1. 词性:roles是一个名词,表示一个人、团体或事物所扮演的角色或职责。
- The teacher's role is to educate and inspire the students.
- In the movie, Tom Hanks played the role of a father struggling to raise his son alone.
- The company is looking to fill the role of a marketing manager.
- The government has a role to play in ensuring public safety.
- As a mother, my role is to care for and nurture my children.
2. 缩写词:ROLES也可以是一个缩写词,表示责任、义务、权力、权责等。
- The ROLES and responsibilities of the project manager are clearly defined.
- The company's ROLES and goals are aligned to ensure success.
- The union and management have been negotiating the ROLES and benefits of the workers.
- The ROLES and authority of the board of directors are outlined in the company's bylaws.
- In a democratic society, citizens have certain rights and ROLES.
3. 社交角色:roles也可以指社交角色,表示在特定场合下人们所扮演的角色,例如父母、儿子、朋友、领导等。
- As the boss, you need to understand your role as a leader and mentor.
- Sally played the role of peacemaker among her friends during a heated argument.
- When I'm with my family, my role as a son takes precedence over my other responsibilities.
- As friends, we all have different roles to play - the funny one, the serious one, the shoulder to cry on, etc.
- In a romantic relationship, both partners need to understand their roles and responsibilities to maintain a healthy balance.
4. 剧本角色:roles也可以指剧本中角色,表示演员在剧中所扮演的角色。
- In the play, the lead actor's role was that of a tortured artist struggling with addiction.
- Kate Winslet won an Oscar for her role as Rose in Titanic.
- The director held auditions to find the perfect actor to play the role of the villain.
- The actors worked hard to immerse themselves in their respective roles for the production.
- When casting for a film or play, it's important to find actors who can embody the essence of their respective roles.
1. In the theater production, she played one of the lead roles.(在剧院制作中,她扮演了一个主角。)
2. As a teacher, one of my roles is to inspire and motivate my students.(作为一名教师,我的职责之一是激励和鼓励我的学生。)
3. The different organs in the body have different roles to play in maintaining overall health.(身体内的不同器官在维持整体健康方面扮演着不同的作用。)
例句:The Roles view itself can be docked in the bottom lefthand side of the editor. (Roles视图本身可以停靠在编辑器的左下角。)
例句:Grant dbcreator and sysadmin roles. (赋予dbcreator与sysadmin角色。)
例句:So our roles have changed a bit over the last couple years. (这几年 我们之间的角色确实发生了一些变化 So our roles have changed a bit over the last couple years.)
例句:We're actually told that women have two roles, but these two roles have a difficult time existing within the same woman. (翻译:我们被教导:女性有两种角色, 但在同一位女性身上难以共存。)
roles一般作为名词使用,如在established roles(un. 规定任务)、gender roles([网络] 性别角色;男女角色;性别的角色)、informational roles(信息方面的角色)等常见短语中出现较多。
established roles | un. 规定任务 |
gender roles | [网络] 性别角色;男女角色;性别的角色 |
informational roles | 信息方面的角色 |
instrumental roles | 工具型角色 |
interpersonal roles | 人际关系方面的角色 |
job roles | 工作角色(job role的复数) |
key roles | [网络] 关键角色;学科馆员主要职责 |
land roles | 获得角色,争得表演的角色 |
leading roles | [网络] 领导角色;主演 |
1. So our roles have changed a bit over the last couple years. (翻译:这几年 我们之间的角色确实发生了一些变化 So our roles have changed a bit over the last couple years.)
2. We're actually told that women have two roles, but these two roles have a difficult time existing within the same woman. (翻译:我们被教导:女性有两种角色, 但在同一位女性身上难以共存。)
3. Changing High Court: New Roles for Justices Kennedy, Breyer? (翻译:美国高院新动态:肯尼迪和布雷耶各自有了新角色? )
4. Gender roles are often conditioned by cultural factors. (翻译:文化因素常常对性别的角色有着重要的影响。)
5. There are two causes to lead to the failure of the technology innovation deciding, one is the absence of intellectual roles, the other is the unmatching of members and intellectual roles. (翻译:团队智力角色缺乏和团队成员与其扮演的智力角色不匹配是导致企业技术创新决策失败的重要原因。)
6. Yes, well, we all have our roles to play. (翻译:we all have our roles to play.)
7. This miracle was nothing more than theater with actors playing roles to falsely glorify their dead Nazarene. (翻译:this miracle 不过是一出戏院里 was nothing more than theater 演员们的把戏 with actors playing roles)
8. The civets play two roles. (翻译:麝香猫扮演两个角色。)
9. Only lead roles, since there are so few of us. (翻译:我演的都是大角色哦 因为我们班上的人数很少嘛)
10. The studio pushed nearly every one of them into musical roles. (翻译:The studio pushed nearly every one of them into musical roles. 公司迫使他们几乎每个人都出演歌舞片角色)
11. A Changing High Court: New Roles for Justices Kennedy, Breyer? (翻译:美国高院新动态:肯尼迪和布雷耶各自有了新角色? )
12. These women are very effective in their roles. (翻译:每个人都得做,最有效的方式 这个女人在她的角色中是很有效率的)
13. The true interest of your experiment is not simply swapping roles. (翻译:这个考验的真正目标和价值 不仅仅是角色互换...)
14. The four of you will be perfect forthe roles... (翻译:我是认真的 你们演Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad, Ashfaqulla Khan, Rajguru非常合适)
15. Click your application name and click User RunAs roles. (翻译:单击您的应用程序名,然后单击user RunAs roles。)