uiuc是什么意思 uiuc的中文翻译、读音、例句

uiuc是什么意思 uiuc的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, I would explain "UIUC" from at least three aspects below and provide five English and Chinese examples:

1. Definition

UIUC is a common abbreviation for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, which is a public research university in the United States.

English examples:

- UIUC is one of the top-ranked universities in the US.

- He graduated from UIUC with a degree in computer science.

Chinese examples:

- UIUC是美国排名靠前的大学之一。

- 他在UIUC获得了计算机科学学位。

2. Pronunciation

UIUC is pronounced as "you-eye-yoo-see" or simply "yoo-see."

English examples:

- Can you spell out UIUC for me?

- The team won the UIUC hackathon competition.

Chinese examples:

- 能否为我拼出UIUC?

- 这个团队赢得了UIUC黑客马拉松比赛。

3. Usage

UIUC is commonly used in academic and professional settings like resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and research papers to indicate that someone studied or worked at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

English examples:

- John Smith, UIUC alumni, is now a software engineer at Apple.

- This research paper was co-authored by a UIUC professor.

Chinese examples:

- UIUC校友约翰·史密斯现在是苹果公司的软件工程师。

- 这篇研究论文是由一位UIUC教授合作撰写的。

Overall, "UIUC" is a widely recognized and used abbreviation for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It is important for students and professionals to understand its meaning, pronunciation, and usage in order to effectively communicate their educational and professional background.

UIUC的中文翻译为"伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校",读音为yī lì nuò yī dà xué è bā nà - xiāng qián fēn xiào。


1. UIUC是美国一所著名的公立大学。

2. 我的朋友正在UIUC攻读博士学位。




例句:The equipment has been scrounged , and computer time has been borrowed from UIUC. (设备已经被占有,和计算机时间已经从UIUC被借。)


例句:A conductive pen from the Lewis lab at UIUC. (导电笔,来自UIUC大学 Lewis 实验室 )


例句:UIUC is one of the most bike friendly colleges and there are many bike racks and bike lanes. (UIUC是其中一个骑行最流行的校园,学校里有很多自行车停放处和行车道。)


1. UIUC is one of the most bike friendly colleges and there are many bike racks and bike lanes. (翻译:UIUC是其中一个骑行最流行的校园,学校里有很多自行车停放处和行车道。)

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