frail是什么意思 frail的中文翻译、读音、例句

frail是什么意思 frail的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 这个词的用法和意义:


2. 这个词的用法注意点:


3. 这个词的同义词和反义词:



1. The old man looked frail and weak, as if he would fall down any moment. (这位老人看上去虚弱无力,好像随时都要摔倒。)

2. Her mental health has been fragile ever since she lost her job. (自从失业以后,她的心理健康一直很脆弱。)

3. The building collapsed easily because it was poorly constructed and frail. (由于建筑结构不良、脆弱易损,这栋楼房很容易倒塌。)

4. Our plan was too frail to withstand the challenges of the market. (我们的计划太脆弱,无法承受市场的挑战。)

5. The FR test showed that the material was not strong enough to meet the safety standards. (经过FR测试,这种材料不够强壮,无法达到安全标准。)




1. She looked so frail and delicate that everyone was afraid to touch her.(她看起来如此虚弱娇小,每个人都不敢碰她。)

2. The old man's voice was frail and weak, as if he was struggling to speak.(老人的声音显得软弱无力,好像他很费力地说话。)

3. The antique vase was so frail that it broke into pieces as soon as it was touched.(这个古董花瓶非常脆弱,一碰就散了。)




例句:Her frail health worries the family. Don't go near her. (她身体很虚弱,家里人都很担心她 别靠近她)


例句:A frail economy ought at least to be free of price pressures but Britons have had no such luck. (薄弱的经济体至少不应该有价格压力,但英国没有这样的幸运。)


例句:I was helpless, blind, frail. (那时我是何等无助, I was helpless, 眼睛瞎了, 身体虚弱. blind, frail.)


例句:She lay in bed looking frail. (翻译:她躺在床上,看上去很虚弱。)


frail一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在frail elderly([网络] 体弱长者;衰弱老人;虚弱老人)、frail type(瘦体型)等常见短语中出现较多。

frail elderly[网络] 体弱长者;衰弱老人;虚弱老人
frail type瘦体型


1. I was helpless, blind, frail. (翻译:那时我是何等无助, I was helpless, 眼睛瞎了, 身体虚弱. blind, frail.)

2. She lay in bed looking frail. (翻译:她躺在床上,看上去很虚弱。)

3. Unclothes the earth, and freezes up frail life. (翻译:剥光大地,冻僵了脆弱的生命。)

4. Pleasure is frail like a dewdrop, while it laughs it dies. (翻译:喜乐像露珠一样地脆弱,它在欢笑中死去。)

5. A frail and peccable mortal-sir walter Scott. (翻译:脆弱的易犯罪的人类-沃尔特·斯科特。)

6. Dunn, a petite, frail woman, answers the door with a tiny dog in her arms. (翻译:邓恩,一位娇小体弱的女人,为我们开门时,怀里抱着一只小狗。)

7. This was a vivid memory of youth that I would cherish when I was old and frail. (翻译:这幕生动的青春记忆 当我老去时,会珍藏在我心里)

8. Feeble steps were heard on the stairs, and an old man, tall and frail, odorous of pipe smoke. (翻译:楼梯上响起了微弱的脚步声,一个病怏怏、浑身烟臭、满嘴烟渍的高个子老头儿犹犹豫豫地走了进来。)

9. Human nature is frail. (翻译:人性脆弱。)

10. Little Sarah Elizabeth is frail and ailing, and so is Roseanna. (翻译:小萨拉・伊丽莎白体弱多病 little sarah elizabeth is frail and ailing, 罗斯安娜也是如此 And so is roseanna.)

11. This is because, in the mid-area here, people are at their most active, and over here they're at their most frail. (翻译:这是因为,在中间这里 人们在他们最活跃的年龄 而在这里他们也是最体弱多病的时候 )

12. ♪ There they were, hunched over and frail ♪ (翻译:* There they were, hunched over and frail *)

13. Under the strong semblance is a frail heart, you, Nike Mercurial Vapor Superfly III, why that cold blood? (翻译:坚强的外表下是一颗脆弱的心,你,为什么那么冷血? )

14. Once a bon viveur, he looked frail when he appeared in parliament on Thursday. (翻译:上周四出现在最高人民会议时,锦衣玉食的他看上去有些虚弱。)

15. Would you mind helping a frail old woman? (翻译:你愿意帮助一个瘦弱的老人吗? Would you mind helping a frail old woman?)



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