n是什么意思 n的中文翻译、读音、例句

n是什么意思 n的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 名词(Noun):N可以作为名词,表示字母表中的第14个字母。

- My favorite letter is N.

- The word 'neon' starts with N.

- The English alphabet has 26 letters, with N being the 14th letter.

2. 代词(Pronoun):N也可以作为代词,表示不确定或未知的人或物。

- I found an interesting book, but I don't know who it belongs to. Can you help me find the owner? Their name starts with N.

- Someone left their phone in the classroom. N forgot to take it with them.

- N needs to be more careful and keep track of their belongings.

3. 化学元素(Chemical element):N是氮元素的化学符号,是一种非金属元素,存在于自然界中的许多形式中,如空气中的气态分子、水中的物质等。

- The chemical symbol for nitrogen is N.

- Nitrogen is a vital element for plant growth and development.

- The Earth's atmosphere is made up of approximately 78% nitrogen.

4. 网络用语(Online abbreviation):N也常用于网络用语中,表示'没有'(none)或者'不'(not)。

- I can't make it to the party tonight

- NGL, I was really nervous about the presentation.

- I'm not a morning person at all. NFW am I waking up at 5am.

5. 缩写(Abbreviation):N也是许多词的缩写,包括但不限于以下几个:

- 1. North(北)

- 2. November(xx月)

- 3. Number(数字)

- 4. Nurse(护士)

- 5. National(国家的)

- I'm from the north of England.

- My birthday is in November.

- Can you please write down your phone number for me?

- She's a nurse at the hospital.

- The National Museum is closed on Mondays.




1. Ik heb 'n hond. (我有一只狗。)

2. Hij heeft 'n auto. (他有一辆车。)

3. Zij heeft 'n boek gelezen. (她读了一本书。)

4. Wij hebben 'n feestje. (我们开了一次小型派对。)

5. Ze heeft 'n cadeautje voor me gekocht. (她给我买了个礼物。)

6. Ik zoek 'n baan. (我正在找一份工作。)

7. Hij heeft 'n nieuwe baan gevonden. (他找到了一份新工作。)

8. Wij hebben 'n nieuwe televisie gekocht. (我们买了一台新电视。)

9. Zij heeft 'n afspraak met de dokter. (她和医生有个约会。)





1. Fish'n'chips is a popular dish in the UK.(炸鱼薯条是英国的一道流行菜品。)

2. Let's meet at the park at 10 a.m. 'n' we can have a picnic together.(我们10点在公园见面,一起野餐吧。)




例句:If the silicon bar is doped N, then the MOSFET is called an N-channel device. (如果掺硅栏N,则MOSFET被称为N沟道器件。)


例句:We're all brothers, Joaquin. (- 当然,我们都是兄弟, Joaquín)


例句:Prove that if n is not a square then it has an even number of divisors. (证明:若n不是完全平方数,则n有偶数个因数。)


例句:Nay, this life all rot n' luck n' no smiling' in some yarnin'. (翻译:不,这是个只有倒霉的厄运,而没有笑容的故事)


n一般作为名词使用,如在if'n([网络] 如果)、N([计] 负的, 数, 编号, 纳\n[医] 氮(7号元素), 当量的, 规度的(溶液))、n'(abbr. 北方(的);北部(的);牛(顿)(力的单位)\nn. 英语字母表的第 14 个字母;表示不定数;(化学元素)氮\n[网络] 日期戳和自动附加换行符)等常见短语中出现较多。

if'n[网络] 如果
N[计] 负的, 数, 编号, 纳\n[医] 氮(7号元素), 当量的, 规度的(溶液)
n'abbr. 北方(的);北部(的);牛(顿)(力的单位)\nn. 英语字母表的第 14 个字母;表示不定数;(化学元素)氮\n[网络] 日期戳和自动附加换行符
n'a[网络] 剩余值
n/a(用于回答表格问题)不相关, 不适用
that'n[网络] 那个
their'n[网络] 他们的
n n junctionn n型跃迁,n n 结
N star N型星
N.A.n.a.[网络] 数值孔径


1. Prove that if n is not a square then it has an even number of divisors. (翻译:证明:若n不是完全平方数,则n有偶数个因数。)

2. Nay, this life all rot n' luck n' no smiling' in some yarnin'. (翻译:不,这是个只有倒霉的厄运,而没有笑容的故事)

3. Out in that back room there is a n-n-nice little lady. (翻译:在这后面的房间... 有一位漂亮的小淑女。)

4. N, N-Dimethyl dodecyl amine was synthesized with dodecyl amine, formic acid and formaldehyde as raw material in this article. (翻译:以十二胺、甲酸和甲醛为原料,合成了N,N-二甲基十二烷基叔胺。)

5. Note: The actual bitn, the 512-bit n is not secure, it is recommended that companies with 1024-bitn, and the important occasion with a 2048-bitn. (翻译:注:实际应用中,512比特的n 已经不够安全,所以建议公司用1024比特的n,及其重要的场合用2048比特的 n。)

6. - Tambien nosotros lo necesitamos. (翻译:-Lo necesitamos, -También nosotros lo necesitamos,)

7. These have a flux output of n52, (翻译:这些的流明输出跟N52发动机一样 These have a flux output of N52,)

8. - # Hey, Big Easy, Huh, huh You gotta be from N-N-N-- # (翻译:- 哎,大易,呵呵 你得从N -N -N -)

9. Didn't get much sleep last night, old son, did you? (翻译:\ n你好。- 你睡得太多昨晚\ n啊,杰里?)

10. When the limit of n is infinity, n... sigma k is 1. (翻译:limit n为无穷大时 n 西格码 k是1)

11. We shall m-make n-n-note of that! (翻译:我们应该把... 把它记... 记...)

12. Only n-n-no punctures I told you about it. (翻译:我跟你说吧 就是些鸡... 鸡... 毛蒜皮的)

13. Research on the Synthesis and Properties of the Rare Earth N, N-Dibenzyl Dithiocarbamate (翻译:稀土配合物二硫代氨基甲酸盐类的合成及其性能研究)

14. Greater than Chichen Itza, greater than Yaxchilan. (翻译:greater than Yaxchilán.)

15. ¶Uh-oh,whatshallIdo Whatnow,n-n-now,now ,now ¶ (翻译:嗯哦我该怎么办 现在是怎样N -N -现在现在现在)

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