larger than life是什么意思 larger than life的中文翻译、读音、例句

larger than life是什么意思 larger than life的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义及词源:'larger than life'的意思是超凡脱俗、不同寻常、出类拔萃的,源自于指描述人物时对其进行夸张和传奇化的一种修辞手法。

2. 用法及语境:'larger than life'一般用来描述那些令人难以置信的人物、事件或事物。常常用于文学、电影、音乐等艺术作品中,可以形容文化偶像、影视明星、伟大的领袖、传奇的英雄等等。

3. 同义词及反义词:与'larger than life'相近的表达包括:extraordinary、bigger than life、legendary、mythical、unique等等。反义词则可以是ordinary、common、mundane等。

4. 注意事项:使用'larger than life'应注意其语境和情境,避免过度夸张和超出实际情况,使其成为真正有力的修辞手法而不失真实性和可信度。


1. The rock star's stage performances were larger than life, with pyrotechnics and wild costumes that thrilled audiences.


2. The writer's larger-than-life descriptions of the city made me want to visit it in person.


3. The businessman's success story was larger than life, with millions of dollars earned and a humble start from nothing.


4. The superhero's powers were larger than life, with the ability to fly, shoot lasers from his eyes and lift buildings with ease.


5. The historical figure's larger-than-life reputation continues to fascinate people centuries later.



读音:[ˈlɑːrdʒər ðən laɪf]

例句:He was a larger-than-life character, a real force to be reckoned with.(他是一个与众不同的人物,真正令人敬畏的力量。)

larger than life通常被翻译为"传奇的、人物"的意思,其次还有"当形容一个人的时候"的意思,发音是[largerthanlife],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到15个与larger than life相关的句子。

Larger than life的释义


例句:Harmony is the suggestion of a thing that is much larger than resolution. (和谐是一件 远比解决矛盾更大的多的事。)


例句:What could be more intimate than... ..squeezing the life from another human being? (还有什么 What could be more intimate than... 比夺去别人的性命跟亲近了 ..squeezing the life from another human being?)


例句:[ Valentine ] Atari had one of Silicon Valley's... absolutely larger-than-life personalities leading it, (雅达利公司拥有硅谷 传奇式的领军人物之一)


例句:Monthly remittances, on average, to Somalia is larger than that amount. (翻译:按月寄往索马里的移民汇款 平均都大于这个数。)


larger than life一般作为名词使用,如在larger than(大于)、larger(a. 大的;多量的)、large than life([网络] 特别贴片类;比生命更伟大;大于生命)等常见短语中出现较多。

larger than大于
largera. 大的;多量的
large than life[网络] 特别贴片类;比生命更伟大;大于生命
larger foraminifera大型有孔虫
larger topology[计]较大拓扑
larger truth(与个别现象相对的)整体现象;(新闻报道的)整体内容;综合消息
too larger太大\n(too large 的比较级)
writ largerwrit large\n用放大(或鲜明)的字体写出的\n容易识别的,显而易见的\n扩大的,更大程度(或规模)的\n用放大(或鲜明)的字体写出的\n容易识别的,显而易见的\n扩大的,更大程度(或规模)的


1. [ Valentine ] Atari had one of Silicon Valley's... absolutely larger-than-life personalities leading it, (翻译:雅达利公司拥有硅谷 传奇式的领军人物之一)

2. Monthly remittances, on average, to Somalia is larger than that amount. (翻译:按月寄往索马里的移民汇款 平均都大于这个数。)

3. You are larger than life, man. (翻译:你是高于生命的 朋友 You are larger than life, man.)

4. A larger dose will help you with anxiety. (翻译:服食大量可抗焦虑 A larger dose will help you with anxiety.)

5. Because planets are larger than moons, their gravity is stronger (翻译:事实上 由于行星大于卫星 它们具有更大的引力 产生更强的潮汐效应)

6. I was just gonna ask if it was good, 'cause I don't remember it. (翻译:and larger items in the overhead bins above your row. 2010.)

7. My sis margo gave more To my life than she ever received. " (翻译:远胜过她自己的所获 {\3cH202020}to my life than she ever received.)

8. Vertebrates appeared on land, feeding on both plants and animals and gave rise to larger and larger life forms. (翻译:脊椎动物出现在陆地上,以植物和动物为食 进化出越来越大的生命形态)

9. The signs are converging on a larger threat than their neighbors. (翻译:这些迹象标明, 这次的威胁比邻国要大很多。)

10. Larger-than-life personalities plighting their troth and looking towards a bright tomorrow rarely feature. It's not very romantic. (翻译:人们很少见到这些企业个性鲜明地起誓,畅想光明的未来。这听起来不太浪漫。)

11. Something larger than themselves and they're not ready, are they to hear it? (翻译:有东西比他们更为强大,而他们还没有准备好... ...他们会察觉到么?)

12. And, usually, life takes more than it gives. (翻译:通常来说 生活拿走的远比它给予的多 但是今天不同 And, usually, life takes more than it gives.)

13. And because she had a larger-than-life personality, you didn't look for the subtleties, because there was the razzle dazzle in front you. (翻译:因为她的人格魅力十分巨大 And because she had a larger -than -life personality,)

14. he had a larger-than-life view of the crazed thing's snapping mouth and false gullet. (翻译:他看到了一幅难得一见的景象,这个疯狂之物那正在撕咬的嘴巴和人工的咽喉。)

15. There were larger issues at... (翻译:还有更大的问题... There were larger issues at...)

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