insecure是什么意思 insecure的中文翻译、读音、例句

insecure是什么意思 insecure的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词意解释:'insecure'指的是缺乏自信或者不安全的状态。表达的是一个人或者事物感觉不稳固或者不确定的状态。

2. 情感表达:'insecure'常常与消极的情感联系在一起,比如焦虑、紧张、担忧、自卑、羞耻等等。

3. 相关词汇:在英语中,'insecure'常常与其他的情感和状态词连用,比如'feel insecure'、'be insecure about'、'insecure attachment'、'insecure job'、'insecure property'等等。

4. 应用场景:'insecure'这个单词在日常生活和工作中都有广泛的应用场景,包括谈恋爱时的情感不稳定、员工在工作中的自我怀疑、网络安全中的数据不安全等等。


1. Her constant need for reassurance showed how insecure she felt in their relationship. (她频繁需要安慰表明她在恋爱关系中感到不安)

2. He always felt insecure about his appearance, despite everyone telling him how handsome he was. (尽管所有人都告诉他有多帅,但他一直对自己的外表感到不安)

3. The company's sudden layoff left many employees feeling insecure about their job security. (公司的突然裁员让很多员工对自己的工作感到不安全)

4. The insecure attachment between the mother and child led to emotional issues later in life. (母子之间的不安全附着导致后来的情绪问题)

5. My laptop's outdated security system left my personal information insecure and vulnerable to hackers. (我的笔记本电脑过时的安全系统让我的个人信息不安全,容易受到黑客攻击)





1. She's always been insecure about her appearance.


2. The company's financial position is insecure.


3. He felt insecure and vulnerable after losing his job.





例句:Well, aren't actresses needy and emotional and, you know, insecure? (嗯,女演员不都极度需要关注 很情绪化并没有安全感吗?)


例句:Why has all this focus on security made me feel so much more insecure? (为什么所有这些对安全的关注让我感到更加的不安全?)


例句:You were totally jealous, completely insecure, and always certain that I was cheating on you. (你喜欢猜忌 没有安全感, 一直很肯定我在欺骗你)


例句:To my mind, marriage is no way of life for the weak the selfish or the insecure. (翻译:在我看来,弱者,婚姻是没办法生活的 ...自私者... 或不安全者)


insecure一般作为形容词使用,如在food insecure(food insecurity的变形)、insecure attachment(不安全型依恋、不安全型依附{注:等同焦虑型依恋})、insecure communication([计] 不安全通信)等常见短语中出现较多。

food insecurefood insecurity的变形
insecure attachment不安全型依恋、不安全型依附{注:等同焦虑型依恋}
insecure communication[计] 不安全通信
insecure investment[财]不安全的投资
insecure network[计] 不安全网络
insecure relay[网络] 不安全转发
insecure work危险工作
insecure attachment style不安全依?类型、不安全依附类型


1. You were totally jealous, completely insecure, and always certain that I was cheating on you. (翻译:你喜欢猜忌 没有安全感, 一直很肯定我在欺骗你)

2. To my mind, marriage is no way of life for the weak the selfish or the insecure. (翻译:在我看来,弱者,婚姻是没办法生活的 ...自私者... 或不安全者)

3. Essentially, he used Derek to recruit... a slew of insecure,frustrated, and impressionable kids. (翻译:就利用他召集一群 没安全感、易受影响的孩子)

4. When they feel unwanted or insecure or unloved. (翻译:当感觉到自己不被需要 没有安全感或是得不到爱时 他们一定会变得不可理喻的)

5. You're jealous self-loathing, resentful, insecure and a premature ejaculator. (翻译:你太爱嫉妒了 又还自暴自弃,不能给人安全感,还早泄)

6. To do anything now would be very insecure. Very insecure. (翻译:现在做任何事都会非常不安全, 非常的不安全)

7. So if you feel insecure or need a little bit of an ego boost, (翻译:所以如果你觉得没有安全感, 或者需要自我提升一点点.)

8. - come on. She's devious. We know she's insecure. (翻译:想想吧 她不是好胚子 我们都清楚她缺乏安全感)

9. Writers are notoriously insecure. (翻译:作家们的缺乏安全感是出了名的 甚至可以说是性格软弱)

10. You are so insecure, it makes you feel big to order people around. (翻译:你太缺乏安全感 对人呼来喝去显得你高大是吧)

11. He was the same as his disciples, insecure, vain, superficial, blond, needy. (翻译:他和他的追随者们并无二样 没有安全感 洋洋自得 肤浅 金发 缺爱)

12. On the one hand, one in six Americans are food insecure, including 16 million children -- almost 20 percent -- are food insecure. (翻译:一方面, 六分之一的美国人的 食物没有保障, 包括一千六百万孩子,几乎占到20%, 食物没有保障。)

13. -That`s why you`re insecure? -Yes. (翻译:你因为自己是白人没有安全感 你就是坐在那里)

14. It's a good thing ours is bigger, because we're also really insecure. (翻译:我们有个大一些的大脑其实挺好的, 因为毕竟我们太缺乏安全感了。)

15. Of course I was insecure and of course we were drifting apart at the time and instead of trying to communicate (翻译:当然我有不安全感, 当然我们当时正渐行渐远,)

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