1. alder catkins:桤木花序
2. alder cones:桤木松果
3. alder flycatcher:桤木捕蝇鸟
4. alder grove:桤木林
5. alder leaf beetle:桤木叶甲
6. alder tree:桤木树
7. red alder:红桤木
1. alder withy:桤木枝条
2. alder bark:桤木树皮
3. alder carr:桤木沼泽林
4. alder shade:桤木树荫下
5. alder swamp:桤木沼泽
6. alder thicket:桤木灌丛
7. alder wood:桤木木材
1. Red alder trees are very important because they can change the soil chemistry to make it better for other plants.(红桤木极为重要,因为它们可以改变土壤化学性质,使其更适合其他植物生长。)
2. The alder leaves turn yellow in the fall.(桤木的叶子在秋天变成了黄色。)
3. Alder trees grow quickly in wet areas.(桤木树在湿地生长迅速。)
4. The light brown bark of the alder tree makes it easy to identify.(桤木树的浅褐色树皮使其很容易辨认。)
5. The alder withy is often used in basket weaving.(桤木枝条经常用于编篮子。)
6. Alder groves are a popular spot for birdwatching.(桤木林是观鸟的热门场所。)
7. The alder swamp is home to many rare plant species.(桤木沼泽是许多稀有植物物种的家园。)
alder的意思是“桤木”、“赤杨树”,通常指一种落叶乔木。它的中文读音是“qiú mù”。以下是例句:
1. The alder tree is commonly found near waterways.
2. The alder leaves turn yellow in the fall.
3. The furniture was made from alder wood.
例句:I knew, 'cause that was the same bear that I had seen down here looking at me right through the alder bushes there. (我知道 因为这跟我在飞机上看到的同一只熊 在灌木丛里看着我的那只)
例句:He has also captured pollen from alder, pine and willow. (他还从桤树、松树和柳树上采集了花粉。)
例句:Several coppice plantations have been seeded with poplar willow and alder. (好几个灌木林场都种上了白杨、柳树和赤杨。)
例句:Michael Licosati, a founder of Alder Capital, bought shares in Rino. (翻译:阿尔德资金创始人,入了绿诺科技的股份。)
alder一般作为名词使用,如在European alder(欧洲桤木)、false alder([网络] 假al鱼)、gray alder([网络] 灰al)等常见短语中出现较多。
European alder | 欧洲桤木 |
false alder | [网络] 假al鱼 |
gray alder | [网络] 灰al |
green alder | [网络] 绿色al鱼 |
grey alder | [网络] 灰色桤木;北部地区还有一种灰桤木 |
hazel alder | [网络] 榛子al鱼 |
kurt alder | [网络] 库尔特·阿尔德;阿德尔 |
mountain alder | [网络] 山al |
Oregon alder | [网络] 红桤木 |
1. Several coppice plantations have been seeded with poplar willow and alder. (翻译:好几个灌木林场都种上了白杨、柳树和赤杨。)
2. Michael Licosati, a founder of Alder Capital, bought shares in Rino. (翻译:阿尔德资金创始人,入了绿诺科技的股份。)
3. Our main business is processing and selling the log veneer laminate and devorative plywood of imported woods such as burmese teak ebony american cherry red ceder walnut alder red oak white oak etc. (翻译:东莞市宇力木业有限公司主要加工缅甸柚木、欧美樱桃木、黑胡桃、黑檀木、美国香松等进口木材的木皮及装饰面板。)
4. Therefore, only the four legs and a layer on top are made of American alder; the materials for the other parts cannot be confirmed. (翻译:因此,只有四条桌腿和表层是美国桤木;其他的无法知道是由什么材料组成。)
5. Even with snow on the ground, the high bushy understory is exposed; also snow and wind bring down leafy branches of cedar, hemlock, red alder, and other arboreal fodder. (翻译:即使地上有雪,高而浓密的下层植被也显露出来;雪和风也会吹落雪松、铁杉、红桤木多叶的树枝和其他的树木草料。)
6. He has captured pollen from alder, pine, and willow. (翻译:他从桤树、松树和柳树上捕捉到了花粉。)
7. Exploring the woodlands on a warm summers evening, he spotted this lone caterpillar delicately balanced on the stem of a black alder leaf. (翻译:在一个温暖夏天的夜晚他探究森林,发现一条孤零零的毛毛虫微妙的平衡在一个黑色桤木叶的茎上。)
8. BABY THEN, THAT THEY WOULD JUST CALL IT BABY ALDER. (翻译:宝宝那么,他们会 叫它宝宝桤木。所以...)
9. And your grandfather, Alder Danforth, took the And half of these became rings. (翻译:你的祖父,桤木丹福思了... ,其中一半 变成了光环。)
10. Here is the beaver. And here is the stream, and the aspen and the alder and the willow. (翻译:这里是海狸,这里是水流, 这里则是白杨,赤杨和柳树。)
11. You just going to try to recycle Adler's doctrine of the inferiority complex? (翻译:你就打算拿Alder的 自卑情结学说来用了?)
12. Here is the beaver. And here is the stream, and the aspen and the alder and the willow. (翻译:这里是海狸,这里是水流, 这里则是白杨,赤杨和柳树。)
13. The meanders of a prattling brook, were shaded with straggling willows and alder trees. (翻译:一条小河蜿蜒掩映在稀疏的柳树和桤树的树荫间,淙淙作响。)
14. The meanders of a prattling brook, were shaded with straggling willows and alder trees . (翻译:一条小河蜿蜒掩映在稀疏的柳树和桤树的树荫间,淙淙作响。)
15. And at night he will take the threads from her hair, tie them into a knot and hang them on an alder tree. (翻译:然后到了晚上, 丈夫就会帮新娘解开绳子, 把绳子捆成一节,挂在赤杨树上)