cixi是什么意思 cixi的中文翻译、读音、例句

cixi是什么意思 cixi的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词源解释:cixi 是指清朝的一位女皇帝,也是中国历史上极具争议的重要人物,cixi 这个名字就是她的名字的罗马字拼音形式。

2. 历史背景:cixi (1835-1908) 生于清朝嘉庆xx年,逝世于光绪xx年,她系清朝晚期的权臣之一,于 1861 年当任皇太后,自次年开始大权独揽,直至 1908 年去世。

3. 文化价值:cixi 的生平事迹具有极高的历史、文化和社会意义,其政治才干、思想修养、个人品质以及维新变法、对外开放等一系列重大事件均值得深入研究和探讨。

4. 影响范围:cixi 所扮演的历史角色为中国历史的走向产生了重要影响,她的态度和举措对于中国史和世界史都有着重要的贡献和影响。

5. 当代传承:cixi 的故事在当代文学、电影、电视剧、绘画等多个文化领域得到广泛传承和演绎,为世人所纪念和缅怀。


1. Emperor Guangxu ascended to the throne at the age of four years under the guidance of Empress Dowager Cixi. (光绪帝xx岁时,在慈禧太后的指导下登上了宝座。)

2. Empress Dowager Cixi played an important role in the modernization of China. (慈禧太后在中国现代化进程中起到了重要的作用。)

3. The life of Empress Dowager Cixi has been the subject of many books and films. (慈禧太后的一生成为许多书籍和电影的主题。)

4. Empress Dowager Cixi was a controversial figure in Chinese history. (慈禧太后是中国历史上备受争议的人物。)

5. The legacy of Empress Dowager Cixi continues to influence Chinese culture and society. (慈禧太后的遗产继续影响着中国文化和社会。)

'Cixi'这个词语来源于中文,是指清朝后期的一位女性皇帝——慈禧太后。她官居朝中,施政超越朝臣,权倾一时,也被称为“西太后”。常见翻译包括:Empress Dowager Cixi,西太后,慈禧太后等。


1. 慈禧太后虽然身为女性,却在清朝政治中发挥了巨大的作用。

Cixi, though a woman, played a huge role in the politics of the Qing Dynasty.

2. 慈禧太后的生平被认为是中国历史上最具争议的一段时期之一。

The life of Empress Dowager Cixi is considered one of the most controversial periods in Chinese history.

3. 慈禧太后在位时期,清朝进行了多项现代化改革。

During the reign of Empress Dowager Cixi, the Qing Dynasty underwent numerous modernization reforms.

4. 慈禧太后经常干预朝政,使得清朝政治不稳定。

Empress Dowager Cixi frequently intervened in politics, causing instability in the Qing Dynasty.

5. 慈禧太后的晚年生活非常奢华,但也备受争议。

The later life of Empress Dowager Cixi was very luxurious but also controversial.

6. 慈禧太后的雕像现在仍然可以在北京的故宫博物院里看到。

The statue of Empress Dowager Cixi can still be seen in the Palace Museum in Beijing.

7. 慈禧太后在位期间,中国的外交政策发生了很大的变化。

During the reign of Empress Dowager Cixi, China’s foreign policy underwent great changes.

8. 慈禧太后在医疗领域做出了一些贡献,促进了西医的发展。

Empress Dowager Cixi made some contributions in the medical field, promoting the development of Western medicine.

9. 慈禧太后也曾经历了许多挫折和失败,但始终保持着顽强的意志力。

Empress Dowager Cixi also experienced many setbacks and failures but maintained a strong will.



读音:cí xǐ


1. Cixi是清朝历史上非常有争议的人物。

Translation: Cixi is a controversial figure in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

2. 慈禧是一位非常强悍的女性,影响了中国的历史进程。

Translation: Cixi was a very strong-willed woman who had a significant impact on the course of Chinese history.




例句:But the ideals were stifled by Cixi and Guangxu was jailed in his own palace. (但是,理想扼杀慈溪和光绪被关押在自己的宫殿。)


例句:cixi branches and chain leagues have been established in shanghai , zhejiang province , shanxi province and liaoning province etc. (在上海、浙江、山西、辽宁、湖北等已建有分支机构和连锁加盟体检机构。)


例句:In Jintang period, Cixi Shanglinhu celadon sold far away overseas, served as a gateway to the world "maritime Silk Road. " (在晋唐期间,慈溪上林湖青瓷远销海外,架起啦通往世界地“海上丝绸之路”。)


1. In Jintang period, Cixi Shanglinhu celadon sold far away overseas, served as a gateway to the world "maritime Silk Road. " (翻译:在晋唐期间,慈溪上林湖青瓷远销海外,架起啦通往世界地“海上丝绸之路”。)

2. Cixi Huisheng Stationery Co., Ltdwas established in 2000which located in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. (翻译:慈溪市汇升文具有限公司成立于xx年,坐落于浙江省宁波市。)

3. Are the living quarters of the Dowager Queen cixi, Emperor Guangxu, his empress and concubines. (翻译:前面那些宫殿是生活居住区,是慈禧太后,光绪皇帝以及后妃居住的地方。)

4. Cixi concentrated on centralizing her own power base. (翻译:慈溪市集中集中自己的权力基础。)

5. However, the actual ruler Cixi did not give him any chance, and Guangxu ended his miserable life in wrath and helplessness. (翻译:但实际当权者慈禧未能给他任何机会,光绪也在愤愤与无奈之中结束了其悲惨的一生。)

6. Displeased, Cixi saw these changes as a serious threat to her power and condemned the reforms as too radical. (翻译:慈禧太后对此大为不悦,她认为这些革新举措对其手中握有的权力构成了重大威胁,并且指责维新太过激进。)

7. We have our own graphite mine, acidate graphite process factory, graphite yarn plant, braided graphite packing plant, the Cixi reprocess center and the international foreign-trade department . (翻译:现拥有自己的石墨矿山、酸化石墨加工厂、石墨线厂、盘根编织厂、慈溪高档盘根深加工中心和国际市场产品联络部。)

8. Cixi Fengxiang Electric Instrument co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of air compressor accessories. (翻译:慈溪市凤祥电器仪表有限公司是一家专业的空压机配件制造公司。)

9. Reconstruction of the complex of "Ancient Town House of Cixi County", as the key project of the preservation and development of the Old Town Cicheng, is absolutely crucial. (翻译:“古慈溪县衙署”建筑群的重建,作为慈城老城的保护性开发的核心工程,具有十分重大的意义。)

10. Cixi was the last empress dowager of the ethnic-Manchu Qing Dynasty and the last empress dowager of China. (翻译:慈禧是满清王朝最后一位女皇,也是中国的最后一位女皇。)

11. For his ersatz loyalty to Cixi, Yuan was named the governor of Shandong province, a region rife with restive groups of anti-foreign militia. (翻译:因为对慈禧假惺惺的忠诚,袁世凯被任命为山东的巡抚,那里有很多排外的民兵组织。)

12. I have lived in Cixi since I graduated from ECNU. (翻译:自从华师大毕业后,我一直住在慈溪。)

13. According to historical records, the Empress Dowager Cixi of the palace wearing clothes is to use technology to be decorative applique. (翻译:据史料记载,慈禧太后穿的宫服就是用补花工艺加以点缀的。)

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