reared是什么意思 reared的中文翻译、读音、例句

reared是什么意思 reared的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性及含义:


2. 用法:


3. 搭配:

'Reared'可以和许多不同的词搭配使用,比如child, animal, plant等等。

4. 近义词:

'Reared'的近义词包括raise, nurture, bring up等等。


1. The child was reared by her grandmother after her parents died.


2. They reared several chickens in their backyard.


3. The plant was reared in a greenhouse before being planted in the garden.


4. He was reared in poverty but became a successful businessman.


5. The horse was reared up in fear when it saw the snake.





1. I was reared on a farm in the countryside.(我是在乡下的一个农场里长大的。)

2. She reared four children on her own after her husband passed away.(在丈夫去世之后,她独自抚养了四个孩子。)

3. The company has reared over 5000 pigs this year.(这家公司今年已经饲养了5000头猪。)




例句:When I was 17 years of age, I was born and reared on a farm in North Carolina. (我xx岁的时候, 住在家里,北卡罗来纳州的一个农场。)


例句:After all, milk and eggs are very efficient ways of producing animal calories, second only to factory-reared broiler chickens. (毕竟奶和蛋是产生热量的非常有效的方式,仅次于工厂化饲养的肉鸡。)


例句:Chicks reared under natural light are frequently debeaked at 1 day of age or a few days after delivery to the brooder. (在天然光线下饲养的小鸡,经常是在xx日龄时或在进入育雏室后几天内断喙。)


例句:The researchers captured 18 nestlings and then hand-reared and observed them for two years. (翻译:研究小组捕捉了18只未离巢的雏鸟,并亲自孵育它们,观察它们两年。)


reared一般作为名词使用,如在reared torque(后轴扭矩)、reared up(暴跳)等常见短语中出现较多。

reared torque后轴扭矩
reared up暴跳


1. Chicks reared under natural light are frequently debeaked at 1 day of age or a few days after delivery to the brooder. (翻译:在天然光线下饲养的小鸡,经常是在xx日龄时或在进入育雏室后几天内断喙。)

2. The researchers captured 18 nestlings and then hand-reared and observed them for two years. (翻译:研究小组捕捉了18只未离巢的雏鸟,并亲自孵育它们,观察它们两年。)

3. To investigate, scientists reared more than 100 nestling garden warblers and Sardinian warblers . (翻译:为了进行调查,科学家饲养了100多只园莺和撒丁岛莺的雏鸟。)

4. And the brain actually is at the mercy of the sound environment in which it is reared. (翻译:而大脑其实完全受制于 其生长环境的声音。)

5. Conclusion to add fish meal into larval diet could affect emergence rate in the later generations of the blowfly when continuously reared. (翻译:结论幼虫饲料添加鱼粉对丝光绿蝇室内连续饲养羽化率的影响主要表现在饲养后期,而在饲养初期无显著性影响。)

6. And the brain actually is at the mercy of the sound environment in which it is reared. (翻译:而大脑其实完全受制于 其生长环境的声音。)

7. But worst for both of us was not knowing what had happened to Mirah, fearing that she had been reared in evil. (翻译:最糟的是 米拉依旧生死未卜 我们担心她被教坏)

8. Objective To study the hatching process of the reared population of Lucilia sericata. (翻译:目的观察丝光绿蝇室内种群的孵化特征。)

9. Carposina sasakii Matsumura of apple (as control), haw and apricot were reared on apple, and their diapause responses are measured at different light treatment. (翻译:将其幼虫饲养在苹果上,给予不同的光照处理,测定它们在不同光照下的滞育反应。)

10. Other captive-reared beetles have been reintroduced on the island of Nantucket, off the northeastern U. S. coast. (翻译:其它圈养的甲虫被重新引入美国海岸东北面的南塔克特岛。)

11. When I was 17 years of age, I was born and reared on a farm in North Carolina. (翻译:我xx岁的时候, 住在家里,北卡罗来纳州的一个农场。)

12. in reared, his works are eagerly bought up by all the purchasers of scarce books. The learned societies invite HIM to become a member. (翻译:现在,伟人成熟了,他的作品被所有喜欢收藏珍本的人争相购买,各种学习,各种学术团体竞相邀请他参加。)

13. "We brought her into the shed where she was reared and put air conditioners on her," according to Mrs Westgarth. (翻译:“我们把她放在她长大的羊圈里,帮她装了空调,”Westgarth太太说。)

14. Three pomegranates from Lauderdale's gardener... reared in English soil under an English sun. (翻译:罗德公园里三只特别的血橙 在英格兰的阳光下 英格兰的土壤里长出来的)

15. Mice reared in a standard cage, by contrast, not dissimilar, you might say, from a prison cell, have dramatically lower levels of new neurons in the brain. (翻译:正相反,那些养在普通笼子里的老鼠们, 你可能会说,这跟在监狱里没什么区别, 它们大脑里产生的新的脑细胞却要 少得多。)



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