permafrost是什么意思 permafrost的中文翻译、读音、例句

permafrost是什么意思 permafrost的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The permafrost in this region is melting due to global warming. (这个地区的永久冻土因为全球变暖而融化。)

2. The construction of buildings on permafrost requires special technology. (在永久冻土上建设建筑需要特殊技术。)

3. Many plants in the Arctic region have adapted to grow on permafrost. (北极地区的许多植物适应在永久冻土上生长。)

4. The drilling operation was complicated by the presence of permafrost. (永久冻土的存在使得钻井操作变得复杂。)

5. Permafrost acts as a natural barrier against percolation of water. (永久冻土起到了天然的阻挡水渗透的障碍作用。)

6. The study of permafrost is important for understanding climate change. (研究永久冻土对于了解气候变化非常重要。)

7. The houses in this region were built with raised foundations to prevent them from sinking in the permafrost. (这个地区的房屋建有抬高的基础,以防止它们在永久冻土中下陷。)

8. Permafrost is found in many parts of Canada. (加拿大许多地方都有永久冻土。)

9. The melting of permafrost releases large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. (永久冻土的融化释放大量温室气体到大气中。)



1. The permafrost is thawing due to climate change, which could have serious consequences for infrastructure and ecosystems in the Arctic.


2. Scientists have found ancient fossils and preserved plants in permafrost, which could provide valuable insights into the history of the Earth's climate.





例句:Your research team has found a prehistoric virus preserved in the permafrost and isolated it for study. (你的研究团队发现了一种 被保存在永冻土层的史前病毒, 你们将它分离出来用作研究。)


例句:That leaves less than 1% available for sustaining all life on Earth, spread across our planet in rivers, lakes, underground aquifers, ground ice and permafrost. (只有不到1%的水可以 维持地球上所有生命, 而这些净水遍布于江河、湖泊、 地下蓄水层、地下冰和永冻层。)


例句:Vegetation coverage directly involved in and influences the active layer of permafrost alpine hydrological cycle and its evolution trend. (地表植被覆盖直接参与和影响着高寒草甸冻土活动层的水文循环过程及其演变趋势。)


例句:It's also probably one the most vulnerable of the oldest living things, because if the permafrost melts, it won't survive. (翻译:它可能也是最脆弱的生物 是所有这些最古老的存活生物中最脆弱的, 因为如果永久冻土层融化, 它将不能存活。)


permafrost一般作为名词使用,如在dry permafrost(干永冻层)、discontinuous permafrost(不连续多年冻土层)、epigenetic permafrost(后成永冻土)等常见短语中出现较多。

dry permafrost干永冻层
discontinuous permafrost不连续多年冻土层
epigenetic permafrost后成永冻土
fossil permafrost死永冻土
passive permafrost死永冻土
permafrost aggradation冻土进化
permafrost base永冻土下限
permafrost degradation冻土退化
permafrost drilling永冻土钻孔


1. Vegetation coverage directly involved in and influences the active layer of permafrost alpine hydrological cycle and its evolution trend. (翻译:地表植被覆盖直接参与和影响着高寒草甸冻土活动层的水文循环过程及其演变趋势。)

2. It's also probably one the most vulnerable of the oldest living things, because if the permafrost melts, it won't survive. (翻译:它可能也是最脆弱的生物 是所有这些最古老的存活生物中最脆弱的, 因为如果永久冻土层融化, 它将不能存活。)

3. "These permafrost deposits are now melting and releasing their methane, " said Maslin. (翻译:“这些永久冻土中的沉积物开始融化,并释放出甲烷,”麦斯林说。)

4. If just three percent of the carbon locked up in the arctic permafrost is released as the world warms, it would offset all the savings that we need to make, in carbon, over the next 40 years to avoid runaway climate change. (翻译:如果北极永冻土中包含二氧化碳的3%, 在全球变暖中释放, 它将抵消我们所有为减少二氧化碳所做的努力, 在未来的xx年间防范难以捉摸的气候变化。)

5. As Earth warms, now because of extra CO2 we put in the atmosphere, ice will melt, and CO2 and methane will be released by warming ocean and melting permafrost. (翻译:随着地球变暖, 现在是因为我们排入大气层的多余的二氧化碳, 冰层将会融化, 升温的海洋和融化的冻土 会释放出二氧化碳和甲烷。)

6. The most permafrost from Shiquan river to Ritu is seasonal frozen soil. It is easy threatened by permafrost such as frost swelling, salivary ices, thaw settlement. (翻译:在狮泉河至日土段沿线冻土主要是季节性冻土,容易发生路面翻浆、涎流冰、路基融沉等冻土病害。)

7. How much methane and carbon dioxide might be released from the rotting permafrost? (翻译:一个腐烂的永久冻土层将释放出多少甲烷和二氧化碳?)

8. Their roots don't grow very deep, so the permafrost doesn't interfere with their growth. (翻译:它们的根长得不深,所以永久冻土不会影响它们的生长。)

9. "The permafrost, the constantly frozen layer of earth that protected them up until now, is melting, " he said. (翻译:“陈年冻土,这个一直保护遗迹至今的冰冻的土地表层正在融化”他说。)

10. Yakutia is a region in the north-eastern corner of Siberia, where a belt of permafrost contains the mammoth-era soil. (翻译:雅库特位于西伯利亚的东北角,那里冻土层覆盖着猛犸时期的土壤。)

11. Theoretical Grain Size Distribution of Permafrost Soils as a Generalized Consequence of Hypergene Processes (翻译:表生风化作用下多年冻土土壤的理论粒径分布)

12. Beneath this active layer is a second layer called "permafrost", which is frozen all year around, and is impermeable to water. (翻译:在这一活跃层下面,是被称为“多年冻土”的第二层,终年冻结,不透水。)

13. As mentioned above, there is no reliable technology for the field observation of the unfrozen water in permafrost. (翻译:如前所述,冻土中未冻水的野外观测还没有可靠的技术。)

14. The construction techniques for culverts in plateau permafrost regions are introduced. (翻译:阐述了高原多年冻土区各类涵洞施工工艺。)

15. They've survived for millennia in desert, in the permafrost, at the tops of mountains and at the bottom of the ocean. (翻译:它们存活了上千年 在沙漠中,永久冻土层中, 在群山之巅或是之底。)



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