fullest是什么意思 fullest的中文翻译、读音、例句

fullest是什么意思 fullest的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:

fullest 是一个形容词,表示“最完全的”、“最充分的”、“最全面的”等含义。

2. 词义:

fullest 的主要意思是指达到最大或最高点的状态,也可以表示做某件事情时尽可能充分地完成。

3. 用法:

fullest 通常用来修饰名词或其他形容词,表达这些事物已经达到最完全的状态。

4. 同义词:

一些与 fullest 意思相近的单词有:complete、comprehensive、thorough、sufficient、adequate。

5. 搭配:

fullest 的常见搭配有:to the fullest extent、at fullest capacity、with fullest knowledge、fullest potential、fullest attention。

Example sentences:

1. I want to live my life to the fullest and experience all that the world has to offer.

2. The team performed to the fullest of their abilities and won the championship.

3. The project was completed with the fullest attention to detail and quality.

4. She gave her fullest support to his decision to start his own business.

5. He reached his fullest potential as an athlete after years of training and hard work.




1. We should make the fullest use of our time to learn as much as we can.


2. He lived his life to the fullest, never wasting a moment.


3. Let us work together to achieve the fullest potential of our team.





例句:Yow will be more positive and more powerful! Use your imagination to its fullest ability! (你将变得更积极,更强大!尽最大能力地发挥你的想象力吧!)


例句:Ready to live your life to its fullest potential? Start the four steps by becoming still. . . (做好充分生活的准备了吗?这四个步骤从静默开始…)


例句:He can only live them to the fullest in this world or in the Twilight Zone. (他只能住他们发挥到淋漓尽致 在这个世界上还是在暮色区域。)


fullest一般作为名词使用,如在to the fullest([网络] 充分地;尽情地;最充分地)等常见短语中出现较多。

to the fullest[网络] 充分地;尽情地;最充分地


1. He can only live them to the fullest in this world or in the Twilight Zone. (翻译:他只能住他们发挥到淋漓尽致 在这个世界上还是在暮色区域。)

2. He taught us that the richest and fullest lives attempt to achieve an inner balance between three realms: work, love and play. (翻译:他教育我们说最丰富而又充实的生命 在于达到3个方面的平衡 工作,爱情和娱乐)

3. Science, or what Hobbes simply calls by the name "reason", is simply the fullest expression of human artfulness. (翻译:科学,或是霍布斯把它称作的“理性”,正是人类艺术性的完整表达。)

4. He arrived himself. . . to give her the fullest conviction, by the power of actual comparison, of her preferring his younger brother. (翻译:他本人回来了…现在她经过实际的比较,完全相信她更喜欢他的弟弟。)

5. I will make sure that you are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for this crime. (翻译:让你为你犯下的事 受到法律允许的最大程度的惩罚)

6. I see everyday as the day that my life could be easily taken away, so I try to live my life to the fullest. (翻译:我把每一天都看作是我的生命可以轻易地被夺走的日子,所以我努力充实我的生活。)

7. But we'd begun a dialogue that I felt was necessary to explore to its fullest. (翻译:们开始了一个对话, 我认为,有必要由此来探索所有的可能性。)

8. Only then, our country shall have its fullest speed of development and become a real happy and felicific socially. (翻译:直到那时候,我们的国家才会得到充足的发展能力,我们才能拥有一个真正幸福和谐的社会。)

9. Had the impulsive and desperate girl spoken out to Letitia to the fullest? (翻译:是不是那个容易冲动又好走极端的姑娘把一切都告诉了利蒂霞?)

10. You have the fullest, sweetest most luscious lips I have ever kissed. (翻译:你拥有一双我所吻过 最饱满甜蜜 最迷人的)

11. But it's in Belgravia that you find the snootiest squares and it's these that will perhaps deliver you the London experience at its fullest. (翻译:然而,在贝尔格维亚,你将会领略到最盛气凌人的广场。他们或许会全力让你感受到伦敦这个城市的经历。)

12. We have the man in custody, we're interrogating him now, and, I promise, we will prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. (翻译:我们已经逮捕了那人 我们现在正在审问他 我保证 我们会照法律严惩他)

13. I don't know when I'll have a relapse, but I will live each day to its fullest. (翻译:虽然我不知道我的病什么时候会复发 所以只要活着,我就要过好每一天)

14. Calibrate the battery in your MacBook or MacBook Pro every month or two to keep your battery functioning at its fullest capacity. (翻译:每一两个月校准一次MacBook或MacBookPro的电池,以使电池的性能达到最佳。)

15. A moment, and he had caught it again; and with it this time came recollection in fullest flood. (翻译:只一会,他就捉住它了,随之而来的是狂潮般涌上心头的回忆。)



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