your highness是什么意思 your highness的中文翻译、读音、例句

your highness是什么意思 your highness的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 含义:'your highness'是指对于王室成员或者某些高级官员的尊称,也可以用于对于某人的敬称。缩写形式通常是"Y.H."。

2. 礼仪用法:'your highness'是一种非常正式、尊敬的称呼,通常只在正式场合或者特殊场合使用。在书信、照会、敬酒等场合,使用'your highness'可以表达对于对方的高度尊敬,也可以显示自己的礼貌和懂礼仪。

3. 用法注意事项:

a) 'your highness'是尊称,应该遵循使用场合和人物的身份。

b) 'your highness'通常只用于书面语言或者正式场合,不应该在日常生活中使用。

c) 'your highness'缩写形式是"Y.H.",请注意专业领域的区别。


1. Your Highness, we welcome you to our humble abode. (尊敬的陛下,欢迎您光临我们谦虚的住所。)

2. It is an honor to meet Your Highness. (见到陛下真是一个荣幸。)

3. I humbly request Your Highness's presence at the ball tomorrow evening. (我谨恳请陛下明晚出席舞会。)

4. May Your Highness's reign be long and prosperous. (愿陛下长期统治,国泰民安。)

5. Your Highness, the people of this land hold you in the highest regard. (陛下,这片土地上的人们对您怀有最高的敬意。)

your highness指的是对皇室成员或王室成员的尊称,通常用于称呼君主、王子、公主等高贵的人物。


读音:[jʊə haɪnɪs]


1. Your Highness, may I have the honor of presenting to you my proposal for the new city development plan?

殿下,我能否有幸向您呈交我对新城市发展计划的建议2. Your Highness, the people of our country are eagerly awaiting your arrival.


3. Your Highness, please allow me to express my deepest condolences for your recent loss.


your highness通常被翻译为"我的殿下、国王殿下"的意思,还有网络的意思,发音音标为[yourhighness],your highness来源于英语,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到63个与your highness相关的句子。

Your Highness的中文翻译


例句:Your Highness, go and get ready for your wedding! (对了,公主殿下 快点去准备迎接皇子殿下吧)


例句:Your Highness, please calm down, don't forget your own mission. (丽妃,冷静点 你不要忘了... 你这次来的使命)

例句:To me, such questions... are a piece of cake, Your Highness! (脑筋急转弯这种问题 难道难得住我吗 西宫娘娘?)


例句:Your highness attended to their sugared words And looked not on the poison of their hearts. (翻译:殿下你光听他们甜言蜜语 看不到他们心有多毒)


your highness一般作为名词使用,如在Your Highness(na. “His Highness”的变体\n[网络] 王子殿下;国王殿下;我的殿下)、highness(n. 高, 高尚, 殿下)、her highness(na. “His Highness”的变体\n[网络] 殿下)等常见短语中出现较多。

Your Highnessna. “His Highness”的变体\n[网络] 王子殿下;国王殿下;我的殿下
highnessn. 高, 高尚, 殿下
her highnessna. “His Highness”的变体\n[网络] 殿下
his highnessna. 殿下;“Your/His/Her Highness”的变体\n[网络] 千岁爷
Royal Highness英皇族亲属间的称呼
Her Royal Highness殿下
His Royal Highness殿下
for your advice[网络] 请提意见;请批示;请签署
for your approval[网络] 呈请上级核准所请


1. To me, such questions... are a piece of cake, Your Highness! (翻译:脑筋急转弯这种问题 难道难得住我吗 西宫娘娘?)

2. Your highness attended to their sugared words And looked not on the poison of their hearts. (翻译:殿下你光听他们甜言蜜语 看不到他们心有多毒)

3. But, your highness, there are so many of them, and they will not cooperate. (翻译:可是,陛下 他们人太多了 而且他们也不会合作的)

4. Your Highness, if you hand the crown piece over to us... (翻译:公主殿下,如果您把最后一片交给我们...)

5. Not direct knowledge, no, but the safety of Your Highness is our paramount concern. (翻译:并不明确知道 但殿下您的安全 是我们的首要考虑)

6. Well, Your Highness, is this Lord Buddha's stone bowl? (翻译:石作皇子殿下 这个就是传说中的佛之御石钵吗?)

7. You will go down in history as the greatest king, your highness! (翻译:您会成为后世代代相传的 圣君中的圣君啊 大君)

8. Which of the cities visited did Your Highness enjoy the most? (翻译:殿下最喜欢哪个城市 Which of the cities visited did Your Highness enjoy the most?)

9. Your Imperial Highness, Mr. Reginald Fleming Johnston. (翻译:亲爱的皇上 这是雷金纳德. 弗莱明. 强斯顿先生)

10. Your Highness, a strange woman came in and said that she wanted to hide in your closet. (翻译:殿下,有个怪女人跑来 她说要躲在你的衣橱里)

11. Your Royal Highness, the ladies and gentlemen of the press. (翻译:公主殿下 这是各界传媒人士 Your Royal Highness, the ladies and gentlemen of the press.)

12. His Royal Highness,the King of France (翻译:法国国王陛下觐见 His Royal Highness,the King of France)

13. Quite the adventure awaits, wouldn't you say, your highness? (翻译:谢谢你 菲利普 伟大历险在即 你说是不是 殿下?)

14. But Your Highness, Your Majesty... (翻译:MTV 已经举办如此的壮观的宴会 你来会让你的爱人形象受损!)

15. Your Highness, if you are reading this letter, that means you are alive. (翻译:邸下如果您读到了这封信 就证明您仍然活着)

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