k12是什么意思 k12的中文翻译、读音、例句

k12是什么意思 k12的中文翻译、读音、例句



读音:kē yī èr


1. The k12 education system in the United States has been in existence for many years.


2. Our school has adopted the k12 curriculum and our students are well-prepared for college and beyond.





例句:King of hearts, king of spades, king of clubs and king of diamonds. (不论红桃K、黑桃K、梅花K,还是方片K上的国王)


例句:We have 14k and 18k gold necklaces, chains and earrings. (我们有14k和18 k的金项链、手链和耳环。)


k12一般作为名词使用,如在K12([计] K12Net新闻组)、Escherichia coli K12([基医] 大肠埃希氏杆菌K12)、k.k.k(KKK\nabbr.\nKu Klux Klan 三K党)等常见短语中出现较多。

K12[计] K12Net新闻组
Escherichia coli K12[基医] 大肠埃希氏杆菌K12
k.k.kKKK\nabbr.\nKu Klux Klan 三K党
K[计] 键, 关键字, 千, 千字节\n[医] 钾(19号元素)
k'in[网络] 金;数
DS 12[医] DS十二, 氯化二甲基苄基牛磺酰铵
freon 12[医] 氟利昂十二, 二氯二氟甲烷
nylon 12[化] 尼龙12; 聚十二内酰胺
Kιnιk[地名] 克讷克 ( 土 )
Kιrιk[地名] 克勒克 ( 土 )


1. With all of the new options mentioned above, NBA 2K12 looks to change that in a big way. (翻译:在以上提到的所有的新选择中,NBA2K12看来要大手笔改动了。)

2. The stabilizer of the number K, written Stk, is the set of all permutations of G that leave K fixed. (翻译:G中保持K不变的置换所成之集称为数K的稳定子,记作Stk。)

3. K, guys- congratulations again, hannnah. (翻译:K,家伙 - 再次恭喜,Hannnah。)

4. So presently, we are doing the following: First of all, we are decomposing the K-12 math curriculum into numerous such apps. (翻译:所以目前我们就在做如下的事情: 首先,我们将从幼儿园到xx年级的数学课程 分解到许多个此类的应用程序。)

5. And yet, it is not taught in any K through 12 curriculum in America that I'm aware of. (翻译:可是 这样的理念却没有在任何一间幼儿园到中学的课堂上得以呈现)

6. So presently, we are doing the following: First of all, we are decomposing the K-12 math curriculum into numerous such apps. (翻译:所以目前我们就在做如下的事情: 首先,我们将从幼儿园到xx年级的数学课程 分解到许多个此类的应用程序。)

7. A DB2 page can have a size of 4k, 8k, 16k or 32k. (翻译:一个DB 2页的大小可以为4 k、8 k、16 k或32 k。)

8. Can I ask you something, Mr. K? (翻译:我可以问你一些事吗,K先生? Can I ask you something, Mr. K?)

9. Solid 14-karat or 18-karat gold. (翻译:固态14 k或18 k金。)

10. Pure gold or carats? (翻译:纯金的还是K金的? )

11. Robots like this can really change the way we do K through 12 education. (翻译:这样的飞行器其实可以改变 我们的小学和中学教育)

12. It would take 12 k-levels to reach 0. (翻译:这将要求 12 的 k 级 来达到猜测数为 0。)

13. To put that into context, The U.K. government spends about 12 billion pounds a year on foreign aid. (翻译:比较起来, 英国政府xx年所提供的外援资助 达到120亿磅。)

14. A 25-kilometre-long fissure erupted 12 km3 of lava over the course of seven months. (翻译:25 k m长的裂缝在7个月内喷发了12 km3的熔岩。)

15. Ductile Iron has a higher yield strength than cast steel 40k vs. 30k. (翻译:铸钢的屈服强度是30 K,而球墨铸铁的屈服强度更高,达到40 K。)

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