gaap是什么意思 gaap的中文翻译、读音、例句

gaap是什么意思 gaap的中文翻译、读音、例句


GAAP是“通用会计准则”(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)的缩写,是指被广泛认可和接受的会计规范和标准,用于规定企业的财务报告和审计。




- GAAP会计准则(GAAP accounting principles)

- GAAP规定(GAAP regulations)

- GAAP讲座(GAAP lecture)

- GAAP准则的执行(implementation of GAAP standards)


- comply with GAAP 遵守GAAP规范

- GAAP financial statements GAAP财务报表


/gæp/ (美式英语)


1. All companies, regardless of their size or industry, must comply with GAAP.


2. The financial report must be prepared in accordance with GAAP standards.


3. Our accounting team regularly attends GAAP training sessions to stay up-to-date.


4. The audit revealed that the company's financial statements did not comply with GAAP regulations.


5. She gave a GAAP lecture to a group of accounting students.


'GAAP'这个词语源自美国英语,全称为“Generally Accepted Accounting Principles”,意为“普遍公认的会计准则”,是美国在经济上全球领导地位的体现之一,也是全球企业财务报告的主要标准之一。GAAP标准包括会计规则、原则和标准,以及财务报告的原则和规范。


1. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with GAAP. (财务报表按照GAAP准则制作。)

2. It is important for companies to follow GAAP when preparing financial statements. (公司制作财务报表时遵循GAAP规定非常重要。)

3. The GAAP standards are used by companies to ensure consistency and transparency in financial reporting. (公司使用GAAP标准来确保财务报告的一致性和透明度。)

4. Many countries have adopted GAAP standards in their accounting practices. (许多国家在其会计实践中采用了GAAP标准。)

5. A thorough understanding of GAAP is essential for anyone working in accounting. (熟练掌握GAAP对于从事会计工作的人员至关重要。)

6. GAAP is constantly evolving to keep up with changes in the business environment. (GAAP不断发展以跟上商业环境的变化。)

7. The SEC requires publicly traded companies to comply with GAAP in their financial reporting. (美国证券交易委员会要求上市公司在财务报告中遵守GAAP规定。)

8. GAAP standards help ensure that financial statements are accurate and reliable. (GAAP标准有助于确保财务报表准确可靠。)

9. Companies must follow GAAP standards when reporting their financial information to investors. (公司向投资者报告财务信息时必须遵循GAAP标准。)

中文翻译:美国通用会计原则(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)



1. 符合GAAP的财务报表是公司进行投资决策和财务分析的重要基础。

Financial statements that comply with GAAP are important foundations for investment decisions and financial analysis by companies.

2. 在美国,公司必须遵守GAAP,以确保它们的财务报表是准确、可靠的。

In the United States, companies must comply with GAAP to ensure that their financial statements are accurate and reliable.




例句:The partner looked at me for a minute and tried to understand what I was telling him, and finally said, "but it's US GAAP. " (那个合伙人看了我一会儿,试图去理解我的话,最后他说:“但那是美国公认会计原则。”)


例句:Involve in building up the Company's internal control structure to ensure compliance with US GAAP and SOX requirements. (参与建立公司的内部控制结构,以确保遵守美国公认会计准则和萨班斯法案要求。)


例句:Only companies that went beyond the minimum requirements of GAAP and made additional voluntary disclosures would earn four stars. (只有那些表现远远超出GAAP最低要求并能自愿提供额外的信息披露的公司可以评为“四星”。)


例句:Non-GAAP profits were $9.72 a share, up from $8.74 in Q2 and $7.64 a year ago, and well ahead of the Street at $8.74. (翻译:非通用会计准则下,谷歌每股收益为9.72美元,高于第二季度的8.84美元和去年同期的7.64美元,并且超过了华尔街预期的8.74美元。)


1. Only companies that went beyond the minimum requirements of GAAP and made additional voluntary disclosures would earn four stars. (翻译:只有那些表现远远超出GAAP最低要求并能自愿提供额外的信息披露的公司可以评为“四星”。)

2. Non-GAAP profits were $9.72 a share, up from $8.74 in Q2 and $7.64 a year ago, and well ahead of the Street at $8.74. (翻译:非通用会计准则下,谷歌每股收益为9.72美元,高于第二季度的8.84美元和去年同期的7.64美元,并且超过了华尔街预期的8.74美元。)

3. Has been recognized as most responsible for FASB 123, or Stock Option Expensing on the GAAP Income Statement . (翻译:已被公认为最负责任的的财务会计准则123,或股票选择权开支的公认会计准则损益表。)

4. Qualcomm expects the transaction to be accretive to Non-GAAP earnings per share in the 12 months following the transaction close. (翻译:高通预计该交易将增加以下交易接近每股非gaap每股收益的12个月。)

5. This theory argues that that non-GAAP earnings of tech companies appear artificially high relative to industries that abide by GAAP. (翻译:这种理论认为,科技公司的非gaap利润相对于遵循GAAP的行业人为虚高。)

6. "You can leverage US GAAP for certain topic areas but the bottom line is there hasn't been a lot of material developed on IFRS, " he said. (翻译:“你可以在某些课题领域借助美国的GAAP。不过根本问题在于,基于IFRS开发的课件并不多,”他表示。)

7. The phrase "fairly presented in accordance with US GAAP" strikes at the heart the role accountants played in the crisis, say experts. (翻译:专家们表示,“得到公允呈现,符合美国公认会计准则”这段话,击中了会计师在本次危机中所扮角色的要害。)

8. Accounting department workers need to be completely familiar with GAAP. (翻译:会计部同仁必须完全熟悉公认会计原则。)

9. See non-GAAP reconciliation information at the end of this press release following the financial statement tables. (翻译:见非一般公认会计准则和解资料,截至本新闻稿以下财务报表表。)

10. IFRS is a single set of accounting principles that tend to be more focused on objectives and rely less on detailed rules than do US GAAP. (翻译:与之相比,IFRS这套单一会计准则往往更加侧重于目标,对详细规则的倚赖度较低。)

11. Still, Google's statement that the deal was 'marginally accretive on a non-GAAP basis' has to be taken with a grain of salt. (翻译:但谷歌“按非公认会计准则计,这桩交易具有少量增值性”的声明需要有保留地看待。)



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