awaker是什么意思 awaker的中文翻译、读音、例句

awaker是什么意思 awaker的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性和词义:'awaker'是一个名词,意为‘醒来者’,特指那些从睡眠中醒来的人。

2. 派生词 :'awake'是其相关动词,意为‘使醒来’或者‘醒来’,'awakening'是它的形容词形式,意为‘令人觉醒的’。

3. 用法:'awaker'比较少被使用,通常使用更普遍的形式是'awaken'或者'awakening'。

4. 同义词:'sleeper'也是一个名词,用于指从睡眠中醒来的人,与'awaker'含义相同。

5. 例句:

(1)I am an awaker, I always wake up early in the morning.

(2)After a long night of sleep, the awakers started to emerge one by one.

(3)The sound of the alarm clock was the signal for all the awakers in the room to rise and start their day.

(4)The awakening of nature in the spring is always a beautiful sight to behold.

(5)The movie had an awakening effect on the people, and many of them began to question their beliefs.




1. He is an awaker, always conscious of the environment around him. (他是一个觉醒者,总是对周围的环境保持警觉。)

2. The sound of the alarm clock was the awaker for me to start a new day. (闹钟声是我开始新的一天的唤醒器。)

3. The book was an awaker for her curiosity, and she couldn't stop reading. (这本书唤醒了她的好奇心,她停不下来了。)

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