sustainable是什么意思 sustainable的中文翻译、读音、例句

sustainable是什么意思 sustainable的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:sustainable 意为“可持续的”,指能够保持长期的、稳定的状态,不会短期内耗尽资源或导致环境恶化。



- sustainable development 可持续发展

- sustainable energy 可持续能源

- sustainable agriculture 可持续农业

- sustainable forest management 可持续森林管理

- sustainable tourism 可持续旅游




1. We need to find a sustainable way to use the earth's resources. 我们需要找到一种可持续利用地球资源的方式。

2. The company is committed to sustainable business practices. 公司致力于可持续的商业实践。

3. The government is investing in sustainable energy technologies. 政府正在投资于可持续能源技术。

4. Sustainable tourism is an important way to protect natural and cultural heritage. 可持续旅游是保护自然和文化遗产的重要方式。

5. The company is implementing sustainable agriculture practices to reduce the environmental impact. 公司正在实施可持续农业实践以减少环境影响。

6. The university is promoting research on sustainable development. 大学正在推动可持续发展的研究。

7. The city is working to create a more sustainable transportation system. 城市正在努力创建更可持续的交通系统。

sustainable 的中文翻译是可持续的,读音为/sə'steɪnəbəl/。


1. We need to find ways to ensure sustainable development for our planet. (我们需要找到确保地球可持续发展的方法。)

2. The company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and becoming more sustainable. (该公司致力于减少其碳足迹,并变得更加可持续。)

3. It's important to use sustainable materials when building homes and offices. (在建造住宅和办公室时使用可持续材料非常重要。)

4. The government has implemented policies to promote sustainable agriculture. (政府已经实施了促进可持续农业的政策。)

5. Our goal is to create a sustainable future for generations to come. (我们的目标是为后代创造一个可持续的未来。)




例句:On Sustainable development of Health Services in Ximen community of Ningbo city (宁波市西门社区卫生服务持续发展实践与探讨)


例句:Next, conventional fertilizer, if used responsibly, is environmentally sustainable. (然后是传统肥料,如果以负责任的态度使用的话, 是环保、可持续发展的。)


例句:Whatever was sustainable on a planet of six billion is not going to be sustainable on a planet with nine. (能够支持地球上有60亿人口的做法 在90亿人口的情况下是行不通的。)


例句:What is the future of truly sustainable, carbon-free energy? (翻译:什么才是未来 真正可持续的,无碳的能源? )


sustainable一般作为形容词使用,如在non sustainable([网络] 畜牧者在使用非持续性;不能持久的;不能持续的)、sustainable agriculture(持续农业)、sustainable building([网络] 永续建筑;可持续建筑;可持续性建筑)等常见短语中出现较多。

non sustainable[网络] 畜牧者在使用非持续性;不能持久的;不能持续的
sustainable agriculture持续农业
sustainable building[网络] 永续建筑;可持续建筑;可持续性建筑
sustainable catch持久捕获量
sustainable chemistry永续化学
sustainable consumptionn. 可持续消费
sustainable design[网络] 永续设计;可持续设计;可持续发展设计
sustainable development可持续发展
sustainable developments可持续发展
sustainable economics衍续经济学


1. Whatever was sustainable on a planet of six billion is not going to be sustainable on a planet with nine. (翻译:能够支持地球上有60亿人口的做法 在90亿人口的情况下是行不通的。)

2. What is the future of truly sustainable, carbon-free energy? (翻译:什么才是未来 真正可持续的,无碳的能源? )

3. How could cow milk be sustainable? (翻译:他是对的。怎么可能 牛奶是可持续的吗?)

4. The philanthropy sink as the only way to create reserves is not sustainable. (翻译:依靠慈善捐助来维持保护区的方法是 没法永久维持的)

5. you want sustainable jobs? (翻译:You want... you want sustainable jobs?)

6. Now, obviously, this is not OK, and it’s not sustainable. (翻译:显然,这样的方式并不对, 也并不可持续, )

7. Sustainable Soil Management of Eucalypt Plantations: with Reference of the Dongmen Situation (翻译:桉树人工林可持续的土壤经营——以广西东门林场为例)

8. And to respectfully harmonize with them in order to foster a sustainable work. (翻译:然后我们要尊重并和它们和谐共处 为了实现可持续的工作。)

9. Until recently, it was a largely sustainable industry. (翻译:他们张开嘴巴游泳 迫使水从他们的鱼鳃流过)

10. If the economy was to progress in a balanced and sustainable growth. (翻译:因为经济水平必须是可持续的, 平衡发展的...)

11. And why might we need a sustainable agriculture? (翻译:为什么我们需要一个可持续的农业模式呢? )

12. It's going to be a viable and sustainable and respected profession. (翻译:它会成为一个可行的 可持续的 并受到尊敬的职业 )

13. Fuelwood Forest Management and Sustainable Use in Benxi (翻译:本溪地区薪炭林经营问题及永续利用对策的探讨)

:// (翻译://

15. Barton Seaver: Sustainable seafood? Let's get smart (翻译:巴顿 西维尔:可持续的海味?让我们变得明智些)

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