'jctc' 不是一个常见的英文单词或缩写,也无法推断其意思。请提供更多上下文信息以便更准确的解释。
1. The JCTC is a community college in Kentucky that offers a variety of programs.
2. As a student at JCTC, I have access to resources such as tutoring and career services.
例句:A.C. Cowlings worships O.J. So much, he bought the identical car. (A·C·考林斯非常崇拜O·J·辛普森 A. C. Cowlings worships O.)
例句:C-Note told me what's going on. (C -Note跟我说了 {\fs14\3cH000000\4cH000000}C)
例句:C-1 to 6 will clear the northern field. (C -1至C -6 去清理出北边空地 C)
例句:The-the geosynchronous satellite from Arthur C. Clarke. (翻译:地球同步人造卫星是借鉴了Arthur C. Arthur C. Clarke:)
jctc一般作为名词使用,如在JCTC(Japanese Cultural and Trade Center 日本文化与贸易中心)等常见短语中出现较多。
JCTC | Japanese Cultural and Trade Center 日本文化与贸易中心 |
1. C-1 to 6 will clear the northern field. (翻译:C -1至C -6 去清理出北边空地 C)
2. The-the geosynchronous satellite from Arthur C. Clarke. (翻译:地球同步人造卫星是借鉴了Arthur C. Arthur C. Clarke:)
3. It was Tony C and their guys. (翻译:Tony C和他手下 It was Tony C and their guys.)
4. Hey, this is A.C. I have O.J. in the car. (翻译:嗨 我是A·C O·J在我车里 Hey, this is A. C. I have O.)
5. For example c: \ WBE \ testactions. (翻译:例如c: \ WBE \ testactions。)
6. 9920 Millchurch Avenue, apartment C. (翻译:9920,Millchurch大道, 公寓C。)
7. All right, go to plan C-4. (翻译:好吧 实行C4计划 All right, go to plan C -4.)
8. Daddy, C will have your head. (翻译:C will have your head!)
9. A single C instead of a G. (翻译:把G错输成了C A single C instead of a G.)
10. I'm going to play it all the way through and you're going to follow. (翻译:我这就来把它从头到尾的演奏一遍。你会跟随这琴声,B, C, B, C, B, C, B-- )
11. Charlie-0-5-Sanders, are you there? (翻译:C05 Sanders 回答我! C05 Sanders!)
12. Get CTC on the line, please. (翻译:联系反恐委员会的人 Get C. T. C.)
13. Locking pin, prevents from accidental disconnection and can only be unlocked with a tool. 6 mechanically codings C1 - C6. (翻译:锁紧插针,为防止意外断开,只有用工具才能解锁。6个机械编码C1 - C6。标准编码为C1。)
14. Rick: I'm calling from JCT Electric Company. Ms. Allen, you haven't paid your electric bill for the last two months. (翻译:瑞克:我这里是JCT电力公司。艾伦小姐,你前两个月的电费都还没缴。)
15. That is a C96 mauser. Early prototype. (翻译:这是毛瑟C96型枪 That is a C96 Mauser.)