cyclone是什么意思 cyclone的中文翻译、读音、例句

cyclone是什么意思 cyclone的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. tropical cyclone:热带气旋

2. extratropical cyclone:温带气旋

3. eye of the cyclone:气旋的眼

4. cyclone warning:气旋警报

5. cyclone season:气旋季节

6. cyclone fence:防护栏

7. cyclone separator:气旋分离器

短语:in the eye of the cyclone(在气旋的中心)



1. The tropical cyclone caused extensive damage to the coastal regions.(热带气旋对沿海地区造成了广泛的破坏。)

2. The weather bureau issued a cyclone warning for the entire eastern seaboard.(气象局发布了一份针对整个东海岸的气旋警报。)

3. The eye of the cyclone is where the winds are calmest.(气旋的眼是风最平静的地方。)

4. Cyclone season in the Pacific can be very dangerous for boaters.(太平洋的气旋季节对船员来说可能非常危险。)

5. Don't forget to close the cyclone fence before you leave the yard.(在离开院子之前,不要忘记关闭防护栏。)

6. The cyclone separator is used to separate solid particles from gas or liquid.(气旋分离器用于将固体颗粒从气体或液体中分离出来。)

7. The small island nation was hit hard by the category five cyclone.(这个小岛国受到五级气旋的重创。)


读音:cyc·lone /ˈsaɪ.kləʊn/


1. The cyclone caused massive destruction in the coastal region.(这场气旋在沿海地区造成了巨大的破坏。)

2. The cyclone warning was issued by the meteorological department. (气象部门发布了气旋警报。)

3. Cyclones are classified as tropical or extratropical depending on their location and wind speed.(根据它们的位置和风速,气旋被归类为热带气旋或温带气旋。)




例句:As of Thursday, Tropical Cyclone 04A had dissipated to the southern coast of Oman and is no longer an active tropical cyclone. (截至周四热带气旋04A在阿曼南部海岸减弱成为一个低压区,不再是一个活动的热带气旋。)


例句:... the cyclone warning is for coastal areas between Torquay and Cape Ottway. (在托魁及奥威角之间的 沿海地区 已经发出了台风警报)


例句:Natural Calamities: - In Case of any natural calamities, like, Cyclone, flood, Earth Quake this agreement will not come in to effect. (不可抗拒力:如遇飓风、洪水、地震等自然灾害,则此协议无效。)


例句:He's going to the Cyclone Club. He loves the Russian girls. (翻译:他准备去Cyclone俱乐部 喜欢俄罗斯妞)


cyclone一般作为名词使用,如在dry cyclone([化] 干式旋风分离器)、duct cyclone([网络] 旋风除尘器)、double cyclone(双级旋风分离器)等常见短语中出现较多。

dry cyclone[化] 干式旋风分离器
duct cyclone[网络] 旋风除尘器
double cyclone双级旋风分离器
dispersive cyclone[环境] 扩散式集尘器
dust cyclone粉尘旋风器
Dutch cyclone旋液分离器
external cyclone外置式旋风筒
extratropical cyclone温带气旋
filling cyclone填塞气旋


1. Natural Calamities: - In Case of any natural calamities, like, Cyclone, flood, Earth Quake this agreement will not come in to effect. (翻译:不可抗拒力:如遇飓风、洪水、地震等自然灾害,则此协议无效。)

2. He's going to the Cyclone Club. He loves the Russian girls. (翻译:他准备去Cyclone俱乐部 喜欢俄罗斯妞)

3. The distribution of hurricane and tropical storm force winds in this tropical cyclone can be seen in the Wind History graphic linked above. (翻译:分布飓风和热带风暴,风力在这热带气旋可以看出,在风中的历史联系在一起的图形以上。)

4. "He is going to go and visit with the victims of the cyclone, it is going to be strictly a humanitarian visit, " she said. (翻译:她说:“他将去看望灾民,这完全是一次人道主义访问。”)

5. Now, scorpions are very loyal to their cyclone. (翻译:天蝎对蝎群中的成员都非常忠诚 Now, scorpions are very loyal to their cyclone.)

6. It's introducing a new structural cyclone dust extractor that absciss cylinder and applies cone directly. (翻译:提出了一种新型旋风除尘器,即去除筒体,直接应用锥体的旋风除尘器。)

7. The flow of seawater from storms like Cyclone Aila in 2009 damage much of the soil in farm areas. (翻译:暴风雨带来海水流,就想xx年热带气旋艾拉一样,毁掉了很多农村的土地。)

8. The normal cyclone season extends from December to April. (翻译:正常的飓风季节从xx月持续到xx月。)

9. Otherwise I wouldn't want to think what an ice cyclone could do in a city like paris. (翻译:否则我也不会要思考什么是 冰旋风,能做到在一个城市像巴黎。)

10. SONGDA finally turned into an extratropical cyclone as it reached the southern coast of Honshu, Japan. (翻译:桑达最后在到达日本本州南部时演变为温带气旋。)

11. SAMIL ; latent heat flux ; tropical cyclone frequency ; water vapor transportation spectral atmosphere model SAMIL (翻译:潜热通量;热带气旋频数;水汽输送;大气环流谱模式)

12. As Cyclone Yasi stormed towards the Queensland Coast, we tracked the news from the ground, the web and around the world. (翻译:随着气旋雅西在昆士兰省海岸肆虐,我们透过现场、网络及全世界追踪新闻。)

13. The centre of the cyclone is now expected to cross the coast at Bells Beach early tomorrow morning. (翻译:台风中心预计 将会在明天清晨 通过贝尔海滩 及海温港之间海岸)

14. The upper trough, the cold front and the mesoscale cyclone were the trigger mechanisms of the two rain storms. (翻译:高空槽、冷锋、中尺度低值系统是当天两次强雷暴天气的触发机制;)

15. Be advised, the JTWC has issued a tropical cyclone formation alert for the northeast Pacific ocean. (翻译:联合台风警报中心已经发布热带风暴 在太平洋最北部形成的警报)

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