piggy是什么意思 piggy的中文翻译、读音、例句

piggy是什么意思 piggy的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义: "piggy"是一个英语单词,意思是“小猪”,通常指年幼的猪。

词性: "piggy"是一个形容词,它可以用于描述一些小猪或者指代一个人的饮食习惯。

词组搭配: "piggy bank",意思是“存钱罐”。

短语: "pig out",意思是“狼吞虎咽地吃东西”。

发音拼写: 发音为 /ˈpɪɡ.i/,拼写为 "piggy"。


1. My daughter loves her piggy bank and saves all her change. (我的女儿很喜欢她的存钱罐,会把所有零钱都存下来。)

2. The farmer raised a group of piggy and sold them for profit. (农民养了一群小猪并出售以获利。)

3. John ate all the pizza and drank all the soda, he's such a piggy! (约翰把所有的披萨和苏打水都吃了,真是个贪吃鬼!)

4. I remember when I was young, I had a piggy bank and saved up for a new bike. (我记得小时候我有一个存钱罐,为了买一辆新自行车而存钱。)

5. Sarah often pigs out on junk food when she's stressed. (莎拉在压力大的时候经常暴饮暴食垃圾食品。)





1. My little sister loves her piggy bank. 我妹妹喜欢她的存钱罐。

2. The children laughed and played with the piggy. 孩子们笑着玩着小猪。




例句:Three of you ought to be sufficient to make lady piggy squeal. (你们仨应该足够 You two. Three of you ought to be sufficient 够猪猡小姐受的了.)


例句:Then there's a little chubby boy, Piggy, and they're mean, and then there's a murder. (有一个胖乎乎的男孩叫猪仔 它们心胸狭窄 然后出现一场谋杀)


例句:If it is fate that you love Piggy will you love him? (如果个天要你钟意猪八戒 你会唔会唔钟意吖?)


例句, folks, but now put your hands together for Miss Piggy. (翻译,各位 现在我们欢迎猪小姐 上台表演)


piggy一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在piggy back(un. 驮运;背载\n[网络] 背驮式原位肝移植;背驮式肝移植;背负式运输)、piggy backing(背负式生产)、piggy bank(n. 扑满)等常见短语中出现较多。

piggy backun. 驮运;背载\n[网络] 背驮式原位肝移植;背驮式肝移植;背负式运输
piggy backing背负式生产
piggy bankn. 扑满
piggy banksn. 储蓄罐\n[网络] 存钱罐;会计数的存钱罐;小猪储蓄罐
piggy eyes[网络] 贪婪的眼睛
piggy flu[网络] 小小猪的逆袭
piggy packer[化] 夹运装卸机
piggy sow妊娠母猪
piggy wiggies[网络] gy gy。


1. If it is fate that you love Piggy will you love him? (翻译:如果个天要你钟意猪八戒 你会唔会唔钟意吖?)

folks, but now put your hands together for Miss Piggy. (翻译,各位 现在我们欢迎猪小姐 上台表演)

3. It's the piggy bank principle, but on a bigger scale. (翻译:对 就跟储蓄罐一样嘛 只不过是个大储蓄罐罢了)

4. Well, it seems to say here that this Piggy represents intellectualism over the physical. (翻译:柑睫硂à︹ 钩琌瞆醇禬禫ψ砰)

5. You breed that kind of stuff. Each of my kids has two piggy banks. (翻译:你应该灌输这样的观念。我的每个小孩有两个存钱罐)

6. The detective? s piggy eyes surveyed her sardonically from his gross jawed face. (翻译:翻译侦探那双从双下巴的脸上冒出来的眼睛嘲弄地看了看她。)

7. And your mom, was savin 'money for you in a jar, Trynna start a piggy bank for you sou could go to college. (翻译:妈妈把钱放在一个小猪型储蓄罐里,给你存着准备读大学用。)

8. I asked for what Piggy owed me (翻译:我也不贪心 我跟那小于讲 我只要老猪欠我的钱的数目就好)

9. Call it the piggy bank strategy. (翻译:这称为“存钱罐策略”。)

10. There were a piggy, a sheep and a milker. They were captivated in the some corral. (翻译:一只小猪、一只绵羊和一头乳牛,被关在同一个畜栏里。)

11. You have to think back to the original problem lf you think Piggy is ugly, and that this is a punishment from above (翻译:你要回到问题的根源 如果你觉得小猪长的丑 是上天对你的惩罚)

12. We just need to come up with solutions lf Piggy wants to have plastic surgery we can pay for her to go to Korea (翻译:想办法解决就好呀 小猪长大以后,如果她想 就让她去韩国整一下吧)

13. Hey, cut it out! Cut it out, pigeon, don't do that! -This little piggy went to market. . . -Babbit! (翻译:嘿,别闹了!别闹了,鸽子,不要这样做!-这只小猪去市场…-巴比特!)

14. No. she makes that weird piggy face when she talks, you know? (翻译:第使得她那怪异的小猪 当面对她说话,你知道吗?)

15. So, tell me, Neil, what's the major piggy contribution to civilization? (翻译:尼尔你是专家吧 给我讲讲,猪对文明有什么重大贡献?)



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