词意:backups 意为“备份”,通常指在计算机系统或者其他设备中备份的数据、文件等。
词性:backups 是复数形式,单数形式为backup。
常用场景:backups 是一个常见的 IT 技术术语,主要应用于计算机系统、数据库、云服务等场景。在企业中,备份数据是非常重要的,以保障重要数据的安全。备份数据可以是硬件备份,也可以是软件备份。
词组搭配:backup data(备份数据)、backup files(备份文件)、backup plan(备份计划)、backup system(备份系统) 等。
相关短语:data backup(数据备份)、file backup(文件备份)、disaster backup(灾备备份)等。
读音:bèi fèn
1. 我已经将数据备份到云端了。
I have already backed up the data to the cloud.
2. 定期进行数据备份有助于防止文件丢失。
Regularly backing up data helps prevent file loss.
3. 他成为了团队的备份主力,以备不时之需。
He became the backup mainstay of the team, in case of emergency.
例句:You don't know the turns. You don'! Know the backups. (你不知道计划的内容 不知道备用计划 也不知道如何使用工具)
例句:San Francisco is also spending 40 million dollars to rethink and redesign its water and sewage treatment, as water outfall pipes like this one can be flooded with seawater, causing backups at the plant, harming the bacteria that are needed to treat the waste. (旧金山还花费四千万美元 去反思和重建下水道处理系统。因为像这样的排水渠口也可能被海水淹没, 从而危害植物,滋生细菌。需要建立设施来处理这些浪费。)
1. It's actually very basic stuff -- thinking about continuity, thinking about backups, thinking about the things that actually matter. (翻译:这其实是基本常识-- 要考虑到持续性,后备方案 以及真正至关重要的问题)
2. This has affected all of our electronic equipment and their redundant backups. (翻译:这个事故影响了 我们所有的电子设备 以及备用系统)
3. With onbar you can parallelize your backups and you are also able to perform a point-in-time restore. (翻译:使用onbar可以将备份并行化,还能执行指定时间点的备份。)
4. We have redundancies, we have backups. (翻译:我们还有其他办法 还有备用方案 手控超驰装置已经失灵)
5. Single files and directory subtrees may be restored from full or partial backups. (翻译:可以从完全或部分备份中还原单独的文件或者目录树。)
6. After the first backup of the DAOS repository, perform incremental backups as desired of both NSF and NLO files. (翻译:对DAOS储存库做了初次备份后,可在需要时对nsf和nlo文件做增量备份。)
7. For this reason, do not use disk mirroring as a substitute for keeping current backups of important data on your servers. (翻译:由于这个原因,请不要使用磁盘镜像来代替对服务器上重要的数据进行及时的备份。)
8. If you want to stay alive you've got to have backups. (翻译:如果你不想发生任何意外的话你必须要有后备计划。)
9. Apply to the standby server, in sequence, any unapplied transaction log backups created on the primary server. (翻译:按顺序将主服务器上创建的未应用的事务日志备份应用到备用服务器。)
10. If you want to stay alive you've got to have backups. (翻译:如果你不想发生任何意外的话你必须要有后备计划。)
11. I use Super Duper to create regular, bootable backups so this is no big deal. (翻译:我使用SuperDuper来定期创建可启动的备份,所有这不是什么大问题。)
12. For a delta backup, you need to maintain all the backups taken since the last full backup in order to be able to reconstruct the data. (翻译:对于差异备份,需要维护自上次完全备份以来采取的所有备份,以便能够重构数据。)
13. Incremental backups are being initiated from the commandline or a third party scheduler and are being run as full. (翻译:从命令行或者第三方调度程序启动了增量备份,但是该增量备份作为完全备份运行。)
14. It's actually very basic stuff -- thinking about continuity, thinking about backups, thinking about the things that actually matter. (翻译:这其实是基本常识-- 要考虑到持续性,后备方案 以及真正至关重要的问题 )
15. We need to chip through the semtex to see exactly what's underneath, make sure there aren't any redundant circuits or backups. (翻译:小心地弄 我们得把塑胶炸弹切开个口 看看底下究竟是什么 确保里面没有多余的回路 或是什么后招)