nonprofit是什么意思 nonprofit的中文翻译、读音、例句

nonprofit是什么意思 nonprofit的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义与解释


2. 特点


- 主要目的不是赚取利润,而是为社区或社会提供某种服务;

- 没有股东或投资者,资金主要来源于捐赠者、政府拨款、基金会等;

- 经营决策不是以盈利为核心,而是基于实现其宗旨的目标;

- 通常以志愿者为主体,工资待遇不高,但工作内容有意义;

- 拥有税收优惠等政策,受到政府资助或对外开放的机会较多。

3. 应用


- 慈善机构如红十字会和世界自然基金会等;

- 文化机构如博物馆和艺术中心等;

- 教育机构如公立学校和教育基金会等;

- 宗教机构如教会和清真寺等。


1. Many people choose to donate to nonprofit organizations in order to support causes they believe in. (很多人选择向非营利组织捐款以支持他们所信仰的事业。)

2. The nonprofit sector plays an important role in society by providing a range of services that benefit the public. (非营利组织在社会上扮演着重要的角色,通过提供一系列为公众利益的服务。)

3. Nonprofit organizations are often run by volunteers who are passionate about the organization's mission. (非营利组织通常由热情投入的志愿者运营,他们对组织的使命充满热情。)

4. Many universities have nonprofit foundations that raise money to support scholarships and other academic programs. (许多大学都有非营利基金会,筹集资金来支持奖学金和其他学术项目。)

5. Nonprofit organizations are tax-exempt and receive special treatment from the government in recognition of the public good they provide. (非营利组织享有免税待遇,并因为他们所提供的公共利益而获得政府的特别优待。)


英 [ˌnɒnˈprɒfɪt] 美 [ˌnɑnˈprɑfɪt]



1. The organization operates as a nonprofit.


2. The company's nonprofit arm focuses on aiding charitable organizations.





例句:We have one for the nonprofit sector and one for the rest of the economic world. (一套是限定非营利组织的, 另一套是限定营利性组织的。)


例句:This is of course also on the $4. 10 CD twinset the Troubled Times nonprofit offers. (当然,这是价值4.10美元的cd两件套,由非赢利性组织“艰难时刻”提供。)


例句:And so think of it as the governance reform, that is, the nonprofit, to allow the educational changes. (所以把它看作是治理改革, 就是,非盈利组织治理, 让教育行业发生改革。)

4.非赢利的 、非赢利的

例句:That land is currently owned by a nonprofit corporation called the Wildwood Conservancy. Oh, yes, yes. (翻译:如今这地归一个非盈利机构 天然树林保护局所有)


nonprofit一般作为形容词使用,如在nonprofit accounting([网络] 非营利会计;非营利企业会计)、nonprofit association(非营利机构)、nonprofit business(un. 非盈利事业\n[网络] 非营利企业)等常见短语中出现较多。

nonprofit accounting[网络] 非营利会计;非营利企业会计
nonprofit association非营利机构
nonprofit businessun. 非盈利事业\n[网络] 非营利企业
nonprofit corporation非营利法人;非营利性公司
nonprofit institutions非营利机构
nonprofit organization非营利机构,非营利组织
nonprofit organizations非营利性机构
nonprofit accounting equation以不计营利为基础的核算方程序
nonprofit private school非营利私校


1. And so think of it as the governance reform, that is, the nonprofit, to allow the educational changes. (翻译:所以把它看作是治理改革, 就是,非盈利组织治理, 让教育行业发生改革。)

2. That land is currently owned by a nonprofit corporation called the Wildwood Conservancy. Oh, yes, yes. (翻译:如今这地归一个非盈利机构 天然树林保护局所有)

3. So my daddy works for a nonprofit organization... dedicated to help wild mustangs. (翻译:所以,我的爸爸在一家 非营利组织... 致力于帮助野马。)

4. Everybody advised me not to be a nonprofit, but they were all wrong. (翻译:每个人都劝我不要成立一个非营利的组织,但他们都错了。)

5. It would be based on a nonprofit model that would be based on a sustainable endowment. (翻译:INCRA 基于非盈利性模式 会有持续不断的款项为其奠定基础 )

6. Kenai officials set up a nonprofit organization to collect donations from residents. (翻译:基奈的官员设立了一个非营利组织接受居民的捐款。)

7. Katrina: How much does it cost for a nonprofit to use this platform? (翻译:卡特里娜:一个非营利组织要想用这个平台需要花多少钱?)

8. This is why, when I was 22, I founded the nonprofit RETI. (翻译:这就是为什么我在xx岁的时候 创立了非营利组织RETI。)

9. And the reason being a nonprofit is important is actually twofold. (翻译:作为非营利组织,它的重要性是有两个原因。)

10. And that's where the nonprofit sector and philanthropy come in. (翻译:这就是非营利组织和慈善机构的 作用所在。)

11. And the reason being a nonprofit is important is actually twofold. (翻译:作为非营利组织,它的重要性是有两个原因。)

12. So in 1986, I started MAPS as a nonprofit psychedelic pharmaceutical company. (翻译:所以在xx年,我成立了MAPS 这家非盈利的迷幻药制药公司。)

13. They need jobs in the public health sector or in nonprofit health centers to put their training and commitment to work. (翻译:通过所在国家的执业考试, 他们需要有公共医疗机构 或非营利医疗机构的工作, 来把他们所学和使命付诸实践。)

14. Again, when you're a nonprofit, you look at children as a mission, not as a market. (翻译:再一次地,当你是非盈利组织时,你把孩子们看成是一个使命,而不是一个市场。)

15. MPAA is a nonprofit organization formed by six large studios to work on behalf of the film industry. (翻译:美国电影协会是由六大电影制片厂所组成的非营利组织,专事代表电影行业。)



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