aux in是什么意思 aux in的中文翻译、读音、例句

aux in是什么意思 aux in的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:aux in 是一个缩写,全称为 Auxiliary Input,表示音频设备上的一个输入选项,用于连接其他音频设备,如手机、MP3、电脑等。


词组搭配:aux in jack(音频设备上的输入插孔)


发音拼写:/ˈɔːks ɪn/


1. I connect my phone to the aux in jack of my car stereo to play my favorite songs while driving.(我把手机连接到汽车音响的 aux in 插孔上,在开车的时候播放我最喜欢的歌曲。)

2. The aux in option allows you to play music from your laptop through the speakers of your home theater system.(Aux in 选项可以让你通过家庭影院系统的扬声器播放你笔记本电脑里的音乐。)

3. You can also use the aux in jack on your TV to connect external speakers for better sound quality.(你还可以使用电视的 aux in 插孔连接外部扬声器,以获得更好的音质。)

4. The DJ plugged his mixer into the aux in port of the sound system to create a seamless transition between songs.(DJ 把混音器插入音响系统的 aux in 端口,以创建歌曲之间无缝的过渡。)

5. My old stereo only has a CD player and a radio tuner, but my new one has Bluetooth, USB, and aux in options.(我的旧音响只有 CD 播放器和收音机调谐器,的新音响有蓝牙、USB 和 aux in 选项。)


读音:ɔːks ɪn


1. This speaker has an aux in jack that allows you to connect an external device.


2. The car stereo has an aux in port for connecting your phone or music player.


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