pandaria是什么意思 pandaria的中文翻译、读音、例句

pandaria是什么意思 pandaria的中文翻译、读音、例句

Pandaria 是一个虚构的地名,出现在《魔兽世界》游戏中,是一个位于艾泽拉斯世界中的大陆。该地名源于希腊语中的“潘多拉”(Pandora),意为“所有礼物”的赠送者。







1. 他很久以前就来到了 Pandaria 的秘境地带。

He had arrived in the secret realm of Pandaria a long time ago.

2. 在 Pandaria 中,人们每天都面临很多挑战。

In Pandaria, people face many challenges every day.

3. 我喜欢在 Pandaria 的美景中徜徉,感受大自然的风光。

I love to wander among the beautiful scenery of Pandaria and appreciate the wonders of nature.

4. Pandaria 是一个神秘的地方,探索它需要耐心和勇气。

Pandaria is a mysterious place that requires patience and courage to explore.

5. 与其他地区相比,Pandaria 的天气更加温暖舒适。

Compared to other regions, the weather in Pandaria is warmer and more comfortable.

6. Pandaria 中有很多种类独特的动物,值得研究。

There are many unique species of animals in Pandaria worth studying.

7. 在 Pandaria 的世界中,你将会发现很多不可思议的事情。

In the world of Pandaria, you will discover many incredible things.



例句:In World of Warcraft, Pandaria is a continent inhabited by Pandaren, a race of anthropomorphic pandas.(在魔兽世界中,熊猫人之地是一个由人形熊猫种族——熊猫人所居住的大陆。)




例句:But if the Chinese government intervenes, it might even be a panda. (但是如果是中国政府干涉的话那可能会是一个熊猫。)


例句:Panda came back to the bench. (熊猫回到长椅上。)


例句:A 11-year-old panda named "Qizhen" gave birth Friday to a pair of twin cubs in the Chengdu Research Base for Giant Panda Breeding. (xx日,成都大熊猫繁育研究基地名为“奇珍”的xx岁大熊猫诞下一对龙凤胎。)


例句:RIAs will increasingly be used to deliver Information Workplaces. (翻译:RIA技术会被越来越多地用于交付信息工作站。)


pandaria一般作为名词使用,如在Pandaria([地名] 本德里亚 ( 尼、印 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Pandaria[地名] 本德里亚 ( 尼、印 )


1. A 11-year-old panda named "Qizhen" gave birth Friday to a pair of twin cubs in the Chengdu Research Base for Giant Panda Breeding. (翻译:xx日,成都大熊猫繁育研究基地名为“奇珍”的xx岁大熊猫诞下一对龙凤胎。)

2. RIAs will increasingly be used to deliver Information Workplaces. (翻译:RIA技术会被越来越多地用于交付信息工作站。)

3. The WCF RIA Services Toolkit is available as a single MSI or as a series of NuGet packages. (翻译:WCF RIA服务工具包是 单一的MSI或一系列 NuGet包。)

4. A baby panda munches at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in China. (翻译:在成都大熊猫繁育基地一只熊猫宝宝在大口嚼竹子。)

5. Ria is a sensible girl. lf she wants to write, we must encourage her. (翻译:咏雅是个聪明的女孩 假如她想写作,我们必须鼓励她)

6. {\fnHobo Std\fs48}Be quiet! It's a Panda! (翻译:{\fnHobo Std\fs48}安静点,这是只熊猫!)

7. Objective: To compare the results of serum anti-thyroid antibodies determined by ECLIA and RIA. (翻译:目的:eclia与ria测定人血清甲状腺自身抗体的结果分析。)

8. At the panda, and chase it all the way back to the jungle. (翻译:把熊猫也给赶回到丛林 At the panda, and chase it all the way back to the jungle.)

9. "Touch of the Panda" tells of a story of a panda cub in Sichuan province separated from his mother and eventually rescued by an orphan boy. (翻译:“熊猫之恋”讲述了在四川省一个与妈妈分离的熊猫宝宝最终被一个孤儿拯救的故事。)

10. It has a rich library of components compared to other RIA tools. (翻译:与其他RIA工具相比,它具有丰富的组件库。)

11. # And do the Peter Panda dance # Hop three times like a kangaroo (翻译:# And do the Peter Panda dance)

12. Last time i checked, po was a panda, not a goat. (翻译:上一次我看到他 阿宝还是只熊猫 不是山羊)

13. The Wanglang Preserve in western Sichuan is the haunt of the giant panda. (翻译:川西的王朗自然保护区是大熊猫出没的地方。)

14. Languages within the RIA are consistent across all clients and do not have to be rewritten for different implementations. (翻译:RIA里的语言是一致的,它贯穿于所有客户机,不必为不同的实施而重写。)

15. The baby panda sneezes, and the mama panda gets so scared. (翻译:The baby panda sneezes, 把熊猫妈妈吓坏了 and the mama panda gets so scared.)

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