smokey是什么意思 smokey的中文翻译、读音、例句

smokey是什么意思 smokey的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇含义方面:Smokey 可以用作名词、形容词或动词,最常见的意思是“烟熏的”、“冒烟的”、“充满烟雾的”、“浓烟四起的”,或者指代美国林火防治署(Smoky Bear)。


- The meat was tender and juicy with a lovely smokey flavor.

- The city was covered in a thick, smokey haze from the nearby factories.

- The Smokey Bear campaign reminds us to be careful with fire when in the woods.

- After the fire, the air was still quite smokey and difficult to breathe.

2. 地理位置方面:Smokey 可以指代地名,例如加拿大的 Smokey Mountains,美国的 Smokey Hill River。


- The Smokey Mountains are a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers.

- The Smokey Hill River flows through several states in America's heartland.

3. 战争历史方面:Smokey 也是第二次世界大战中,盟军用于干扰德国雷达的烟幕弹的代号。


- The use of Smokey helped the Allied forces evade detection by German radar.

- The Smokey operation was a crucial part of the D-Day invasion.

4. 人名方面:Smokey 也可以是人名,特别是指那些皮肤黑色或者眼睛呈烟熏色的人。


- Smokey Robinson is a famous American singer and songwriter.

- The basketball player's nickname was Smokey, due to his dark complexion and quick moves on the court.


- The woodsmoked bacon was delicious at breakfast.(早餐时的熏肉味很好吃。)

- The air was filled with the smokey scent of wood burning in the fireplace.(空气中弥漫着壁炉里烧木柴所发出的浓烟味。)

- We need to put out the fire before the whole house becomes smokey.(我们需要在全屋充满烟雾之前扑灭火势。)

- Smokey Bear reminds us to be careful with fire when camping in the woods.(Smokey熊提醒我们在森林露营时要小心用火。)

- The Smokey Mountains offer stunning views of nature, and are popular for hiking and camping.(Smokey山脉提供了美丽的自然风光,常常用来徒步旅行和野营。)


读音: /'sməʊkɪ/


1. The air outside was thick with the smell of smokey barbecues.


2. He had a deep, smokey voice that sent shivers down my spine.





例句:Some night when Pete's off on a toot with Smokey the bear. (等彼德去参加预防森林大火 安全讲习会再动手)


例句, Smokey. You were over the line. That's a foul. (不好意思 烟仔 你的脚越线了 那是犯规的)


例句:You see grown men in Whitehall sitting in smokey rooms above pubs. (白厅里的大人物 You see grown men in Whitehall 在自己的办公室里吞云吐雾 sitting in smokey rooms above pubs.)


例句:Deep smokey green with a lighter shimmer that changes from pale green to silver to pink, depending on the light. (翻译:深烟熏绿色带亮片,随光线可从淡绿色变幻为银、粉红。)


smokey一般作为名词使用,如在Smokey Bear(斯摩基熊)、smokey bears(= Smokey;= Smoky Bear)、smokey quartz([网络] 斯莫基石英;烟石英;石英石)等常见短语中出现较多。

Smokey Bear斯摩基熊
smokey bears= Smokey;= Smoky Bear
smokey quartz[网络] 斯莫基石英;烟石英;石英石
smokey treats对待


1. You see grown men in Whitehall sitting in smokey rooms above pubs. (翻译:白厅里的大人物 You see grown men in Whitehall 在自己的办公室里吞云吐雾 sitting in smokey rooms above pubs.)

2. Deep smokey green with a lighter shimmer that changes from pale green to silver to pink, depending on the light. (翻译:深烟熏绿色带亮片,随光线可从淡绿色变幻为银、粉红。)

3. Smokey, this is not Nam. This is bowling. There are rules. (翻译:烟仔 这里不是越南 现在是打保龄 凡事都讲规则)

4. Good news is, Desmond got out of that well, so if we can find him before Smokey can... (翻译:好消息是德斯蒙从井里出来了 所以我们若能抢在黑烟怪之前 找到他...)

5. Old Walt got Smokey the Bear, bent him over a stump for a little bit of backdoor action. (翻译:老沃特遇到烟熏泰迪熊 熊把他压到树桩上 操了他一会)

6. I know Smokey a little bit. He's too nice a gentleman ever to say such a thing. (翻译:我对史摩基有点了解,他是个和蔼的绅士 他是不会说那种话的)

7. Smokey the cat is happy and you know it. (翻译:斯莫科,这只猫很快活,你知道。)

8. Smokey quartz: A young girl swallowed a smokey quartz, which came with a Treasure of the Earth magazine. (翻译:一名女孩吞下了一块随《地球宝藏》杂志一同寄来的石英石。)

9. Emma changed up her look for this red carpet event, with heavy kohl smokey eye make-up and in a leather jacket. We love her vixen style! (翻译:艾玛红毯上的颠覆形象,厚重的烟熏妆和皮夹克,这个泼辣的风格很讨人喜欢!)

10. Medium grey with a brown tone and slight sheen, try pairing with Soot for a smokey look. (翻译:中等灰色带棕色调,略有光泽,可尝试搭配Soot化烟熏妆。)

11. Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan, the Beatles. (翻译:史摩基・罗宾逊,史蒂夫・旺德 鲍勃・迪伦,甲壳虫)

12. later, Banhart remains a leader in this pack -- and Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon may be his best so far. (翻译:之后,Banhart仍然保持了他的领先地位。SmokeyRollsDownThunderCanyon或许是至今为止他最好的专辑。)

13. I forgot to give it back when Bridget and Dave went to Myrtle Beach and asked me to feed Smokey. (翻译:布里奇特和戴夫去默特尔海滩 叫我帮忙喂狗那次... 我忘了还遥控)

14. I realized after my last trip to the Smokey Mountains that nothing stays sacred like a child's memory. (翻译:最后一次去看“大火山”,回来后发现儿时记忆中的很多东西都发生了变化。)

15. Smokey, my friend, you're entering a world of pain. (翻译:烟仔 -你在进入一个痛苦的世界 -沃尔特)



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