巴基斯坦的情况。)

13. Say what robs you of your staunch heart, Gibbs, or forever leave it to the wider fields of fancy. (翻译:你在担心什么,吉布斯 不说就当你是胡说八道)

14. Henry Cabot Lodge, a New England patrician, was a staunch imperialist. (翻译:新英格兰贵族出身的亨利·卡伯特·洛奇则坚决拥护帝国主义。)

15. When talking about the cultural sources of American strength Mr. Friedman and Mr. Mandelbaum can sound like staunch Tea Party members. (翻译:当谈及美国国力的文化渊源时弗里德曼和曼德尔巴姆听起来更像是坚定的茶话会成员。)



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