scc是什么意思 scc的中文翻译、读音、例句

scc是什么意思 scc的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. SCC是什么意思


- Society of Cosmetic Chemists(化妆品化学师协会)

- Student Computer Club(学生计算机俱乐部)

- Squamous Cell Carcinoma(鳞状细胞癌)

- Single Cell Concentration(单细胞浓度)

- Service Control Center(服务控制中心)

- Serial Communication Controller(串行通信控制器)

- System Control Center(系统控制中心)

2. SCC在什么场合下使用


- 化妆品科技和化学研究领域

- 学生社团和组织

- 医学和生物科技领域

- 物流和运输领域

- 电子和计算机科技领域

3. SCC在句子中的用法


- The SCC Annual Meeting brings together industry professionals to discuss the latest innovations in cosmetic science.(SCC年度会议将行业专业人士聚集在一起,讨论化妆品科学的最新创新。)

- As a member of the SCC, I have access to exclusive industry insights and networking opportunities.(作为SCC的成员,我可以获取独家的行业洞察和网络机会。)

- SCC is a common type of skin cancer that often develops in areas of frequent sun exposure.(SCC是一种常见的皮肤癌,经常在经常接触阳光的区域发生。)

- Single cell concentration (SCC) is an important metric for evaluating the quality and quantity of cell cultures.(单细胞浓度(SCC)是评估细胞培养的质量和数量的重要指标。)

- The SCC is responsible for overseeing the distribution and delivery of goods and services to customers.(SCC负责监督将商品和服务分配和交付给客户。)

SCC这个词语来源于英语,全称为Stress Corrosion Cracking(应力腐蚀开裂),是一种金属材料在受到应力和环境腐蚀的共同作用下发生开裂的现象。在工程领域中常常使用这个词语来描述金属材料在特定环境中的腐蚀行为。


1. SCC is a major problem in the oil and gas industry.(SCC是石油和天然气行业的一个主要问题。)

2. Exposure to hydrogen can accelerate SCC in some alloys.(与氢接触会加速某些合金的应力腐蚀开裂。)

3. SCC can be prevented by controlling the environment and reducing stresses.(通过控制环境和减少应力可以预防应力腐蚀开裂。)

4. SCC is a common problem in marine environments.(海洋环境中应力腐蚀开裂是一个常见的问题。)

5. Proper heat treatment can reduce the susceptibility to SCC.(适当的热处理可以降低对应力腐蚀开裂的敏感性。)

6. SCC can occur in a variety of metals and alloys.(应力腐蚀开裂可以发生在各种金属和合金中。)

7. The severity of SCC depends on the material and the environment.(应力腐蚀开裂的严重程度取决于材料和环境。)

8. High temperatures can accelerate SCC in some materials.(高温可以加速某些材料的应力腐蚀开裂。)

9. SCC can be detected and monitored using non-destructive testing methods.(可以使用无损检测方法检测和监测应力腐蚀开裂。)

scc的意思是“Strongly Connected Component”,表示强连通分量。


读音:[ ɛs si si ]。


1. 在计算机科学中,强连通分量是一种基本的图论概念。

In computer science, strongly connected components are a fundamental concept in graph theory.

2. 该算法可以高效地找出图中的所有强连通分量。

The algorithm can efficiently find all strongly connected components in a graph.




例句:Self-compacting concrete(SCC) is a kind of high-performance concrete with high workability. (自密实混凝土是一种具有高工作性能的高性能混凝土。)


例句:SCC and BCC are the most common forms of skin cancer and are not usually life-threatening if detected early. (基底细胞癌和鳞癌是最常见的皮肤恶性肿瘤,如早期发现通常不会带来生命威胁。)


例句:Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a common cancer. (表皮鳞状细胞癌为一常见之皮肤癌。)


例句:After a week, suffers were determined by BMT recessive mastitis, and surveyed SCC and milk composition. (翻译:一周后,进行BMT检测隐性乳房炎情况,并采混合乳测定体细胞数和乳成分。)


scc一般作为名词使用,如在SCC([计] 计算机监督控制系统)、SCC wire([网络] 单纱包线)、ScC28(硫代磷酸寡聚脱氧胞苷酸)等常见短语中出现较多。

SCC[计] 计算机监督控制系统
SCC wire[网络] 单纱包线


1. Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a common cancer. (翻译:表皮鳞状细胞癌为一常见之皮肤癌。)

2. After a week, suffers were determined by BMT recessive mastitis, and surveyed SCC and milk composition. (翻译:一周后,进行BMT检测隐性乳房炎情况,并采混合乳测定体细胞数和乳成分。)

3. One of main reason for producing SCC in cladding plate weldments is the role of tensile residual stresses. (翻译:复板焊接结构出现应力腐蚀开裂的主要原因之一是拉伸残余应力的作用。)

4. is that the SCC has an ongoing investigation with certain members of the company. (翻译:-- 是,所述SCC具有 正在进行的调查 某些成员 该公司的。)

5. Recently, serum levels of SCC Ag were noticed to be elevated in patients with benign dermatoses. (翻译:近来发现良性皮肤疾病患者血清的鳞状细胞癌抗原会升高。)

6. My brother in Budapest sent it along with Mr. Frankovic, manager of the Sleeping Car Company, the SCC. (翻译:我哥哥被送到布达佩斯的 弗兰科瓦奇先生那 管理卧车公司 控制中,心)

7. High organosulfur coal (HOSC) is very special in that it is rich in sulfur containing compounds (SCC) in aromatic fraction of extract. (翻译:高有机硫煤是一种十分特殊的煤种,其特点之一是抽提物芳烃馏分中含丰富的含硫化合物。)

8. In an SCC, several of these tasks require that the shared disk configuration be changed or that the CMS resource model be updated. (翻译:在单一副本群集中,其中几项任务要求更改共享磁盘配置或更新群集邮箱服务器的资源模型。)

9. It may occasionally be necessary to mount or dismount databases in an SCC environment. (翻译:有时可能需要在单一副本群集环境中装入或卸除数据库。)

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