词组搭配:citrus fruit(柑橘类水果)
1. Citrus fruits are known for their high vitamin C content.(柑橘类水果因其高维生素C含量而闻名。)
2. The citrus groves in Florida produce some of the best oranges in the world.(佛罗里达州的柑橘林生产世界上最好的橙子之一。)
3. The smell of citrus essential oil is refreshing and invigorating.(柑橘精油的气味清新而令人振奋。)
4. Citrus fruits like tangerines and grapefruits are often eaten as healthy snacks.(像橘子和葡萄柚这样的柑橘类水果经常作为健康零食食用。)
5. The acidity of citrus fruits can help tenderize meat when used in marinades.(柑橘类水果的酸度在腌料中使用时可帮助嫩化肉类。)
6. Citrus trees require a lot of sunlight and well-draining soil to grow well.(柑橘树需要充足的阳光和排水良好的土壤才能生长得好。)
7. The juice of citrus fruits can be used in cocktails, marinades, and salad dressings.(柑橘类水果的果汁可以用于鸡尾酒、腌料和沙拉酱料中。)
'Citrus'这个词语来源于拉丁语,意为柑橘类水果。它是一个常见的英文单词,表示柑橘类水果,包括柚子、橙子、柠檬、葡萄柚等。人们通常将这些水果称为“Citrus fruits(柑橘类水果)”,以表示它们的独特性质。
1. Oranges are a popular citrus fruit that can be eaten raw or used in cooking.(橙子是一种受欢迎的柑橘类水果,可以生吃或用于烹饪。)
2. Grapefruits are often used for their tart flavor in salads and juices.(葡萄柚常被用于沙拉和果汁中,因为它们的酸味。)
3. Lemons, with their sour taste, are commonly used in baking and cooking.(柠檬因其酸味常用于烘焙和烹饪中。)
4. Tangerines are a smaller citrus fruit that are easy to peel and eat.(橘子是一种比较小的柑橘类水果,易于剥皮并食用。)
5. Mandarins are a type of citrus fruit that are similar to tangerines.(橘子是一种类似于橘子的柑橘类水果。)
6. Lime juice is often used in cocktails and marinades for its sour flavor.(酸橙汁经常用于鸡尾酒和腌料中,因为它的酸味。)
7. Pomelos are a large, citrus fruit that have a slightly sweet flavor.(柚子是一种较大的柑橘类水果,有微甜的味道。)
8. Blood oranges are a variety of citrus fruit that have a deep red flesh.(血橙是一种柑橘类水果的品种,果肉呈深红色。)
9. Clementines are a type of orange that are smaller and sweeter than traditional oranges.(小型橙子是一种比传统橙子更小、更甜的橙子品种。)
1. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which is good for your immune system.(柑橘类水果富含维生素C,有助于增强免疫系统。)
2. The orchard is full of citrus trees, including oranges, lemons, and grapefruits.(果园里到处都是柑橘树,包括橙子、柠檬和葡萄柚。)
例句:Very clean zingy palate, with fresh citrus and gooseberry flavors in abundance, and balanced lingering acidity. (清澈活泼的口感,带有浓郁的新鲜柑橘和醋栗的馨香,平衡的酸感令人久久难忘。)
例句:Citrus cultures, cedars and oleanders which are very seldom in the climate grow in the park. (公园里生长着一些在这个气候里里很罕见的柑橘、香柏树、夹竹桃。)
例句:Citrus cultures, cedars and oleanders which are very seldom in the climate grow in the park. (公园里生长着一些在这个气候里里很罕见的柑橘、香柏树、夹竹桃。)
例句:The palate exudes tropical fruit flavours with a soft easy-to-quaff finish of citrus acidity. (翻译:热带果味徜徉于齿间,以柔顺的酸度收尾,给人意欲畅饮的冲动。)
citrus一般作为名词使用,如在fragrant citrus([园艺] 香橙)、genus Citrus([网络] 柑橘属;柑桔属)、mastogloia citrus(柑桔胸隔藻)等常见短语中出现较多。
fragrant citrus | [园艺] 香橙 |
genus Citrus | [网络] 柑橘属;柑桔属 |
mastogloia citrus | 柑桔胸隔藻 |
melanose of citrus | 柑桔沙皮病 |
dried citrus meal | 干橘粉 |
dried citrus pulp | 干橘渣 |
smaller citrus dog | 淡黄凤蝶;金凤蝶 |
Texas citrus mite | 【昆虫】得克萨斯柑橘红蜘蛛;斑氏真叶螨(一种常蛀食柑橘树叶的红色蜘蛛) |
yellow citrus ant | 黄柑蚁 |
1. Citrus cultures, cedars and oleanders which are very seldom in the climate grow in the park. (翻译:公园里生长着一些在这个气候里里很罕见的柑橘、香柏树、夹竹桃。)
2. The palate exudes tropical fruit flavours with a soft easy-to-quaff finish of citrus acidity. (翻译:热带果味徜徉于齿间,以柔顺的酸度收尾,给人意欲畅饮的冲动。)
3. Walk along Citrus between Fountain and Sunset any afternoon. (翻译:日落而息的下午,行走在喷泉边的柑橘林。Walk along Citrus between Fountain and Sunset any afternoon.)
4. The blending of Citrus juices, restoration of Citrus juices and seasonings weight does not exceed 3% of the total weight. (翻译:其中所掺加的柑橘类果汁、复原柑橘类果汁及调味料的重量不超过总重量的3%。)
5. The Howey Company owns large tracts of citrus acreage in Lake County, Florida. (翻译:前者在佛罗里达湖县拥有大片的柑橘地。)
6. Attractive fresh, fruity, with citrus fruit, green apples and good autolytic yeast aromas. (翻译:带有柑桔绿苹果新鲜水果的强烈气味和好的发哮气味。)
7. Study on In Vitro Culture and Plant Regeneration in Citrus Reticulata Blanco Epicotyl; (翻译:以雪柑实生苗上胚轴为材料,建立了高效离体培养再生体系。)
8. Seedlessness is an elite trait in citrus and triploid citrus is seedless in nature due to the abnormal meiosis and embryo abortion. (翻译:无籽是柑橘的一项优良品质,柑橘三倍体由于染色体减数分裂不正常,配子败育,因此是天然的无籽类型。)
9. Fructose, sorbitol, plant cellulose, magnesium stearate, vegetable stearin, citrus flavor. (翻译:果糖、山梨醇、植物纤维素、硬脂酸镁、蔬菜stearin,柑橘风味。)
10. Production of Polyclonal and Monoclonal Antibodies Against Citrus Tristeza Virus and Their Efficiency for the Detection of the Virus (翻译:柑橘衰退病毒多克隆和单克隆抗体的制备及检测效果分析)
11. Enjoy the scents of citrus, quince, nectarine and apricot complemented with hints of well integrated vanillin oak. (翻译:酒香扑鼻,有柑橘、温柏、油桃和杏仁的香味揉合着来自橡木陈酿的淡雅精致的香草味。)
12. Instead of using an aerosol freshening spray, mist your room with real citrus scent,. (翻译:用天然甘橘气味剂代替气溶胶清新喷雾剂。)
13. Acridone alkaloids, a group of important bioactive compounds, are mainly in the citrus plant of Rutaceae family. (翻译:摘要吖啶酮生物碱是一类重要的生物活性物质,芸香科柑橘类植物是天然吖啶酮的主要来源。)
14. A utensil with a conical, ridged projection, used for extracting Citrus - fruit juice. (翻译:果汁压榨器一种常有圆锥突出物的器具,突出物上有脊凸,用以榨取果汁)
15. Poached Asparagus, Potato Puree, Three Citrus Beurre Blanc. (翻译:煮芦笋,土豆泥,柑橘牛油沙司。)