1. 定义:exemptions指的是免除、豁免、豁免权等意思。在不同的领域中,exemptions的含义会有所不同,但都与豁免相关。
2. 用途:exemptions可以应用于不同的领域,比如税务、教育、军事、法律等等。一般来说,exemptions是指免除某些义务或责任的权利或法规。
3. 形式:exemptions的形式包括单词和缩写词两种。常见的缩写词包括ex, exp, exh等。
4. 适用范围:exemptions适用于各种领域,如税务中的免税、学校中的免修、军事中的免役、法律中的豁免等等。
5. 意义:exemptions意味着个人或组织可以免除特定责任或义务,但这通常需要受到特定条件和规定的限制和限制。
1. The government grants tax exemptions to individuals who donate to charity.(政府给那些向慈善机构捐赠的个人免税。)
2. Some countries have exemptions for military service for certain groups, like the religious. (一些国家有针对某些群体(如宗教者)的军役豁免条款。)
3. The university may offer exemptions for students who have taken certain courses in high school.(大学可能会针对高中修读过某些课程的学生提供免修。)
4. Some employees may be eligible for exemptions from certain labor laws.(一些雇员可能符合特定的劳工法免责条款。)
5. The court granted the defendant immunity based on the exemption clause in the law.(法庭根据法律中的豁免条款判被告人免受指控。)
1. The law provides several exemptions that allow individuals to avoid paying certain taxes.
2. Students with disabilities may receive exemptions or accommodations to help them succeed in school.
3. Some employees may be eligible for exemptions from overtime pay, depending on their job duties and salary level.
例句:Are there no reprieves, no exemptions for actors? (没有什么特赦之类的 一些有关演员的特别规定)
例句:When you give the biggest tax breaks and the best exemptions to rich people and to businesses in the name of job creation, all that happens is that the rich get richer. (当你给最大的税 休息和最好的豁免 对富人和企业 在创造就业机会的名义, 所发生的一切是 使富者愈富。)
例句:it abolished tax exemptions, serfdom , aristocratic titles and privileges and sought to establish a constitutional monarchy in Paris. (取消免税制、农奴制、贵族头衔和特权,试图在巴黎建立君主立宪制。)
例句:Swap dealers used to be able to qualify for exemptions to hedge their risk after they wrote a swap. (翻译:掉期交易商过去可以在签订了掉期合约后争取免税资格来规避风险。)
exemptions一般作为名词使用,如在personal exemptions([经] (所得税的)个人免税额)、surtax exemptions(un. 附加税减免)、traveller exemptions([经] 行商税宽免额)等常见短语中出现较多。
personal exemptions | [经] (所得税的)个人免税额 |
surtax exemptions | un. 附加税减免 |
traveller exemptions | [经] 行商税宽免额 |
multiple surtax exemptions | 多种附加税减免 |
therapeutic use exemptions | [网络] 治疗用药豁免 |
1. it abolished tax exemptions, serfdom , aristocratic titles and privileges and sought to establish a constitutional monarchy in Paris. (翻译:取消免税制、农奴制、贵族头衔和特权,试图在巴黎建立君主立宪制。)
2. Swap dealers used to be able to qualify for exemptions to hedge their risk after they wrote a swap. (翻译:掉期交易商过去可以在签订了掉期合约后争取免税资格来规避风险。)
3. Now you may have seen in the news recently, they came through with us at the end of last month with a few special exemptions that will allow the Transition to be sold in the same category as SUVs and light trucks. (翻译:最近的新闻也许能看到 大概是上个月底 我们获得了几项豁免 陆空两用飞车可以在 运动休旅车和小型货车的分类下上市销售 )
4. Today I can hunt for tax exemptions. (翻译:Today I can hunt for tax exemptions. 我再也不用当一个孤独的猎人。如今我可以狩猎税收。)
5. The exemptions written into the law allow too many Jews to remain among us. (翻译:法律中有关豁免权的条款将会容许 大量犹太人留在我们中间)
6. I haven't seen them name any significant exemptions they would end. (翻译:我本人没有看到他们列出任何他们希望终止的重大免税项目。)
7. No rules, no exemptions. Just Peter deciding to drop by. That's all. (翻译:没那么多条条框框 Peter顺路过来看看 仅此而已)
8. They go, too, into the old-age ghettos or we will be drowning in requests for exemptions and interventions. (翻译:他们也会被送到老年犹太区去 要不我们会被大量的声讨淹没的)
9. I would, uh offer tax exemptions to first year start-ups. (翻译:我会 呃... 为第xx年新开始的企业免税)
10. When we try to find out the impact of factory farms and animal agriculture is put in the environment, they try to claim exemptions to this information under national security terms or public safety, trade mark issues, business secrets. (翻译:当我们尝试找出 工厂化养殖场的影响 而畜牧业是 放的环境中, 他们试图要求豁免 此信息)
11. He said mooted exemptions for foreign exchange trades from the OTC market reforms being considered by US Congress would not be adopted. (翻译:弗兰克表示,有关从国会正在考虑的OTC市场改革措施中豁免外汇交易的提议,不会被采纳。)
12. Everyone with exemptions will pick up their luggage and return to their quarters. (翻译:所有免于遣送的 带上你们的行李 回自己的住处)
13. As we will see, most of the complexities of hedge fund structures result from the need to benefit from regulatory exemptions and/or to cater to the needs of specific taxable or nontaxable investors. (翻译:我们将看到大多数对冲基金的结构复杂是源于需要少受监管和/或满足特殊税务或免税的投资者的需求。)
14. The proposal includes some exemptions for parts of existing buildings, but any new construction or renovations would have to comply. (翻译:该提案会豁免部分现存的建筑,但所有的新建筑和修缮过的建筑必须符合该提案的要求。)
15. Now you may have seen in the news recently, they came through with us at the end of last month with a few special exemptions that will allow the Transition to be sold in the same category as SUVs and light trucks. (翻译:最近的新闻也许能看到 大概是上个月底 我们获得了几项豁免 陆空两用飞车可以在 运动休旅车和小型货车的分类下上市销售)