symbolizes是什么意思 symbolizes的中文翻译、读音、例句

symbolizes是什么意思 symbolizes的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性(Part of speech):Symbolizes是动词,表示“象征,代表”的意思。

2. 反义词(Antonyms):Symbolizes的反义词是literal,表示“字面的,确确实实的”意思,与符号或象征的含义相反。

3. 同义词(Synonyms):Symbolizes的同义词包括signifies、represents、stands for等,它们都表示某个事物或概念用符号来代表。

4. 用法(Usage):Symbolizes常用过去式和过去分词形式symbolized来表示过去的象征意义,也可以用现在式来表达现在的象征意义,多用于文学作品、文化传承等方面。


1. The cherry blossom symbolizes the beauty and fragility of life.(樱花象征着生命的美丽和脆弱。)

2. The white dove symbolizes peace and tranquility.(白鸽象征和平与宁静。)

3. The cross symbolizes the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.(十字架象征着耶稣基督的牺牲。)

4. The national flag symbolizes the sovereignty and dignity of a country.(国旗象征着一个国家的主权和尊严。)

5. The red color symbolizes passion and love.(红色象征着激情和爱情。)




1. The dove symbolizes peace.


2. In many cultures, the color red symbolizes good luck.


3. The broken chain symbolizes freedom.


4. The lotus flower symbolizes purity and enlightenment in Buddhism.


5. The oak tree symbolizes strength and endurance.





例句:And nothing symbolizes that effort more than this place, the Kabul Zoo. (那种努力的最佳代表莫过于此地 喀布尔动物园)


例句:Breaking a dagger when it's stabbed into the heart symbolizes a deep animosity for someone. (把匕首插进心脏并折断 说明对一个人的深仇大恨)


例句:symbolizes good luck. How much money is usually in a red envelope? (红包的颜色代表好运,红包平常包多少钱呢?)


1. symbolizes good luck. How much money is usually in a red envelope? (翻译:红包的颜色代表好运,红包平常包多少钱呢?)

2. KRYSTAL means crystal, which symbolizes perfect product quality and company's pursuit. (翻译:KRYSTAL中文意为水晶——象征着产品的完美品质和公司的追求。)

3. It symbolizes the bad guys kneeling on the nightside, good standing yang side, the bad guys in the dark, the good guys in the light of. (翻译:它象征着坏人跪在阴面,好人站在阳面,坏人在黑暗里,好人则在光明中。)

4. But with people such as Zander and yourself, Motorola symbolizes the worst of our country's corporate culture. (翻译:但是由于詹德和你的存在,摩托罗拉代表了美国最恶劣的企业文化。)

5. Behind me is a memorial that symbolizes the Ranger daggers that were thrust into the top of these cliffs. (翻译:我身后是一座纪念碑,象征着突击队员像尖刀一样猛刺向峭壁的顶端。)

6. Professor Roberto Reyna symbolizes man's love for knowledge. (翻译:罗伯托·莱纳教授代表着人类对知识的热爱。)

7. The focus of the mandala symbolizes the center of energy. (翻译:曼陀罗的中心点象征着能量的中心。)

8. Did you ever think it just symbolizes a lack of melanin or pigment in the cells? (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs15\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}你有没想过 它可能只意味着 {\fnMS Reference Sans Serif\fs12\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}Did you ever think it just symbolizes {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs15\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}细胞中缺乏色素的孔雀 {\fnMS Reference Sans Serif\fs12\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}a lack of melanin or pigment in the cells?)

9. The maple leaves symbolizes reminiscences, life of precipitation, emotional eternal and years of rebirth. (翻译:枫叶象征着对往事的回忆、人生的沉淀、情感的永恒及岁月的轮回。)

10. It's delicious, it's nutritious, and as I learned when I went to Kashgar, it symbolizes their taboo against food waste. (翻译:既美味又有营养, 还有我去喀什的时候学到, 它代表食物浪费的禁忌。)

11. That same source described the peculiar patterns of her robes as a traditional Ansata design that symbolizes knowledge and learning. (翻译:书里还把她长袍的特殊款式描写为传统的安萨塔设计,代表知识与学问。)

12. Actually, there's something in my suitcase that I plan to give her that I think, um, symbolizes... (Banging) (翻译:实际上行李中有样东西... 我打算送给她 我想...)

13. Problem solves must work out which number each fruit piece symbolizes in order to crack the brainteaser. (翻译:为了获得最终结果,解题者必须找出这三种水果各自代表的数字。)

14. Not only tolerant symbolizes maturely, tolerant is one kind of boundary. (翻译:宽容不仅象征成熟,宽容更是一种境界。)

15. It symbolizes the strength and harmony of the family... and we always celebrate on this high terrace. (翻译:以其宜于长久 当父母兄弟,扶老携幼 一同登高享宴)



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