viewer是什么意思 viewer的中文翻译、读音、例句

viewer是什么意思 viewer的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 单词/缩写词的含义

- Viewer 指的是观众,指看电视、电影等娱乐节目的人们。

- Vwr 则是 Viewer 的缩写,常常用于社交媒体上。

2. 词性

- Viewer 是一个名词,常用作主语或宾语。

- Vwr 是一个缩写词,通常用于社交媒体的留言或评论中。

3. 用法

- Viewer 可以用于描述电视或电影的收视率,也可以指一些特定的观众群体。

- Vwr 则是用于社交媒体的简短留言或评论,通常用于表达赞同或评论内容。

4. 同义词

- Audience: 与 Viewer 同义,表示一群观众。

- Spectator: 与 Viewer 同义,通常用于体育比赛等活动中观众的描述。

5. 双语例句

- The TV program drew a large number of viewers. 这个电视节目吸引了大量的观众。

- The show's average viewership was around 3 million viewers. 这个节目平均观众数约为 300 万。

- The movie received mixed reviews from viewers. 这部电影的评价褒贬不一。

- I really enjoyed this show, but I'm not sure how other viewers feel about it. 我非常喜欢这个节目,不知道其他观众对它有何感受。

- Vwr 留言:Nice one! 这个好!

- Vwr 留言:I totally agree! 我完全同意!




1. As a viewer, I was impressed by the breathtaking scenery in the film. (作为一名观众,我对电影中令人惊叹的风景印象深刻。)

2. The TV show attracted millions of viewers from around the world. (这个电视节目吸引了来自世界各地的数百万观众。)

3. The gallery has many loyal viewers who attend every new exhibition. (这个画廊有很多忠实的观众,他们会参加每一次新的展览。)




例句:It piques the viewer's interest and makes them want to explore further. (它激起了观众的兴趣和使他们想进一步探讨。)


例句:A viewer sort of unsuspectingly walks into the room, and catches a glimpse of these panels in a messy composition on the wall. (一个观众懵懵懂懂地走进房间, 然后瞥见墙上的画板 胡乱的摆放着。)


例句:The suffering is not east to apperceive, but deep enough to make the sensitive viewer moved to tears. (这份苦难掩藏在不易觉察的背后,却足以让敏感的观者落泪动容。)


例句:My films try to describe a journey of discovery, both for myself and the viewer. (翻译:我的影片力图为我自己和观众描述一段自我发现的心路历程。)


viewer一般作为名词使用,如在difference viewer(差异检视器)、document viewer([网络] 文档查看器;文档浏览;文件阅读器)、envelope viewer(包线指示器,包络观察器)等常见短语中出现较多。

difference viewer差异检视器
document viewer[网络] 文档查看器;文档浏览;文件阅读器
envelope viewer包线指示器,包络观察器
Event Viewer事件阅览器
external viewer外部阅览器
file viewer文件浏览器; 文件查看器
film viewer[化] 胶片观察器; 看片器; 电影观众
filmcard viewer透明胶片阅读器;缩微胶[卡]片两用阅读器
filmstrip viewer幻灯卷片看片器


1. The suffering is not east to apperceive, but deep enough to make the sensitive viewer moved to tears. (翻译:这份苦难掩藏在不易觉察的背后,却足以让敏感的观者落泪动容。)

2. My films try to describe a journey of discovery, both for myself and the viewer. (翻译:我的影片力图为我自己和观众描述一段自我发现的心路历程。)

3. Ben creates a strong perspective for the viewer by expertly matching the lines of the background scenery. (翻译:他熟练地将风景背景的线条拼接在一起为观看者创造了强烈的视角。)

4. GEF provides two viewer types: graphical and tree-based. (翻译:GEF提供了两种查看器类型:图形的和基于树的。)

5. Viewer friends, this is that old yellowwood tree. (翻译:观众朋友们,这就是那棵古老的罗汉松。)

6. SSRS - why is report dropdown data in preview different from data in report viewer? (翻译:SSR标记-为什么报告下拉数据预览的报表查看器的数据? )

7. [This talk contains graphic images Viewer discretion is advised] I collect objects. (翻译:【此演讲含有可能会引起不适的图像】 我收集物品, )

8. Remember that your objective is to purvey the message to the viewer or reader with a minimum amount of noise. (翻译:记住,你的目标是来散布与噪音最低金额的信息,观众或读者。)

9. Download Tom Gilbert's image viewer, feh. (翻译:下载Tom Gilbert的图像浏览器feh。)

10. Or in some cases he could even abduct the viewer into the images themselves. (翻译:有时他甚至能将观看影像的人 引诱到影像里面去)

11. A good image viewer, such as feh, is also recommended. (翻译:同时也推荐使用良好的图像查看器,比如feh。)

12. And not only that, it can get to the viewer through not only the intellect, but through the heart. (翻译:不仅仅如此,漫画可以让观者感同身受, 不仅是在智力上,更是在心灵上的共鸣。)

13. Through this process the viewer "masks" and unmasks the face. (翻译:透过这个程序,观赏者便能“遮蔽”和“揭露”这张脸孔。)

14. Everything that happened on screen had to be very easily understood by a typical viewer. (翻译:镜头里的所有东西都必须 让一个普通观众很轻易就能看懂。)

15. It's this importance of stepping from being just a viewer into experimenter. (翻译:这一步很重要, 表示你从观众变成了实验者。)



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