heroic是什么意思 heroic的中文翻译、读音、例句

heroic是什么意思 heroic的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:'heroic'是一个形容词,用来形容某人或某事表现出英勇、勇敢、崇高和令人钦佩的特征。


- He showed heroic bravery in the face of danger. (他在危险面前表现出英勇的勇气。)

- The firefighters' heroic efforts saved many lives. (消防员的英勇努力挽救了很多生命。)

- The movie tells the story of a heroic soldier fighting for his country. (这部电影讲述了一位为国家而战的英勇士兵的故事。)

- The volunteers showed a heroic commitment to helping others during the pandemic. (志愿者们在疫情期间表现出为帮助他人的英勇奉献。)

2. 起源:'heroic'源于希腊语中 'heros',意思是英雄。它是由 'hero' 这个词的形容词形式 'heroical' 演变而来的。


- The epic poem tells the story of a heroic warrior battling monsters. (史诗诗歌讲述了一位与怪物作战的英雄战士的故事。)

- The statue of the heroic general stood tall in the square. (英勇将军的雕像高居广场之上。)

- The painting captures the heroic moment when the athlete broke the record. (这幅画捕捉了运动员打破纪录的英勇时刻。)

- The novel explores the struggles of a heroic figure in a dystopian society. (这本小说探讨了在反乌托邦社会中的一位英勇人物的挣扎。)

3. 形式:'heroic' 也可以用来表示某物具有英雄主义的特质,是动词heroize的形容词形式,在诗歌中指史诗式的语言形式。


- The heroic ideals of justice and freedom inspired the founding fathers. (正义和自由的英雄主义理念激励了开国元勋们。)

- The painting is a heroic representation of the battle. (这幅画是一幅史诗式的战斗描绘。)

- The composer created a heroic symphony to celebrate the nation's heroes. (作曲家创作了一部英雄交响乐来庆祝国家的英雄。)

- The play tells the heroic story of a woman who defied societal norms. (这个剧本讲述了一位违反社会规范的女性的英勇故事。)

4. 同义词:'heroic'意为英勇、勇敢,也可以用其他形容词来代替,如brave、courageous、valiant、gallant等。


- The brave firefighters risked their lives to save the trapped passengers. (勇敢的消防员冒着生命危险救出被困乘客。)

- The courageous soldier charged into battle without hesitation. (勇敢的士兵毫不犹豫地冲向战斗。)

- The valiant knight fought bravely to defend his king. (英勇的骑士为保卫国王而勇敢地战斗。)

- The gallant gentleman stood up for the lady who was being bullied. (有骑士风度的绅士为被欺负的女士站出来。)

英文单词"heroic"的意思是英勇的、英雄的。读音为 /hɪˈrəʊɪk/。



1. She made a heroic effort to save her drowning friend.


2. The firefighters were hailed as heroes for their heroic actions in rescuing the trapped victims.


3. The story is about a young boy's heroic journey to save his kingdom from an evil sorcerer.





例句:Even as a child, it seemed, Lincoln dreamed heroic dreams. (甚至在林肯还是个孩子的时候,就梦想成为英雄)


例句:In turns,dramatic,comedic,suspenseful, And unabashedly heroic. (剧情 喜剧 悬疑 大胆的英雄主义行为 全都有)


例句:If anyone is missing, or tries something heroic... your buddy dies. (如果有人失踪或想当英雄... 另一个人就得死)

4.英雄的 、英勇的

例句:But the Doolittle raiders' heroic deeds and their soldiers' deaths will not have been in vain. (翻译:但杜立德空袭的英雄壮举 和勇士们付出的生命 并非毫无意义)


heroic一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在heroic couplet((两行相互押韵、每行分五音节的)英雄偶句诗)、heroic couplets(na. 英雄偶句诗体\n[网络] 英雄双韵体;英雄双韵体诗;英雄双行体)、heroic cutting([医] 开朗割切)等常见短语中出现较多。

heroic couplet(两行相互押韵、每行分五音节的)英雄偶句诗
heroic coupletsna. 英雄偶句诗体\n[网络] 英雄双韵体;英雄双韵体诗;英雄双行体
heroic cutting[医] 开朗割切
heroic drama(尤指1660~xx年间英格兰的)王政复辟时期的悲剧,英雄剧
heroic line英雄诗体(指英国诗中抑扬格五音步诗体)
heroic medicinena. 烈性的药;剂量大的药\n[网络] 冒险式治疗;大治;英雄主义医学
heroic meter[网络] 英雄音律
heroic meters[网络] 英雄米
heroic metre=heroic verse


1. If anyone is missing, or tries something heroic... your buddy dies. (翻译:如果有人失踪或想当英雄... 另一个人就得死)

2. But the Doolittle raiders' heroic deeds and their soldiers' deaths will not have been in vain. (翻译:但杜立德空袭的英雄壮举 和勇士们付出的生命 并非毫无意义)

3. You have that same kind of lone heroic quality. (翻译:你别听他们的 基本上 , 我一辈子 都是个独行的人)

4. Wellington was coldly heroic. (翻译:威灵顿立在那里,冷峻而英勇。)

5. Their story cannot be debunked; it was confirmed by many eyewitnesses and was patently heroic. (翻译:他们的事迹并未被公之于众,而是由当时的许多目击者证实,故事充满了英雄主义色彩。)

6. (Laughs) I need Foster Mom and Heroic Restaurateur (翻译:请寄养妈妈和英勇餐馆老板 I need Foster Mom and Heroic Restaurateur)

7. The first is that there was a lot of heroic work by the health workers. (翻译:第一个是卫生工作人员作的 很多英雄事迹。)

8. It is impossible to tell all the touching and heroic stories of courage and patience... (翻译:告诉所有的碰触是不可能的和 勇气和耐性的英勇故事。)

9. A heroic policeman pointed a gun at him by mistake (翻译:而中途遇到一个 追踪劫匪的英勇警员 用枪指着他)

10. It will be remembered as an heroic act. (翻译:这一个壮举将会被宣传成为 共和国战士的英雄事迹)

11. This was foolishness on a heroic scale. (翻译:这简直是天大的蠢事。)

12. And it starts with internalizing heroic imagination, namely - I could do it. (翻译:这些来自内化在心底的英雄情结,即——我能办到! )

13. Frankly, speaking as an introverted male, which I will explain later -- they are heroic. (翻译:老实说, ——关于这一点我稍后会解释—— 我觉得她们太厉害了。)

14. You have an heroic air, so impressive (翻译:一表人才,大侠风范 我们见到你真是好感动)

15. Need I remind you, on the outcome of your last heroic venture? (翻译:还需要我再提醒吗? 想想你上次逞英雄的后果!)



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