go big or go home是什么意思 go big or go home的中文翻译、读音、例句

go big or go home是什么意思 go big or go home的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:Go Big or Go Home 是一个口语化的短语,意思是要么拼尽全力去做某事,要么不要去做,这是一个表示冒险精神和勇气的表达。



短语:Go Big or Go Home

发音拼写:ɡoʊ bɪɡ ɔr ɡoʊ hoʊm


1. 我们要么全力以赴,要么不做,因为我们承认那些不想出类拔萃的人无法生存:Go Big or Go Home.

We either go full out or don’t do it at all because we acknowledge that those who don’t wish to excel won’t survive: Go Big or Go Home.

2. 看看我们的选择。继续以小赢家的速度前进或是努力成为最好的,因为你知道,你要么大干一场,要么饭碗不保:Go Big or Go Home.

Look at our choices. Continue at the pace of mediocrity or strive to be the best because you know, you either go big or go home.

3. 在操作方面,我们的目标是一个,要么做大,要么不玩:Go Big or Go Home.

On the operational side of things, our goal is one, either go big or go home.

4. 你可以保持平庸或者让自己成为一个领袖,强者或者一个人需要尊重的人,但是请记住,要么做大,要么不做:Go Big or Go Home.

You can either stay mediocre or make yourself into a leader, a powerhouse, or someone to be respected, but remember, it’s either go big or go home.

5. 这是一个简化战略,避免了太多选项和决策,只有两种选择:要么做大,要么放弃:Go Big or Go Home.

It’s a simplification strategy that avoids too many options and decisions, with only two choices: go big or go home.

6. 现实世界并不一定是如此。但是,如果我们将更多的时间、精力和资源投入到解决某个问题上,那么“Go Big or Go Home”可能会成为一种可能性:Go Big or Go Home.

The real world isn’t always that way. But if we were to invest more time, energy, and resources into solving a problem, then “Go Big or Go Home” could become a possibility.

7. 如果你想真正成为一个成功的人,你必须拥有“Go Big or Go Home”的勇气和毅力:Go Big or Go Home.

If you want to truly become a successful person, you must have the courage and perseverance to “Go Big or Go Home”.


读音:ɡoʊ bɪɡ ɔr ɡoʊ hoʊm

例句:If you want to succeed, you have to go big or go home.(如果你想成功,就要大干一场,否则就回家吧。)

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