scrub是什么意思 scrub的中文翻译、读音、例句

scrub是什么意思 scrub的中文翻译、读音、例句

词的意思:(1) 擦洗,洗涤,擦净;(2)草丛,灌木丛


常用场景:(1) 在家庭清洁、医疗、医学美容等领域中经常出现;(2) 在自然环境中描述草丛、灌木丛等自然生长的植被。

词组搭配:(1) scrub down:擦洗,洗净;(2) scrub up:洗手,洗澡;(3) scrubs:医用服装,医生和护士通常穿的绿、蓝色衣服。

相关短语:(1) body scrub:身体磨砂;(2) facial scrub:面部去角质;(3) scrub brush:刷子,用于清洗。


'scrub' 是英语词汇,可以翻译成“擦洗、刷洗、清洁”等。这个词语通常用于形容清洁或净化某物表面的过程,也可以用作形容词,表示没有价值或无用的。


1. I need to scrub the dishes before I put them in the dishwasher.(我需要在洗碗机之前擦洗餐具。)

2. Sarah had to scrub the bathroom floor to get rid of the stains.(莎拉必须刷洗浴室地板去除污渍。)

3. The doctor told me to scrub my hands before performing surgery.(医生告诉我要在做手术之前清洗手部。)

4. The football team had to scrub their game due to the bad weather.(由于天气不好,足球队不得不取消比赛。)

5. The building's exterior needed a good scrub to remove the grime.(建筑外表需要好好擦洗以去除污垢。)

6. The chef told the kitchen staff to scrub the pots and pans thoroughly.(厨师让厨房工作人员彻底刷洗锅碗。)

7. My mom always makes me scrub the bathtub before I can take a bath.(妈妈总是要我擦洗浴缸才能洗澡。)

8. The janitor had to scrub the hallway after a student spilled juice.(一个学生溅了果汁,清洁工人必须刷洗走廊。)

9. The athlete had to scrub the race due to an injury.(由于受伤,运动员必须退出比赛。)




1. I need to scrub the kitchen floor, it's covered in dirt.


2. The farmers were busy scrubbing the fields before planting.


3. The nurse scrubbed her hands thoroughly before entering the operating room.





例句:the laundry, all the dishes, mend the sheets, scrub the floors and set up breakfast for tomorrow. (洗衣服,刷碗,还要擦地板 然后还要准备明天的早餐)


例句:## I wash my face in boiling wax, scrub myself with a gunnysack ## (# I wash my face in boiling wax, scrub myself with a gunnysack #)


例句:The main staircase and parlour hall were unswept because of the absence of the regular scrub-woman. (因为常雇的扫地婆子走了,大楼梯和大客厅都还没有打扫。)


例句:For your type of skin, I would recommend our facial scrub. (翻译:你的皮肤类型,我会 建议我们的面部磨砂膏。)


scrub一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在scrub in([网络] 手术洗涤室;擦洗手和胳膊)、scrub it([网络] 洗白白)、to scrub([网络] 使净化;擦洗;擦洗者)等常见短语中出现较多。

scrub in[网络] 手术洗涤室;擦洗手和胳膊
scrub it[网络] 洗白白
to scrub[网络] 使净化;擦洗;擦洗者
facial scrub磨砂膏
heated scrub加热洗涤液
mallee scrub桉树灌丛, 桉树灌丛(澳洲的)
Mediterranean scrub【生态学】沙巴拉群落
mulga scrub洋槐灌丛(澳洲的)
scrub away擦洗
scrub beefwood[网络] 擦牛肉


1. The main staircase and parlour hall were unswept because of the absence of the regular scrub-woman. (翻译:因为常雇的扫地婆子走了,大楼梯和大客厅都还没有打扫。)

2. For your type of skin, I would recommend our facial scrub. (翻译:你的皮肤类型,我会 建议我们的面部磨砂膏。)

3. Put a big Spotless Scrub ad between a woman and her cashmere sweater, (翻译:在一个女人和她的羊毛衫 中间放一个大的无污擦)

4. June, can you bring me a scrub? (翻译:君君 帮我拿支磨砂膏来 行啦 你们接着聊)

5. Then I left it at the coat check for safe keeping while I met up with The Scrub Jay. (翻译:之后在我和灌丛鸦见面的这段时间里 Then I left it at the coat check for safe keeping 留给外套保管处的人保管 while I met up with The Scrub Jay.)

6. So give them a soak, a scrub, a bit of moisture, and a dash of color. (翻译:给它们一个浸泡,一些擦洗,一些水份,涂色。)

7. I'll scrub your back but the rest is up to you (翻译:以后我就不帮你洗了 你就要自己洗 知道吗)

8. I started to scrub off the dirt. (翻译:我开始擦除灰尘。)

9. Hey, Shaggy, grab a bucket and some Lysol. Scrub off my tyres. (翻译:小鬼,去拿个桶子和一瓶清洁剂 把我轮胎清干净)

10. You obviously look pregnant in your scrub suit. (翻译:挺着肚子比南山还高 却穿着手术服到处乱走 患者们看着能不感到不安吗)

11. The bird disappeared into the scrub. (翻译:鸟消失在矮树丛中。)

12. Within minutes of the scramble order, they'll raid your compound, scrub it clean. (翻译:命令下达后几分钟内 他们就会袭击你的组织 肃清一切)

13. An orphan girl that Larus found in the scrub. (翻译:An orphan girl that Larus found in the scrub. larus在一个破房子里找到的孤儿。)

14. Grey,avery,get ready to scrub in. We're gonna be a while. (翻译:Grey Avery 随时待命 还要点时间)

15. First of all, we can all do with a good scrub behind the ears, can't we? (翻译:首先 First of all, 我们可以好好刷洗耳朵背 we can all do with a good scrub behind the ears, 对吧?)



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