wordart是什么意思 wordart的中文翻译、读音、例句

wordart是什么意思 wordart的中文翻译、读音、例句

WordArt是一个英文词汇,是Microsoft Office软件中的一个功能,主要是提供了一系列文字艺术效果。该词汇的词性为名词。

词组搭配:WordArt gallery(WordArt图库)

短语:create WordArt(创建WordArt)

发音拼写:/'wərd ɑːt/


1. I used WordArt to create a heading for my document.(我使用WordArt为我的文档创建标题。)

2. The WordArt gallery has a variety of styles and designs to choose from.(WordArt图库中有多种样式和设计可供选择。)

3. She added a WordArt image to her presentation to make it more visually appealing.(她在演示文稿中添加了一个WordArt图像,使它更具视觉吸引力。)

4. The WordArt tool allows you to manipulate and customize text in a creative way.(WordArt工具允许您以创造性的方式操纵和自定义文本。)

5. The WordArt feature is often used to create logos and other graphic designs. (WordArt功能经常用于创建标志和其他图形设计。)

6. You can change the font, color, and shape of your WordArt to fit your personal style.(您可以更改WordArt的字体、颜色和形状,以适合您的个人风格。)

7. WordArt is a great tool for adding a unique touch to your documents, presentations, and other projects.(WordArt是在您的文档、演示文稿和其他项目中添加独特触感的绝佳工具。)



1. I used WordArt to create a fancy title for my presentation. (我使用WordArt为演示文稿创建了一个华丽的标题。)

2. The poster was enhanced with colorful WordArt graphics. (海报使用了丰富多彩的WordArt图形来增强效果。)

3. She used WordArt to create a distinctive logo for her business. (她使用WordArt为她的企业创建了一个独特的标志。)

4. The team used WordArt to add some flair to their project report. (团队使用WordArt为他们的项目报告添加了一些个性。)

5. The invitation was decorated with elegant WordArt designs. (邀请函使用了优雅的WordArt设计来装饰。)

6. The cover of the magazine featured a bold WordArt title. (杂志封面上的大胆WordArt标题很引人注目。)

7. He used WordArt to create a simple yet effective slideshow. (他使用WordArt创建了一个简单但有效的幻灯片。)

8. The brochure was made more interesting with the use of WordArt. (手册使用WordArt制作更有趣了。)

9. The report was given a professional touch with the use of WordArt graphics. (报告使用WordArt图形赋予了专业风格。)





1. I used wordart to create a fancy title for my presentation.


2. Wordart is a useful feature for creating visually appealing documents.





例句:The Format TAB also includes WordArt effects for text. If you want your chart title to glow or look chiselled, the WordArt effects enable it. (格式选项卡也包括文本艺术字,如果你想让图表标题发光或看上有凿痕,使用艺术字效果就行了。)


例句:To arrange a group with shapes, text boxes, or WordArt equally, under Drawing Tools, click the Format tab. (要均匀排列包含形状、文本框或艺术字的组,请在“绘图工具”下单击“格式”选项卡。)


例句:If your print publication includes a table, keep in mind that you can't wrap the text in tables around pictures or WordArt. (如果书面出版物包括表,请牢记不能使表中的文字环绕图片或艺术字。)





1. If your print publication includes a table, keep in mind that you can't wrap the text in tables around pictures or WordArt. (翻译:如果书面出版物包括表,请牢记不能使表中的文字环绕图片或艺术字。)

2. Enter text in the text box or WordArt that you want to appear in the watermark. (翻译:在文本框或艺术字中输入希望显示在水印中的文字。)

3. An outline is the exterior border around each character of your text or WordArt. (翻译:轮廓是文字或艺术字的每个字符周围的外部边框。)

4. If you do not see the WordArt Tools or Format tabs, make sure that you selected a WordArt. (翻译:如果您看不到“艺术字工具”或“格式”选项卡,请确保已选择某个艺术字。)

5. It is not possible to apply WordArt formatting directly to text in an Office Excel worksheet. (翻译:在OfficeExcel工作表中,无法直接向文本应用艺术字格式。)

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