mera是什么意思 mera的中文翻译、读音、例句

mera是什么意思 mera的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 发音:'mera'的发音是/mɛrə/,包含两个音节,第一个音节为短元音音标/e/,第二个音节为弱读音标/ə/,发音时要注意两个音节的分别发音。


- 'Mera' sounds like 'mirror', but with a different vowel sound.

- I'm not sure how to pronounce 'mera', can you say it again for me?

- In some dialects, 'mera' might be pronounced with a slightly different accent.

2. 意义:'mera'并没有一个确定的意义,表示不同的意思,如:

- Marine Emergency Response Apparatus (海洋应急响应设备)

- Medical Education and Research Association (医学教育和研究协会)

- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒)


- The 'mera' is an important tool for responding to emergency situations at sea.

- The 'mera' is hosting a conference next month on the latest medical research.

- The 'mera' virus caused a global health crisis in 2012.

3. 用法:'mera'在英语中并没有固定的用法,但它可以用作名词、动词或形容词,具体使用视情况而定。


- She wore a beautiful mera dress to the party.

- Can you mera this sentence to make it sound more natural?

- His mera attitude made it difficult to approach him.




1. Mera ghar bahut sundar hai. 我的房子非常漂亮。

2. Mera naam Rohan hai. 我的名字是罗汉。

3. Mera dost kitne acche hai! 我的朋友多好啊!

4. Mera phone gir gaya hai. 我的手机掉了。

5. Mera pasandida rang neela hai. 我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。


1. My house is very beautiful.

2. My name is Rohan.

3. My friend is so good!

4. My phone fell down.

5. My favorite color is blue.




例句:Someday, Mera, I will be on the throne and you will guard my body. (梅拉,有一天我会坐上宝座 而你会成为我的护卫)


例句:Whatever you're doing, mujhe accha hi lagta hai, aur accha nahi bhi lagta hai Toh mera kya, tum wohi karo jo tumhare ko lagta hai, right? (”无论你做什么, 都不是为了让我开心, 只要你觉得自己开心就好,对吗?” )


例句:The Neya, Unzha, Poksha, Vokhtoma, the Viga, Mera, Vaya, Sogozha... (涅亚河,温扎河,波克沙河,瓦哈托马河, 维卡河,梅拉河,瓦雅河,索戈扎河...)


例句:The following article is a review for the progress on the antiseptic resistance gene such as qac and merA. (翻译:本文对季胺类和重金属等消毒防腐剂耐药基因作一综述。)


mera一般作为名词使用,如在mactra mera(平蛤蜊)、Mera La([地名] 梅拉拉山口 ( 尼 ))、pontocythere mera(纯粹海花介)等常见短语中出现较多。

mactra mera平蛤蜊
Mera La[地名] 梅拉拉山口 ( 尼 )
pontocythere mera纯粹海花介


1. The Neya, Unzha, Poksha, Vokhtoma, the Viga, Mera, Vaya, Sogozha... (翻译:涅亚河,温扎河,波克沙河,瓦哈托马河, 维卡河,梅拉河,瓦雅河,索戈扎河...)

2. The following article is a review for the progress on the antiseptic resistance gene such as qac and merA. (翻译:本文对季胺类和重金属等消毒防腐剂耐药基因作一综述。)

3. ♪ Mera Joota hai Japani Yeh Patloon Inglistani ♪ (翻译:♪ Mera Joota hai Japani Yeh Patloon Inglistani ♪ 我穿的鞋子是日货 我穿的裤子是英货)

4. The following article is a review for the progress on the antiseptic resistance gene such as qac and merA. (翻译:文章对季胺类和重金属等消毒防腐剂耐药基因作一综述。)

5. He will learn at my side, Mera. Bring him to me at once. (翻译:他可以在我身边学习,梅拉 立刻把他带过来)

6. I'm Mera, sent by your mother, Queen Atlanna, to bring you back to Atlantis. (翻译:我是梅拉,是你母亲亚特拉娜皇后 派来的,要带你回亚特兰提斯)



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