patterning是什么意思 patterning的中文翻译、读音、例句

patterning是什么意思 patterning的中文翻译、读音、例句

Patterning 是动词 pattern 的现在分词形式,意思是“形成模式、图案”,常用于描述事物的外观或结构。其词性为动词的一种形式。


1. 在设计领域中,patterning 可用来描述设计的图案或重复形式。

2. 在生物学研究中,patterning 用于描述细胞分化、生长和组织发育的模式。

3. 在计算机科学中,patterning 可用于描述数据的分布模式或算法的运行模式。


1. patterning techniques:形成模式或图案的技术

2. patterning design:图案设计

3. patterning recognition:模式识别


1. patterning effects:模式化效应

2. patterning behavior:行为模式

3. patterning process:形成模式的过程


patterning 的发音为 /ˈpæt.ən.ɪŋ/,其中重音在第一个音节。



1. The patterning on the fabric is quite intricate and beautiful.(这种面料的花纹非常复杂而美丽。)

2. He spent hours studying the patterning of the tiles on the floor.(他花了数小时研究地板瓷砖的图案。)

3. The artist used the natural patterning of wood grain to create a stunning sculpture.(这位艺术家利用木纹的自然花纹来创造出一件惊人的雕塑。)




例句:Initial tests with silicon suggest that this kind of patterning can lead to a fivefold enhancement in absorbance. (最初硅实验表明这种结构能提高5倍的吸收能力。)


例句:It is wise for initiates to become gifted at self-examination and begin to understand one's own biological and emotional patterning. (对提升者而言这是很明智的,来精通于自我检视,并开始理解自身的生物体及情感模式。)


例句:We have seen many cases of this, and often it was the result of the patterning we are exploring this year ahead. (我们已经看到许多这样的事例,而这经常是我们今年要探究之模式的结果。)


例句:I don't have any patterning skills, so please, boss... (翻译:我不会打样... 所以才来拜托社长...)


patterning一般作为名词、动词使用,如在fabric patterning(织物花纹设计)、gate patterning(闸极布局)、phonestheme patterning(音韵模式图示)等常见短语中出现较多。

fabric patterning织物花纹设计
gate patterning闸极布局
phonestheme patterning音韵模式图示
positive patterning[网络] 正图形光刻
electronic patterning unit电子提花装置


1. We have seen many cases of this, and often it was the result of the patterning we are exploring this year ahead. (翻译:我们已经看到许多这样的事例,而这经常是我们今年要探究之模式的结果。)

2. I don't have any patterning skills, so please, boss... (翻译:我不会打样... 所以才来拜托社长...)

3. Here they are made with reindeer hide, and the women's version features colourful sequined patterning. (翻译:在这里“凡愣克”是用驯鹿皮做的,女式的毛皮靴子上常用彩色的小金属片来装饰。)

4. They are usually identified based on the patterning and shape of the head, and the arrangement of scales. (翻译:通常分类变色龙依据的是它们头部的形状、图案以及鳞片的排列方式。)

5. Do you know the difference between French open syllabic organization and English trochaic speech patterning, Deeks? (翻译:和英语音韵的语音模式 的区别吗 Deeks? - 老生常谈?)

6. I'm an engineer, and I don't like unexplained frequency patterning... near a plant where I'm responsible. (翻译:我只是个工程师

7. Well, based on the patterning of acute urticaria, cyanosis, cardiac arrest, and the odor that I detected, (翻译:沮ㄤ┦隒陈痩膒 档宙 み铬艼氨㎝и籇)

8. We do this with the materials, then the materials do the hard work of the fine patterning, rather than pushing the projection technology to its limits and beyond. (翻译:我们用材料进行试验, 让这些材料完成 精细图案的制作工作, 而不是试图在投射技术上寻找突破。)

9. That's supported by evidence which suggests that the neural patterning involved in generating a hiccup is almost identical to that responsible for respiration in amphibians. (翻译:有证据表明 产生打嗝的神经模式和 两栖动物的呼吸模式几乎一致 )

10. So the materials are doing the most difficult fine patterning. (翻译:所以这些材料在进行 最困难的精细复写。)

11. Identical patterning was replicated in the 1950's. ...during atmospheric nucleartests. (翻译:xx年进行的核试 也曾造出同样的爆炸)

12. Initial tests with silicon suggest that this kind of patterning can lead to a fivefold enhancement in absorbance. (翻译:最初硅实验表明这种结构能提高5倍的吸收能力。)



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