ntprobnp是什么意思 ntprobnp的中文翻译、读音、例句

ntprobnp是什么意思 ntprobnp的中文翻译、读音、例句


1.定义:'ntprobnp'是“N末端B型钠尿肽前体”(N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide)的缩写,是一种由心脏细胞释放的蛋白质前体,在发生心肌损伤或心力衰竭时会大量释放。





1. The ntprobnp level has also been used to predict outcomes in heart attack patients. (ntprobnp水平也被用于预测心肌梗死患者的预后)

2. The ntprobnp concentration was elevated in patients with acute decompensated heart failure. (急性失代偿性心衰患者的ntprobnp浓度升高)

3. The level of ntprobnp has been shown to decrease after appropriate treatment for heart failure. (ntprobnp水平已被证明在心力衰竭治疗后适当降低)

4. The clinical utility of plasma ntprobnp levels in chronic heart failure. (血浆ntprobnp水平在慢性心力衰竭中的临床应用)

5. Using ntprobnp measurements to guide heart failure management. (使用ntprobnp测量指导心力衰竭管理)





1. 高水平的ntprobnp是心衰的指标之一。

A high level of ntprobnp is one of the indicators of heart failure.

2. 医生建议测量ntprobnp以了解患者的心脏健康情况。

Doctors recommend measuring ntprobnp to understand a patient's heart health.




例句:He put Spector Pro on Alicia's laptop. (是因为他在Alicia的笔记本上 安装了Spector Pro)


例句:By default, nodes in Jackrabbit are set to nt: unstructured. (默认情况下,Jackrabbit的节点被设置为nt: unstructured。)


例句:The governments of Belgium and Luxemburg will in return take a minority stake in BNP Paribas. (相应的,比利时和卢森堡的政府会持有法国巴黎银行的一小部分股份。)


1. The governments of Belgium and Luxemburg will in return take a minority stake in BNP Paribas. (翻译:相应的,比利时和卢森堡的政府会持有法国巴黎银行的一小部分股份。)

2. 5-80-pro times four, got about a dozen more in the car. (翻译:5 -80 -PRO次4,得到了约 十几个在车上。)

3. The total sum this week is NT$75,547,750. (翻译:本期销售总金额达到... 七千五佰五十四万七千两百五十元整)

4. Remember when this was a quid pro quo? (翻译:Remember when this was a quid pro quo?)

5. NT: I needed no models, drawings or experiments. (翻译:特斯拉:“我不需要模型,不需要草图,不需要实验。” )

6. PRO occurs in the subject position of infinitive clauses. Therefore, whether there is finite and nonfinite distinction in Chinese is the key issue concerning the existence of PRO in Mandarin Chinese. (翻译:由于PRO出现在非限定句的主语位置,因此汉语中是否存在定式与不定式的区别,是判定汉语中有无PRO存在的关键。)

7. In doorstep debates many once-loyal Labour voters tell Mrs Hodge that this time they will vote BNP. (翻译:在初期辩论中,很多曾经支持工党的选民告诉霍奇女士说,这次他们会投票给BNP。)

8. Concentrations of N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) increase in patients with heart failure and other cardiovascular (CV) diseases and are strong prognostic markers. (翻译:在心脏病和其它心血管疾病病人脑钠肽前体N 末端的浓度是增加的,也是很好的预测指标。)

9. This program can only be run on an NT4 server. (翻译:该程序只能在NT 4服务器上运行。)

10. - That's called a montage - Montage - Girl, we want a montage (翻译:In anything,ifyou want to go From just a beginner to a pro)

11. - You gotta be a pro at that by now. (翻译:硂晾杠眎糒碞ㄓ摆 You gotta be a pro at that by now.)

12. NT. Bayview Church: Hong Kong Adventist College, 1111 Clear Water Bay Road, Sai Kung, NT. (翻译:海光教会:新界西贡清水湾道1111号,香港三育书院)

13. NT-MRSA has already been detected in Denmark, France and Singapore. (翻译:NT - MRSA已经在丹麦,法国和新加坡被发现。)

14. Yet the BNP needs Jamaat-e-Islami’s electoral support. (翻译:然而BNP还是需要Jamaat-e-Islami的选举支持。)

15. That we have to work with them ... if we want NT Land listed (翻译:又开出什么条件 陆国要上市我必须要跟他们合作)

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