ibr是什么意思 ibr的中文翻译、读音、例句

ibr是什么意思 ibr的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 缩写词含义:'ibr'是Interbank Rate(同业拆借利率)的缩写词。作为金融术语,'ibr'指的是银行之间相互借贷的年利率。


- The bank lends money to other banks at the prevailing IBR rate.

- IBR is closely monitored by the central bank for its impact on the economy.

- The IBR fluctuates depending on the supply and demand of funds among banks.

- The IBR is often used as a benchmark for other short-term lending rates.

2. 单词拼写:'ibr'并不是一个独立的单词,它缺少元音字母,正确的拼写应该是'vibrant'。


- The vibrant colors of the flowers in the garden were breathtaking.

- Her personality was vibrant and full of energy.

- The vibrant music filled the room and everyone started dancing.

- The painting was so vibrant that it seemed to come to life.

3. 缩写词解释:'ibr'也可以是Initial Business Response(初始业务响应)的缩写词。作为商业术语,'ibr'指的是企业对某个事件或环境变化做出的初始反应。


- The company's IBR to the pandemic was to close their physical stores and focus on online sales.

- The IBR to the new government regulations was to hire a team of lawyers to analyze the legal implications.

- The IBR to the negative reviews on social media was to issue a public apology and offer compensation to affected customers.

- The IBR to the sudden increase in demand was to expand their production capacity and hire more workers.

4. 单词含义:'ibr'在英语中没有任何意义或定义,它不是一个真正的单词。


- He spelled 'ibr' during the spelling bee, but was told that it is not a word.

- The student wrote 'ibr' as an answer on the test, but the teacher marked it wrong.

- The boy made up a word called 'ibr' just to confuse his classmates.

- The computer program flagged 'ibr' as a spelling error and suggested 'rib' instead.


1. Indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (无限量无期限交付): 这是针对政府采购合同的一种常见类型,表示政府机构可以在一定时间内随时根据需要订购某种货物或服务,但实际订购数量和交付日期都没有明确规定。

2. Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (传染性牛鼻气管炎): 这是一种由病毒引起的、影响牛类呼吸道的疾病,会导致牛的食欲下降、咳嗽、打喷嚏、流鼻涕等症状。

3. Islamic banking and finance (伊斯兰银行与金融): 这是一种根据伊斯兰教法规定的金融体系,与传统的利息制银行有很大的不同,主要是不涉及利息、风险共担、资产实物化等方面的特点。




1. The government agency issued an IBR contract to procure office supplies for the next six months. (政府机构签订了一份无限量无期限交付合同,用于采购未来六个月的办公用品。)

2. The outbreak of IBR caused significant economic losses to the cattle industry in the region. (传染性牛鼻气管炎爆发导致该地区的牛业遭受了重大经济损失。)

3. IBR-compliant financial products are becoming increasingly popular among Muslim investors. (符合伊斯兰银行与金融规定的金融产品在穆斯林投资者中越来越受欢迎。)




例句:Establishing and Realizing Lens Model in IBR Virtual Reality System (IBR虚拟现实系统中透镜模型的建立与实现)


例句:When an IBR and a TP come together, they go straight to purgatory. (当IBR 与TP走到一起时,他们会坠入情感的炼狱。)


例句:The research of the thesis belongs to the field of ibr, and aims at applying camera self-calibration to ibr. (本文研究的内容属于IBR范畴,主要讨论把摄像机自定标技术应用到IBR中。)


例句:The model of the IBR-2 pulsed reactor dynamics and investigation of pulse energy stabilization. (翻译:2脉冲堆动力学模型和脉冲能量稳定化研究…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。)


1. The research of the thesis belongs to the field of ibr, and aims at applying camera self-calibration to ibr. (翻译:本文研究的内容属于IBR范畴,主要讨论把摄像机自定标技术应用到IBR中。)

2. The model of the IBR-2 pulsed reactor dynamics and investigation of pulse energy stabilization. (翻译:2脉冲堆动力学模型和脉冲能量稳定化研究…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。)

3. The IBR emerges intact, after a few weeks or a few months, ready to pursue a heavenly relationship. (翻译:IBR依然故我,并在几周或数月后准备寻求一种天作之合。)



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