adipose是什么意思 adipose的中文翻译、读音、例句

adipose是什么意思 adipose的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:adipose是一个形容词,意思是“脂肪的”。

2. 词性:adipose是一个形容词。

3. 常用场景:adipose通常用来描述与脂肪相关的事物。例如,在医学领域,adipose可以用来描述脂肪组织或脂肪细胞。在动物学领域,adipose可以用来描述动物体内的脂肪储存。

4. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有adipose tissue(脂肪组织)、adipose cell(脂肪细胞)、adipose fin(脂鳍)。

5. 相关短语:与adipose相关的短语包括adipose metabolism(脂肪代谢)、adipose deposition(脂肪沉积)、adipose accumulation(脂肪积累)等。

6. 发音拼写:adipose的发音为[ˈæd.ɪ.poʊs],重读在第一个音节。



1. Adipose tissue is the primary site of energy storage in the body. (脂肪组织是身体能量储存的主要场所。)

2. The adipose cells in the abdomen are particularly resistant to breaking down. (腹部的脂肪细胞特别难以分解。)

3. A diet high in adipose foods can lead to obesity and related health problems. (高脂肪饮食会导致肥胖和相关的健康问题。)

4. A healthy body has a balanced amount of adipose tissue. (健康的身体应该有平衡的脂肪组织。)

5. Adipose tissue provides insulation for the body. (脂肪组织为身体提供绝缘层。)

6. Obesity is characterized by an excess of adipose tissue. (肥胖的特点是过量的脂肪组织。)

7. Certain genetic factors can lead to an increased amount of adipose tissue. (某些基因因素会导致脂肪组织增加。)

8. The adipose tissue surrounding the heart can put strain on the organ. (包围心脏的脂肪组织可能会对器官造成压力。)

9. Adipose tissue plays a role in the production of hormones and other signaling molecules. (脂肪组织在激素和其他信号分子的产生中起着作用。)



1. Adipose tissue is a type of connective tissue that stores energy in the form of fat.


2. Obesity occurs when there is an excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in the body.


3. The adipose cells in our body play an important role in regulating metabolism.





例句:A mediastinal lipoma is an unusual, but benign tumor composed of a large amount of mature adipose tissue within the mediastinum. (纵膈腔脂肪瘤是在纵膈腔中由成熟脂肪组织构成的少见之良性肿瘤。)


例句:Adipose stem cells have been used in numerous centers for cosmetic and reconstructive applications in humans, March said. (脂肪干细胞已经在很多中心被用于人类美容和整形中。)


例句:Klauer said small animals and babies have brown adipose tissue, but as people get older, they tend to lose it. (克劳尔说幼小的动物和婴儿都有褐色脂肪组织,但是当人长大后,常常会失掉它。)


例句:Levels of toxaphene residues in blood and adipose tissue during the dosing period were measured by GC-ECD and ECNI GCMS. (翻译:水平的毒杀芬残留的血液和脂肪组织中的剂量测定期气相色谱和ECNI大气。)


adipose一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在hepatic adipose infiltration([医] 脂肪肝)、multilocular adipose cell(多泡脂肪细胞)、pararenal adipose body(肾旁脂体)等常见短语中出现较多。

hepatic adipose infiltration[医] 脂肪肝
multilocular adipose cell多泡脂肪细胞
pararenal adipose body肾旁脂体
preepiglottic adipose body会厌软骨前脂体
unilocular adipose cell单泡脂肪细胞
white adipose tissue白脂肪组织
yellow adipose tissue白脂肪组织,黄脂肪组织


1. Klauer said small animals and babies have brown adipose tissue, but as people get older, they tend to lose it. (翻译:克劳尔说幼小的动物和婴儿都有褐色脂肪组织,但是当人长大后,常常会失掉它。)

2. Levels of toxaphene residues in blood and adipose tissue during the dosing period were measured by GC-ECD and ECNI GCMS. (翻译:水平的毒杀芬残留的血液和脂肪组织中的剂量测定期气相色谱和ECNI大气。)

3. Adipose tissue, familiarly known as fat, is the organ specialized for that task. (翻译:俗称肥油的脂肪组织,就是专门来从事这项任务的。)

4. Objective To explore the relationship between epicardial adipose tissue and insulin resistance in overweight and obesity population. (翻译:目的研究超重和肥胖成人胰岛素敏感性、胰岛素抵抗及心外膜脂肪组织和胰岛素抵抗的关系。)

5. Adiponectin is an adipokine that is expressed specifically and abundantly in adipose tissue. (翻译:脂联素是一种特异的脂肪因子,主要由脂肪细胞分泌,在脂肪组织中大量表达。)

6. Synthesize adipose insulin alone only, in the late evening excretive is more. (翻译:唯独合成脂肪的胰岛素,在晚上分泌的较多。)

7. Because it turns out that adipose tissue -- fat -- is highly angiogenesis-dependent. (翻译:因为我们发现 脂肪组织,脂, 是很依赖血管增生的。)

8. The color of unilocular adipose tissue varies from white to dark yellow. (翻译:单房性脂肪组织的颜色从白色到暗黄色不等。)

9. White fat, or white adipose tissue, is the jiggly stuff that stores spare energy from food. By contrast, brown adipose tissue consumes energy to generate body heat. (翻译:白色脂肪组织用来贮存消化吸收而来的多余能量,而褐色脂肪组织则消耗能量来产生热量,它内部充满着大量的线粒体,因此看上去是褐色的。)

10. Klauer and Eckel cited a recent study done in Japan that exposed two groups of men to cold. One group had brown adipose tissue and the other didn't. (翻译:克劳尔和埃克尔援引了最近刚在日本完成的一个研究——将两组男子置于低温环境中,其中一组人有褐色脂肪组织,而另一组人没有。)

11. Chromic lack brings about candy and adipose metabolization obstacle, affect coronary heart disease secondhand. (翻译:铬的缺乏导致糖和脂肪代谢障碍,间接影响冠心病。)

12. Some papaya ferment are contained in papaya, can decompose protein, saccharide not only, more dissoluble adipose. (翻译:木瓜中含有的木瓜酵素,不仅可以分解蛋白质、糖类,更可分解脂肪。)

13. Seasonal changes in thermogenic properties of brown adipose tissue and liver in Mongolian gerbils Meriones unguiculatus (翻译:长爪沙鼠褐色脂肪组织和肝脏产热特征的季节性变化)

14. Objective To review research progress of adipose tissue derived stromal cells ( ADSCs ). (翻译:目的介绍近期国内外脂肪组织来源的基质细胞研究进展。)

15. The growth of adipose tissue includes an increase in adipocyte size and the formation of new adipocytes from precursor cells. (翻译:脂肪组织生长包括脂肪细胞大小的增加和由前体细胞分化的新脂肪细胞的形成。)

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